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Last active December 17, 2015 10:19
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six siege tests with and without cache
siege -i -c25 -t60s -d1 -f urls.txt -l
siege -i -c50 -t60s -d1 -f urls.txt -l
siege -i -c100 -t60s -d1 -f urls.txt -l
siege -i -c200 -t60s -d1 -f urls.txt -l
siege -i -c400 -t60s -d1 -f urls.txt -l
siege -i -c800 -t60s -d1 -f urls.txt -l
Date & Time, Trans, Elap Time, Data Trans, Resp Time, Trans Rate, Throughput, Concurrent, OKAY, Failed
Clean server
2013-04-28 17:42:29, 783, 59.49, 27, 1.37, 13.16, 0.45, 18.08, 783, 0
2013-04-28 17:44:48, 779, 59.33, 27, 3.15, 13.13, 0.46, 41.32, 779, 0
2013-04-28 17:50:39, 778, 59.59, 27, 5.55, 13.06, 0.45, 72.43, 778, 19
2013-04-28 17:53:08, 766, 59.85, 26, 7.94, 12.80, 0.43, 101.60, 766, 113
2013-04-28 17:55:10, 718, 59.70, 24, 12.72, 12.03, 0.40, 153.00, 718, 349
2013-04-28 17:57:19, 666, 59.83, 22, 17.07, 11.13, 0.37, 190.00, 666, 1023
APC Enabled:
2013-05-03 20:52:33, 1096, 59.16, 38, 0.83, 18.53, 0.64, 15.35, 1096, 0
2013-05-03 20:54:28, 1068, 59.16, 37, 2.23, 18.05, 0.63, 40.25, 1068, 0
2013-05-03 21:11:37, 1078, 59.29, 37, 4.47, 18.18, 0.62, 81.24, 1078, 6
2013-05-03 21:14:27, 1049, 59.23, 35, 6.13, 17.71, 0.59, 108.51, 1049, 112
2013-05-03 21:16:03, 1005, 59.75, 34, 11.53, 16.82, 0.57, 193.91, 1005, 290
2013-05-03 21:19:11, 1055, 59.73, 35, 13.19, 17.66, 0.59, 232.89, 1055, 1021
2013-05-15 15:21:22, 566, 59.76, 21, 2.09, 9.47, 0.35, 19.84, 566, 0
2013-05-15 15:22:37, 1111, 59.62, 41, 2.13, 18.63, 0.69, 39.62, 1111, 0
2013-05-15 15:23:47, 2184, 59.98, 82, 2.19, 36.41, 1.37, 79.60, 2184, 0
2013-05-15 15:24:56, 3242, 59.86, 121, 3.00, 54.16, 2.02, 162.53, 3242, 0
2013-05-15 15:26:20, 3229, 59.45, 121, 6.00, 54.31, 2.04, 325.99, 3229, 14
2013-05-15 15:39:12, 2424, 60.39, 23, 9.71, 40.14, 0.38, 389.83, 2424, 891
2013-05-15 15:40:41, 1741, 59.93, 16, 10.11, 29.05, 0.27, 293.56, 1741, 1097
Date & Time, Trans, Elap Time, Data Trans, Resp Time, Trans Rate, Throughput, Concurrent, OKAY, Failed
2013-05-16 17:35:31, 2044, 59.65, 19, 0.23, 34.27, 0.32, 7.78, 2044, 0
2013-05-16 17:36:50, 5341, 59.73, 51, 0.06, 89.42, 0.85, 5.16, 5341, 0
2013-05-16 17:44:32, 9019, 59.89, 86, 0.17, 150.59, 1.44, 25.42, 9019, 0
2013-05-16 17:45:51, 9708, 59.81, 92, 0.69, 162.31, 1.54, 112.52, 9708, 0
2013-05-16 17:47:04, 11737, 59.80, 112, 1.05, 196.27, 1.87, 206.14, 11737, 0
2013-05-16 17:48:14, 12338, 60.28, 117, 1.85, 204.68, 1.94, 379.26, 12338, 0
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