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adjust cpu maximum clock frequency in response to cpu temperature
#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#!nix-shell -i runhaskell -p "haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (p: [p.async p.stm p.dimensional p.asciichart p.foldl])"
{-# OPTIONS_GHC "-Wno-missing-signatures" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} -- Only to write down some types. Not doing anything fancy here.
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Text.Chart
import Data.Time
import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath
import System.Process
import Text.Printf
import Text.Read
import qualified Control.Foldl as L
import qualified Numeric.NumType.DK.Integers as DK
writeExistingFile path content = do
exists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist path
when (not exists) $ do
throwError $ printf "Missing file: %s" path
--liftIO $ printf "writeFile %s %s\n" path content
liftIO $ writeFile path content
parseTemp :: (Fractional a, Read a) => String -> Either String (CelsiusTemperature a)
parseTemp raw = (*~ milli degreeCelsius) <$> readEither raw
readTemp thermalZone expectedType = do
zoneType <- liftIO $ init <$> readFile (thermalZone </> "type")
when (zoneType /= expectedType) $ do
throwError $ printf "Unexpected thermal zone type: %s" zoneType
raw <- liftIO $ init <$> readFile (thermalZone </> "temp")
liftEither $ parseTemp raw
writeMaxFreq cpufreqPolicyPaths maxFreq = do
--liftIO $ printf "writeMaxFreq: %s\n" maxFreq
forM_ cpufreqPolicyPaths $ \policyPath -> do
let maxFreqPath = policyPath </> "scaling_max_freq"
writeExistingFile maxFreqPath maxFreq
type FrequencyChange a = Quantity ('Dim 'DK.Zero 'DK.Zero 'DK.Neg2 'DK.Zero 'DK.Zero 'DK.Zero 'DK.Zero) a
type FrequencyChangeChange a = Quantity ('Dim 'DK.Zero 'DK.Zero 'DK.Neg3 'DK.Zero 'DK.Zero 'DK.Zero 'DK.Zero) a
data Config a = Config
{ tempMax :: CelsiusTemperature a
, sampleDelay :: Time a
, sampleModelPeriod :: Time a
, sampleGraphPeriod :: Time a
, clockMin :: Frequency a
, clockMax :: Frequency a
, scaleUpFactor :: Dimensionless a
-- ^ The normally slight upward bias of the acceleration computation is
-- multiplied by this.
, scaleUpTime :: Time a
-- ^ Minimum time to scale from @clockMin@ to @clockMax@, to compute
-- @clockVelmax@.
, cpufreqPath :: FilePath
, thermalZonePath :: FilePath
, expectedThermalZoneType :: String
} deriving Show
-- | Maximum hertz-per-second to change the frequency when scaling up. Scaling
-- down is faster.
clockVelMax :: Fractional a => Config a -> FrequencyChange a
clockVelMax c = (clockMax c - clockMin c) / scaleUpTime c
-- | Amount of time represented by temperature samples.
-- >>> max (5 *~ minute) (60 *~ second)
-- 300 s
samplePeriod c = max (sampleModelPeriod c) (sampleGraphPeriod c)
-- | Total number of temperature samples to keep, and to use in the graphs.
-- >>> (5 *~ minute) / (3 *~ second)
-- 100.0
sampleCount c = round $ samplePeriod c / sampleDelay c /~ one
-- | Number of temperature samples to use in the model.
-- >>> (60 *~ second) / (3 *~ second)
-- 20.0
-- And 20 is 1/5th 100.
sampleModelCount c = round $ sampleModelPeriod c / sampleDelay c /~ one
data State a = State
{ temps :: [CelsiusTemperature a]
, elapsed :: Time a
, clock :: Frequency a
, clockVel :: FrequencyChange a
, clockAcc :: FrequencyChangeChange a
} deriving Show
tempCur :: State a -> CelsiusTemperature a
tempCur State{temps=[]} = error "No data"
tempCur State{temps=x:_} = x
tempAvg :: RealFrac a => Config a -> State a -> CelsiusTemperature a
tempAvg _c State{temps=[]} = error "No data"
tempAvg c State{temps=xs@(_:_)} = mean $ take (sampleModelCount c) xs
-- | Overage is positive when max temp is exceeded. [0..Inf)
tempOverage :: (Ord a, Num a) => Config a -> State a -> CelsiusTemperature a
tempOverage c s = max _0 (tempCur s - tempMax c)
-- | Reflects departure from recent history.
tempAbruptChange :: (RealFrac a) => Config a -> State a -> CelsiusTemperature a
tempAbruptChange c s = tempCur s - tempAvg c s
-- | Alarm distance lerps from "ok" to "oh no" over [0..1].
tempAlarmDist :: (Ord a, Fractional a) => Config a -> State a -> Dimensionless a
tempAlarmDist c s = _1 - clamp (_0, _1) closeness
closeness = tempCur s / tempMax c
clamp (minVal, maxVal) x
| maxVal < minVal = error "Invalid clamp range"
| otherwise = min maxVal . max minVal $ x
-- | Apply accel to velocity. Apply that velocity to the clock.
velocityModel :: (Ord a, Real a, Fractional a) => Config a -> State a -> State a
velocityModel c@Config{clockMin,clockMax} s@State{elapsed, clockAcc, clockVel, clock}
= s { clockVel = if clock₁ <= clockMin || clockMax <= clock₁ then _0 else clockVel₁
, clock = clock₁
= clamp (clockMin, clockMax)
$ clock + clockVel₁ * elapsed
velMax = clockVelMax c
= clamp (negate velMax * _9, velMax)
$ clockVel + clockAcc * elapsed
-- | Velocity loses a half MHz/s every second.
frictionModel s@State{elapsed, clockVel}
| abs clockVel < abs friction = s{clockVel = _0}
| otherwise = s{clockVel = clockVel - friction}
friction = constant * elapsed
constant = _1/_2 * signum clockVel
/~ one
*~ (mega hertz / (second * second))
simpleAccel :: (Ord a, Floating a, RealFrac a) => Config a -> State a -> FrequencyChangeChange a
simpleAccel c s@State{} =
( bias -- slight upward bias
+ negate change -- stabilize against temperature changes
- abs overage -- ignore sign, reduce by overage
* (1 *~ (mega hertz / (second * second)))
overage = unDeg $ tempOverage c s
change = unDeg $ tempAbruptChange c s
bias = tempAlarmDist c s * scaleUpFactor c
-- celsius -> dimensionless
unDeg = (*~ one) . (/~ degreeCelsius)
model :: (Show a, RealFrac a, Floating a) => Config a -> State a -> State a
model c s = frictionModel $ velocityModel c s{clockAcc=simpleAccel c s}
ndt2dim :: Fractional a => NominalDiffTime -> Time a
ndt2dim = changeRep . (*~ second) . toRational . nominalDiffTimeToSeconds
-- | Call a function over and over with a fixed delay time between the
-- beginnings of each call.
-- >>> let job _ = system "date && sleep $((1 + $RANDOM % 3)) && echo job done" >> return ()
-- >>> tickThread (5 *~ second) job
tickThread :: (Fractional a, RealFrac a) => Time a -> (Time a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
tickThread delay f = do
-- Say the previous execution was delay-seconds ago so that the first call
-- happens immediately.
t <- getCurrentTime
let delaySec = secondsToNominalDiffTime $ changeRep delay /~ second
go $ addUTCTime (-delaySec) t
go t₀ = do
t₁ <- getCurrentTime
let soFar = ndt2dim $ diffUTCTime t₁ t₀
remainder = delay - soFar
--printf "tickThread: command took %s, sleeping the remaining %s\n" (show soFar) (show remainder)
tv <- registerDelay . truncate $ remainder /~ micro second
atomically $ check =<< readTVar tv
-- doot dah doot
t₂ <- getCurrentTime
let elapsed = ndt2dim $ diffUTCTime t₂ t₀
--printf "tickThread: %s total elapsed\n" (show elapsed)
f elapsed
go t₂
initialize :: Dimensionless Double -> CelsiusTemperature Double -> ExceptT String IO (Config Double, TVar (State Double))
initialize scaleUpFactor tempMax = do
temp <- readTemp (thermalZonePath c) (expectedThermalZoneType c)
v <- liftIO $ newTVarIO State
{ temps = [temp]
, elapsed = _0
, clock = 2.4 *~ giga hertz
, clockVel = _0
, clockAcc = _0
return (c, v)
c = let
sampleDelay = 2 *~ second -- ^ How much time between taking samples?
sampleModelPeriod = 30 *~ second -- ^ How many samples should the model use?
sampleGraphPeriod = 5 *~ minute -- ^ How many samples should the graph use?
clockMin = 800 *~ mega hertz -- TODO: read from cpuinfo_min_freq
clockMax = 3.7 *~ giga hertz -- TODO: read from cpuinfo_max_freq
scaleUpTime = 3 *~ minute -- ^ How long it should take to get from a low-freq to a high-freq?
in Config
{ tempMax
, sampleDelay
, sampleModelPeriod
, sampleGraphPeriod
, clockMin
, clockMax
, scaleUpFactor
, scaleUpTime
, cpufreqPath = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq"
, thermalZonePath = "/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2"
, expectedThermalZoneType = "x86_pkg_temp"
ownState :: a -> (a -> IO a) -> IO (IO ())
ownState s₀ f = do
v <- newTVarIO s₀
return $ (atomically . writeTVar v) =<< f =<< readTVarIO v
data Grapher a = NewGrapher | Grapher { minVal::a, maxVal::a, samples::[a] }
grapher v samplesCount label extract = ownState NewGrapher $ \g₀ -> do
sample <- extract <$> readTVarIO v
let (avg, display, g₁) = update sample g₀
putStrLn $ printf "%s (current: %.3f, average: %.3f)" label sample avg
opts <- maybe options (\h -> options{height=read h}) <$> lookupEnv "PLOT_HEIGHT"
plotWith opts (fmap round display) `catch` \e -> print (e :: ErrorCall)
return g₁
summary = (,,,) <$> L.mean <*> L.minimum <*> L.maximum <*> L.revList
update s NewGrapher = (s, [s], Grapher s s [s])
update s Grapher{minVal,maxVal,samples} =
let samps = s:samples
(avg, Just minv, Just maxv, _:_:disp) = L.fold summary $ samps ++ [maxVal,minVal]
in (avg, minv:maxv:disp, Grapher{ minVal=minv, maxVal=maxv, samples=take samplesCount samps })
-- NOTE: the average includes the max and min vals here; also it is a
-- running average, not an overall average, whereas maxval and minval
-- are overall
loop c v = do
tempCurGraph <- grapher v (sampleCount c) "Instantaneous Temperature C" $
(/~ degreeCelsius) . tempCur
tempAvgGraph <- grapher v (sampleCount c) (printf "Average Temperature C over %s" (show $ sampleModelPeriod c) :: String) $
(/~ degreeCelsius) . tempAvg c
tempDstGraph <- grapher v (sampleCount c) "Distance from alarming %" $
(/~ one) . (* (100 *~ one)) . tempAlarmDist c
tempChgGraph <- grapher v (sampleCount c) "Abrupt Temperature Change ΔC" $
(/~ degreeCelsius) . tempAbruptChange c
tempOvrGraph <- grapher v (sampleCount c) "Temperature Overage ΔC" $
(/~ degreeCelsius) . tempOverage c
accKHzGraph <- grapher v (sampleCount c) "Acceleration KHz/s^2" $
(/~ (kilo hertz / (second * second))) . clockAcc
velKHzGraph <- grapher v (sampleCount c) (printf "Velocity KHz/s (max: %s KHz/s)" (show $ clockVelMax c /~ (kilo hertz / second)) :: String) $
(/~ (kilo hertz / second)) . clockVel
accMHzGraph <- grapher v (sampleCount c) "Acceleration MHz/s^2" $
(/~ (mega hertz / (second * second))) . clockAcc
velMHzGraph <- grapher v (sampleCount c) (printf "Velocity MHz/s (max: %s MHz/s)" (show $ clockVelMax c /~ (mega hertz / second)) :: String) $
(/~ (mega hertz / second)) . clockVel
clockGraph <- grapher v (sampleCount c) "CPU Max Scaling MHz" $
(/~ mega hertz) . clock
tickThread (sampleDelay c) $ \elapsed -> do
readStep elapsed
_ <- system "clear"
printf "=================================================== period: %s, delay %s\n" (show $ samplePeriod c) (show $ sampleDelay c)
-- tempAvgGraph
-- tempDstGraph
-- tempChgGraph
-- tempOvrGraph
readStep elapsed = do
temp <- either fail return =<< runExceptT
(readTemp (thermalZonePath c) (expectedThermalZoneType c))
atomically $ do
s <- readTVar v
writeTVar v s
{ temps = sampleCount c `take` (temp : temps s)
, elapsed
modelStep = do
atomically $ do
s <- readTVar v
writeTVar v $ model c s
writeStep = do
State{clock} <- atomically $ readTVar v
writeHelper clock
writeCleanup = do
writeHelper $ clockMax c
writeHelper freq = do
let kilohertz = truncate $ freq /~ kilo hertz :: Int
policyDirs <- fmap (cpufreqPath c </>) <$> listDirectory (cpufreqPath c)
either fail return =<< runExceptT (writeMaxFreq policyDirs (show kilohertz))
-- | No no_turbo, yes turbo.
withTurbo = bracket_
(write "/sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/no_turbo" "0")
(write "/sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/no_turbo" "1")
write :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
write path contents
= either fail return
=<< runExceptT (writeExistingFile path contents)
main = do
alarmTemp <- maybe (89 *~ degreeCelsius) ((*~ degreeCelsius) . read) <$> lookupEnv "ALARM_TEMP"
scaleupFactor <- maybe (1 *~ one) ((*~ one) . read) <$> lookupEnv "SCALEUP_FACTOR"
withTurbo $ do
(c, v) <- either error id <$> runExceptT (initialize scaleupFactor alarmTemp)
loop c v
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