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* Reorder groups
function prefix_filter_product_extra_groups( $groups, $post_id ) {
if( empty( $groups ) ) return $groups;
* Here's a list of groups that we want to appear first
* Enter your list of group IDs in the list below, separated by commas
* Any groups you don't add here will just get added after these groups
$priority_groups = array( 2803, 5138 );
// This is the newly ordered list of all groups
$new_order = array();
if( $priority_groups ) {
foreach( $priority_groups as $pg_id ) {
if( isset( $groups[$pg_id] ) ) {
// Add priority groups to our array
$new_order[$pg_id] = $groups[$pg_id];
// Now add the remaining groups in the original list, excluding priority groups
foreach( $groups as $g_id=>$group ) {
if( ! in_array( $g_id, $priority_groups ) ) {
// If this group isn't already in our priority group, then we can add it now
$new_order[$g_id] = $groups[$g_id];
return $new_order;
add_filter( 'pewc_filter_product_extra_groups', 'prefix_filter_product_extra_groups', 100, 2 );
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