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Last active February 22, 2017 00:57
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Python script to convert OpenCV YAML to LaTeX bmatrix
I'm expecting a YAML file from OpenCV that looks like:
K: !!opencv-matrix
rows: 3
cols: 3
dt: d
data: [ 1.7331257894078371e+03, 0., 3.2615246280978710e+02, 0.,
1.7348511763245624e+03, 2.4016376751013206e+02, 0., 0., 1. ]
D: !!opencv-matrix
rows: 1
cols: 5
dt: d
data: [ -4.4987143758134934e-01, -4.0610929767103503e+00,
1.3535676742197126e-03, -6.7574354060614061e-04,
6.2389566493881304e+01 ]
$ ./ ../build/calib_left.yaml K 1.7f
1733.1257894 & 0.0000000 & 326.1524628 \\
0.0000000 & 1734.8511763 & 240.1637675 \\
0.0000000 & 0.0000000 & 1.0000000 \\
import sys
import yaml
import numpy as np
Since PyYAML doesn't understand OpenCV data types, you need to specifc a
constructor for each OpenCV dta type that you are trying to load.
def opencv_matrix(loader, node):
mapping = loader.construct_mapping(node, deep=True)
mat = np.array(mapping["data"])
mat.resize(mapping["rows"], mapping["cols"])
return mat
yaml.add_constructor(u",2002:opencv-matrix", opencv_matrix)
A yaml representer is for dumping structs into a yaml node.
So for an opencv_matrix type (to be compatible with c++'s FileStorage)
we save the rows, cols, type and flattened-data
def opencv_matrix_representer(dumper, mat):
mapping = {'rows': mat.shape[0], 'cols': mat.shape[1], 'dt': 'd', 'data': mat.reshape(-1).tolist()}
return dumper.represent_mapping(u",2002:opencv-matrix", mapping)
yaml.add_representer(np.ndarray, opencv_matrix_representer)
def get_yaml(file):
# Open the YAML file.
f = open(file, 'r')
# Ignore the first line: %YAML:1.0
# Read in the matrices
return yaml.load(f)
def to_matrix(a, frmt='{:1.2f}', arraytype='bmatrix'):
"""Returns a LaTeX array
:a: numpy array
:prints: LaTeX array
to_matrix(Krm, frmt = '{:1.2f}', arraytype = 'array')
if len(a.shape) > 2:
raise ValueError('bmatrix can at most display two dimensions')
lines = str(a).replace('[', '').replace(']', '').splitlines()
# Create raw string literal vectors
rv = [r'\begin{' + arraytype + '}']
for l in lines:
tmp = ""
for (i, num) in enumerate(l.split()):
tmp += frmt.format(float(num)) + r' '
# Don't add a '&' if at the very end of a line
if i<len(l.split())-1:
tmp += r'& '
# finish off the line
rv += [tmp + r'\\']
rv += [r'\end{' + arraytype + '}']
return '\n'.join(rv)
def generate_latex(mat, frmt=None):
frmt = '{:1.3f}' if frmt is None else '{:'+frmt+'}'
# Since generate_latex depends on how numpy looks as a string,
# give our self lots of precision to work with.
np.set_printoptions(precision=10, linewidth=200)
return to_matrix(mat, frmt=frmt, arraytype='bmatrix')
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print("You don't know how to use this script... sorry :/")
yaml_file = sys.argv[1] # location of the OpenCV YAML file
mat_key = sys.argv[2] # what is the name of the mat to LaTeX?
# Format specifier (optional)
frmt = sys.argv[3] if len(sys.argv) == 4 else None
# Get a dict of the matrices in the YAML
data = get_yaml(yaml_file)
# Print out the generated LaTeX
print(generate_latex(data[mat_key], frmt))
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