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Created June 1, 2023 00:00
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Ball-Chasing PID Controller Demo
import tkinter as tk
import random
class Application(tk.Frame):
kp = 0.01
ki = 0.0
kd = 0.0
prev_error_x = 0.0
prev_error_y = 0.0
sum_error_x = 0.0
sum_error_y = 0.0
timestep = 20
vector_lines = []
def __init__(self, master=None):
self.master = master
def create_widgets(self):
# Create the canvas
self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self.master, width=400, height=400)
# Create the ball
self.ball = Ball(self.canvas, 200, 200, 10)
# Create the triangle
self.triangle = Triangle(self.canvas, random.randint(50, 350), random.randint(50, 350), 10)
# Create the box = Box(self.canvas, 10, 10, 390, 390)
# Create the speed slider
self.speed_slider = tk.Scale(self.master, from_=0, to=10, length=600, resolution=0.1,
orient='horizontal', command=self.update_speed, label="Ball Speed")
# Create the ball direction slider
self.dir_slider = tk.Scale(self.master, from_=-5, to=5, length=600,
orient='horizontal', command=self.update_direction, label="Ball Direction")
# Create PID controller sliders for the triangle
self.kp_slider = tk.Scale(self.master, from_=0, to=1, resolution=0.01, length=600,
orient='horizontal', label='kp', command=self.update_pid)
self.ki_slider = tk.Scale(self.master, from_=0, to=0.1, resolution=0.0001, length=600,
orient='horizontal', label='ki', command=self.update_pid)
self.kd_slider = tk.Scale(self.master, from_=0, to=.02, resolution=0.0001, length=600,
orient='horizontal', label='kd', command=self.update_pid)
# Create the reset buttons
self.reset_button = tk.Button(self.master, text="Reset All", command=self.reset_all)
# Start the simulation
def animate(self):
# Animate the ball
# Bounce off walls
x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.canvas.coords(
if x1 <= 10 or x2 >= 390:
self.ball.dx *= -1
if y1 <= 10 or y2 >= 390:
self.ball.dy *= -1
# Move the triangle towards the ball using PID controller
x_ball, y_ball = self.ball.get_center()
x_triangle, y_triangle = self.triangle.get_center()
error_x = x_ball - x_triangle
error_y = y_ball - y_triangle
# Calculate P, I, D terms
p_term_x = * error_x
i_term_x = * self.sum_error_x
d_term_x = self.kd * (error_x - self.prev_error_x) / (self.timestep / 1000)
p_term_y = * error_y
i_term_y = * self.sum_error_y
d_term_y = self.kd * (error_y - self.prev_error_y) / (self.timestep / 1000)
control_x = p_term_x + i_term_x + d_term_x
control_y = p_term_y + i_term_y + d_term_y
# Draw P, I, D term vectors
# first clear previous vector lines
for line in self.vector_lines:
self.vector_lines = []
self.vector_lines.append(self.draw_vector(x_triangle, y_triangle, p_term_x, p_term_y, 'red'))
self.vector_lines.append(self.draw_vector(x_triangle, y_triangle, i_term_x, i_term_y, 'green'))
self.vector_lines.append(self.draw_vector(x_triangle, y_triangle, d_term_x, d_term_y, 'blue'))
self.triangle.move(control_x, control_y)
self.prev_error_x = error_x
self.prev_error_y = error_y
self.sum_error_x += error_x * self.timestep / 1000
self.sum_error_y += error_y * self.timestep / 1000
self.after(self.timestep, self.animate)
def update_plot(self, plot, canvas, value):
# Add new value to the plot
plot.plot([value], [0], marker='o', markersize=3, color='b')
def reset_all(self):
self.sum_error_x = 0
self.sum_error_y = 0
self.prev_error_x = 0
self.prev_error_y = 0
# change the triangle pos to random spot on the canvas
self.triangle.moveto(random.randint(50, 350), random.randint(50, 350))
def draw_vector(self, x_start, y_start, dx, dy, color):
scale_factor = 20 # Adjust as necessary to make vectors visible
x_end = x_start + dx * scale_factor
y_end = y_start + dy * scale_factor
return self.canvas.create_line(x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end, fill=color, width=2)
def start_debugging(self):
# Print all diagnostic's of the simulation
# print(f"kp: {}, ki: {}, kd: {self.kd}")
# print(f"prev_error_x: {self.prev_error_x}, prev_error_y: {self.prev_error_y}")
# print(f"sum_error_x: {self.sum_error_x}, sum_error_y: {self.sum_error_y}")
self.after(500, self.start_debugging)
def update_speed(self, speed):
# Update the ball speed
def update_direction(self, direction):
# Update the ball direction
x = direction
y = 5 - abs(float(x)) #idk
self.ball.set_direction(float(x), float(y))
def update_pid(self, _=None): = self.kp_slider.get() = self.ki_slider.get()
self.kd = self.kd_slider.get()
class Ball:
def __init__(self, canvas, x, y, radius):
self.canvas = canvas = canvas.create_oval(x-radius, y-radius, x+radius, y+radius, fill='red')
self.dx = 1
self.dy = 1
def move(self):
# Move the ball
self.canvas.move(, self.dx, self.dy)
def set_speed(self, speed):
# Set the speed
magnitude = ((self.dx**2 + self.dy**2)**0.5)
self.dx = (self.dx / magnitude) * speed
self.dy = (self.dy / magnitude) * speed
def set_direction(self, x, y):
# Set the direction
self.dx = x
self.dy = y
def get_center(self):
# Get the coordinates
points = self.canvas.coords(
return (points[0] + points[2]) / 2, (points[1] + points[3]) / 2
class Triangle:
def __init__(self, canvas, x, y, size):
self.canvas = canvas = canvas.create_polygon(x, y, x+size, y, x+size/2, y+size, fill='blue')
def move(self, dx, dy):
self.canvas.move(, dx, dy)
def moveto(self, x, y):
self.canvas.coords(, x, y, x+10, y, x+5, y+10)
def get_center(self):
points = self.canvas.coords(
center_x = sum(points[::2]) / 3
center_y = sum(points[1::2]) / 3
return center_x, center_y
class Box:
def __init__(self, canvas, x1, y1, x2, y2):
self.canvas = canvas = canvas.create_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2)
root = tk.Tk()
app = Application(master=root)
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