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Last active March 8, 2017 18:33
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TMUX basic commands

Scroll down for more

tmux ls

tmux new -s mysession       # create new

tmux attach -t mysession    # or attach recent:  tmux a

tmux detach                 # or Ctrl-b d

tmux kill-session -t session-name

Install with brew install tmux

from :

Sessions are for an overall theme, such as work, or experimentation, or sysadmin.

Windows are for projects within that theme. So perhaps within your experimentation session you have a window titled noderestapi, and one titled lua sample.

Panes are for views within your current project. So within your sysadmin session, which has a logs window, you may have a few panes for access logs, error logs, and system logs.

Tmux shortcuts - brief

commands in same group are equivalent

ctrl commands work inside tmux session; tmux commands run from terminal

tmux ls
ctrl + b, s

tmux attach -t mysession 
tmux a -t mysession
tmux a	                # attach most recently used session

tmux detach 
ctrl + b, d

tmux kill-session -t session-name

SCROLL mode:

ctrl + b, [		# now, you can use PgUp/PgDown. q to exit	

Tmux shortcuts - more

All of the following start with prefix (Ctrl + b):


c  create new window
w  list current windows

?  get help

Session management

s list sessions
$ rename the current session
d detach from the current session


. MOVE window position

c create a new window
, rename the current window
x kill the current window
w list windows

% split horizontally
" split vertically

n change to the next window
p change to the previous window
0 to 9 select windows 0 through 9


% create a horizontal pane
" create a vertical pane
h move to the left pane
j move to the pane below
l move to the right pane
k move to the pane above
k move to the pane above
q show pane numbers
o toggle between panes
} swap with next pane
{ swap with previous pane
! break the pane out of the window
x kill the current pane


If you run on local and restart your machine, then tmux is gone. The solution is:

Its key bindings:

prefix + Ctrl-s - save
prefix + Ctrl-r - restore

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