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Last active April 2, 2023 07:25
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Treat a warp webserver as a resource in the bracket pattern which can be created and safely terminated multiple times ina program.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- only used in the example
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, forkFinally, killThread)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newEmptyMVar, tryPutMVar, takeMVar)
import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Exception (mask, uninterruptibleMask_, onException, finally)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status (status200) -- only used in the example
import Network.Wai (Application, responseLBS) -- only used in the example
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (Settings, runSettings, defaultSettings, setHost, setInstallShutdownHandler, setGracefulShutdownTimeout)
-- | Possibly like @async:Control.Async.withAsync@
-- Not used below, but hopefully a helpful reference for what's happening below.
withForkIO :: IO () -> IO a -> IO a
withForkIO child parent =
mask $ \restore -> do
t <- forkIO $ restore child
r <- restore parent
`onException` uninterruptibleMask_ (killThread t)
uninterruptibleMask_ (killThread t)
return r
-- | Shut down a warp server cleanly when the @action@ argument returns.
withWarp :: Settings -> Application -> IO a -> IO a
withWarp settings application action = do
let send sig = void $ tryPutMVar sig ()
let wait sig = void $ takeMVar sig
shutdownBegin <- newEmptyMVar
-- In a background thread, the shutdown handler waits for the shutdownBegin
-- signal and then closes the listening socket, which starts a
-- graceful-shutdown.
let installShutdownHandler close =
void $ forkFinally
(wait shutdownBegin)
(const close)
let settings' = setInstallShutdownHandler installShutdownHandler settings
shutdownEnd <- newEmptyMVar
-- The main thread signals shutdownBegin when it is done and then waits for
-- shutdownEnd. The warp thread enters graceful-shutdown when shutdownBegin
-- is received and signals shutdownEnd when graceful-shutdown is complete.
mask $ \restore -> do
w <- forkFinally -- forkIO is not interruptible
(restore $ runSettings settings' application)
(const $ send shutdownEnd) -- tryPutMVar is not interruptible
(restore action)
$do send shutdownBegin -- tryPutMVar is not interruptible
uninterruptibleMask_ $ wait shutdownEnd -- takeMVar is interruptible
uninterruptibleMask_ $ killThread w -- throwTo is interruptible
example :: Application
example request respond = do
putStrLn $ "doing work for request:" ++ show request
respond $ responseLBS status200 [] "done"
main :: IO ()
main = do
let local
= setHost "localhost"
. setGracefulShutdownTimeout (Just 3)
$ defaultSettings
withWarp local example $ do
putStrLn "press enter to stop the first server cleanly"
_ <- getLine
return ()
putStrLn "next we will try to start up the second server, but it won't work if the first is still bound to the port"
withWarp local example $ do
putStrLn "press enter to stop the second server cleanly"
_ <- getLine
return ()
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