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Created May 8, 2017 12:47
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Sociopunk: text-based steganography
// Sociopunk plaintext steganography module aimed at social network posting
// Encoding: Sociopunk.enc(secretText, coverText) when cover text is in Latin
// or Sociopunk.enc(secretText, coverText, true) when cover text is in Cyrillic
// Decoding: Sociopunk.dec(coverText) or Socipunk.dec(coverText, true) respectively
Sociopunk = (function(){
var msg2bin = m => unescape(encodeURIComponent(m)).split('').map(c=>('00000000'+c.charCodeAt(0).toString(2)).substr(-8)).join('').split('').map(Number),
bin2msg = b => decodeURIComponent(escape(b.join('').match(/\d{8}/g).map(c => String.fromCharCode(Number('0b'+c))).join(''))),
latinPattern = 'aeiocxAEIOCX', cyrPattern = 'аеіосхАЕІОСХ';
return {
enc: function(sText, cText, isCyr) {
var pi, sBinRep = msg2bin(sText), sLen = sBinRep.length, cLen = cText.length, si=0, ci, outText='',
homePattern = isCyr ? cyrPattern : latinPattern,
guestPattern = isCyr ? latinPattern : cyrPattern
for(ci=0;ci<cLen;ci++) {
pi = homePattern.indexOf(cText[ci])
if(pi > -1) {
outText += sBinRep[si] === 1 ? guestPattern[pi] : homePattern[pi]
else outText += cText[ci]
return outText
dec: function(cText, isCyr) {
var guestPattern = isCyr ? latinPattern : cyrPattern,
seq = cText.match(RegExp('['+cyrPattern+latinPattern+']','g')),
outSeq = [], seqLen = seq.length, i;
outSeq.push(guestPattern.indexOf(seq[i]) > -1 ? 1 : 0)
return bin2msg(outSeq)
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