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Ruby 标准库


给定一组字符串,计算出这些字符串的明确的缩写集合,并返回一个散列表,其键(key)是所有可能的缩写而值是相应的完整字符串.英雌,给定输入为 "car" 和**"cane"** ,指向**"car"** 的键可能是**"ca"** 和**"car"** ,而指向**"cone"** 的键可能是**"co"** ,"con" 和**"cone"**

可以指定一个可选的模式或者字符串---只有那些匹配这个模式或者以这个指定字符串开头的输入字符才会被考虑添加到输出散列表中. 将包含Abbrev库添加abbrev方法到Array类中.

  • 显示某些词的缩写集合
require 'abbrev'
Abbrev::abbrev(['ruby', 'rules']) # => {"rub"=>"ruby",
                                  #     "rule"=>"rules",
                                  #     "rul"=>"rules",
                                  #     "ruby"=>"ruby",
                                  #     "rules"=>"rules"}
%w{ car cone }.abbrev             # => {"ca"=>"car",
                                  #     "con"=>"cone",
                                  #     "co"=>"cone", 
                                  #     "car"=>"car",
                                  #     "cone"=>"cone"}
%w{ car cone }.abbrev("ca")       # => {"ca"=>"car", "car"=>"car"}
  • 使用缩写的一个普通的命令循环
require 'abbrev'
COMMANDS = %w{ sample send start status stop }.abbrev
while line = gets
  line = line.chomp
  case COMMANDS[line]
  when "sample": # ...
  when "send": # ...
    # ...
    STDERR.puts "Unknown command: #{line}"



  • 编码和解码字符串。请注意新行插入到Base64编码的字符串。
require 'base64'
str = "Now is the time for all good coders\nto learn Ruby"
converted = Base64.encode64(str)    
puts converted                    # => Tm93IGlzIHRoZSB0aW1lIGZvciBhbGwgZ29vZCBjb2RlcnMKdG8gbGVhcm4g
                                  # => UnVieQ==
puts Base64.decode64(converted)   # => Now is the time for all good coders
                                  # => to learn Ruby
  • 现在使用RFC4648
require 'base64'
str = "Now is the time for all good coders\nto learn Ruby"
converted = Base64.strict_encode64(str) 
puts converted                          # => Tm93IGlzIHRoZSB0aW1lIGZvciBhbGwgZ29vZCBjb2RlcnMKdG8gbGVhcm4gUnVieQ==
puts Base64.strict_decode64(converted)  # => Now is the time for all good coders
                                        # => to learn Ruby



  • 比较三种类型的dispatch方法的成本
require 'benchmark'
include Benchmark
string = "Stormy Weather"
m = string.method(:length)
bm(6) do |x|"direct") { 100_000.times { string.length } }"call") { 100_000.times { } }"send") { 100_000.times { string.send(:length) } }"eval") { 100_000.times { eval "string.length" } }
       user     system   total    real
direct 0.010000 0.000000 0.010000 ( 0.011034)
call   0.020000 0.000000 0.020000 ( 0.023135)
send   0.020000 0.000000 0.020000 ( 0.016482)
eval   0.790000 0.000000 0.790000 ( 0.800693)
  • 哪种方法更好: 一次性的读取字典的所有内容,然后分隔出各个词条;或者每次只读取一行内容,然后分隔词条?在计时之前,使用bmbm进行一次预演.
require 'benchmark'
include Benchmark
bmbm(6) do |x|"all") do
    str ="/usr/share/dict/words")
    words = str.scan(/[\
    end"lines") do
      words = []
      File.foreach("/usr/share/dict/words") do |line|
        words << line.chomp
Rehearsal ----------------------------------
all   0.200000 0.010000 0.210000 ( 0.220893)
lines 0.250000 0.010000 0.260000 ( 0.259611)
-------------------------- total:0.470000sec
          user   system    total        real
all   0.220000 0.010000 0.230000 ( 0.233112)
lines 0.220000 0.020000 0.240000 ( 0.239560)


Ruby的标准Bignum类支持有很多数字为的整数. BigDecimal类支持有很多小数位的十进制数字. 这个标准库支持了所有标准的算术运算. BigDecimal也提供了一些扩展库.

  • bigdecimal/ludcmp
  • 对矩阵执行LU分解.
  • bigdecimal/math
  • 连同计算PI和E的函数一起,提供了超越函数(transcendental function) sqrt, sin,cons,atan,exp和log.所有函数都接受一个任意的精度参数.
  • bigdecimal/jacobian
  • 构建给定函数的雅可比(Jacobian)行列式(枚举偏导数的一个矩阵).不依赖于BigDecimal.
  • bigdecimal/newton
  • 使用牛顿方法解决非线性函数的根.不依赖于BigDecimal.
  • bigdecimal/nlsolve
  • 为BigDecimal方程式包装bigdecimal/newton库.可以在Ruby源码分发的ext/bigdecima/bigdecimal_en.html文件中找到英文文档.
require 'bigdecimal'
require 'bigdecimal/math'
include BigMath
pi = BigMath::PI(20) # 20 is the number of decimal digits
radius = BigDecimal("2.14156987652974674392")
area = pi * radius**2
area.to_s # => "0.144083540446856044176720033806679561688599846410445032583215824758780405545861780909930190528E2"
# The same with regular floats
radius = 2.14156987652974674392
Math::PI * radius**2 # => 14.4083540446856


在一个Web服务器中,CGI类提供了对CGI(Common Gateway Interface) 脚本程序的支持. CGI对象使用来自环境的数据和来自HTTP请求的数据来初始化,同事他们为访问表单数据和cookies提供了便利设施.它们也可以使用各种各样的存储机制管理会话(session). CGI类也提供了生成HTML的基本设施,同时提供了类方法对请求和HTML进行转义和反向转义.

  • 转义和反向转义URL和HTML中的特殊字符. 如果$KODE变量被设置为"u"(为UTF8),这个库会把HTML的Unicode转换成UTF-8.
require 'cgi'
CGI.escape('c:\My Files')                   # => c%3A%5CMy+Files
CGI.unescape('c%3a%5cMy+Files')             # => c:\My Files
CGI::escapeHTML('"a"<b & c')                # => &quot;a&quot;&lt;b &amp; c
CGI.unescapeHTML('&quot;a&quot;&lt;=&gt;b') # => "a"<=>b
CGI.unescapeHTML('&#65;&#x41;')             # => AA
str = '&#x3c0;r&#178;'                      
CGI.unescapeHTML(str)                       # => πr2
  • 访问进入(incoming)请求中的信息
require 'cgi'
c =
c.auth_type   # => "basic"
c.user_agent  # => "Mozscape Explorari V5.6"
require 'cgi'
c =
c['fred'] # => "10"
c.keys    # => ["fred", "barney"]
c.params  # => {"fred"=>["10"], "barney"=>["cat"]}
  • 如果表担有多个名字相同的字段,这些字段相应的值会以一个数组返回给这个脚本. [] 访问方法只是返回它的第一个值--应当对 params 方法的结果进行索引以得到所有的值. 在这个例子中,假设这个表单有三个"name"字段.
require 'cgi'
c =
c['name']         # => "fred"
c.params['name']  # => ["fred", "wilma", "barney"]
c.keys            # => ["name"]
c.params          # => {"name"=>["fred", "wilma", "barney"]}
  • 发送一个相应到浏览器(没有多少人使用这种形式来生成HTML.请考虑使用其中一个模板化(templating)库).
require 'cgi'
cgi ="html4Tr")
cgi.header("type" => "text/html", "expires" => + 30)
cgi.out do
  cgi.html do
    cgi.head{ cgi.title{"Hello World!"} } +
    cgi.body do
      cgi.pre do
        "params: " + cgi.params.inspect + "\n" +
        "cookies: " + cgi.cookies.inspect + "\n")
  • 在客户端浏览器中存储cookie
require 'cgi'
cgi ="html4")
cookie = 'name' => 'mycookie',
                          'value' => 'chocolate chip',
                          'expires' => + 3600  )
cgi.out('cookie' => cookie) do
  cgi.head + cgi.body { "Cookie stored" }
  • 得到先前存储的cookie
require 'cgi'
cgi ="html4")
cookie = cgi.cookies['mycookie']
cgi.out('cookie' => cookie) do
  cgi.head + cgi.body { "Flavor: " + cookie[0] }


CGI::Session 在CGI环境中为Web用户维护了一个持久的状态. 回话(session)可能驻留在内存中或者存储在硬盘内.

require 'cgi'
require 'cgi/session'
cgi ="html3")
sess =,
"session_key" => "rubyweb",
"prefix" => "websession.")
if sess['lastaccess']
  msg = "<p>You were last here #{sess['lastaccess']}.</p>"
  msg = "<p>Looks like you haven't been here for a while</p>"
count = (sess["accesscount"] || 0).to_i
count += 1
msg << "<p>Number of visits: #{count}</p>"
sess["accesscount"] = count
sess["lastaccess"] =
cgi.out {
  cgi.html {
    cgi.body {

######Complex Transcendental Functions

As of Ruby 1.9, Complex class is built in to the interpreter. There is no need to require the complex library to create and manipulate complex numbers. However, if you want the transcendental functions defined by the Math to work with complex numbers, you must also require the cmath library. The functions affected are as follows: acosh, acos, asinh, asin, atan2, atanh, atan, cosh, cos, exp, log10, log, sinh, sin, sqrt, tanh, and tan. The Complex library makes these complex functions the default (so, if you require ’complex’, you can use Math::sin and not CMath::sin).

require 'cmath'
point = Complex(2, 3)
CMath::sin(point) # => (9.154499146911434.16890695996656i)
CMath::cos(point) # => (4.189625690968819.10922789375534i)


Loads the cmath library, which defines the transcendental functions for complex numbers. It then arranges things so that these complex-aware functions are the ones invoked when you use Math::. The net effect is that, after requiring complex, you can use functions such as Math::sin on any numeric value, including complex numbers.

  • Using transcendental numbers with complex arguments will, by default, cause an error:
point = Complex(2, 3)
prog.rb:2:in `to_f': can't convert 2+3i into Float (RangeError)
from /tmp/prog.rb:2:in `sin'
from /tmp/prog.rb:2:in `<main>'
require 'complex'
point = Complex(2, 3)
Math::sin(point) # => (9.154499146911434.16890695996656i)


Continuation objects are generated by the Kernel#callcc method, which becomes available only when the continuation library is loaded. They hold a return address and execution context, allowing a nonlocal return to the end of the callcc block from anywhere within a program. Continuations are somewhat analogous to a structured version of C’s setjmp/longjmp (although they contain more state, so you may consider them closer to threads). This (somewhat contrived) example allows the inner loop to abandon processing early.

  • Does a nonlocal exit when a condition is met:
require 'continuation'
callcc do |cont|
  for i in 0..4
    print "\n#{i}: "
    for j in i*5...(i+1)*5 if j == 7
      printf "%3d", j
print "\n" # => 0: 0 1 2 3 4
           # => 1: 5 6
  • The call stack for methods is preserved in continuations:
require 'continuation'
def strange
  callcc {|continuation| return continuation}
  print "Back in method, "
print "Before method. "
continuation = strange()
print "After method. " if continuation
=> Before method. After method. Back in method, After method.

######以都好分隔的值(Comma-Separated Values)

Comma-separated data files are often used to transfer tabular information (and are a lingua franca for importing and exporting spreadsheet and database information). As of Ruby 1.9, the old library has been replaced by James Edward Gray II’s FasterCSV version. It has a few incompatibilities with the original. In particular, now works like, not File.foreach, and options are passed as a hash and not positional parameters. Ruby’s CSV library deals with arrays (corresponding to the rows in the CSV file) and strings (corresponding to the elements in a row). If an element in a row is missing, it will be represented as a nil in Ruby.

  • 用以下示例中使用的数据文件:
csvfile:                           csvfile_hdr:
12,eggs,2.89,                     Count,Description,Price
2,"shirt, blue",21.45,special     12,eggs,2.89,
1,"""Hello Kitty"" bag",13.99     2,"shirt, blue",21.45,special
                                               1,"""Hello Kitty"" bag",13.99

  • Reads a file containing CSV data and process line by line:
require 'csv'
CSV.foreach("csvfile") do |row|
qty = row[0].to_i
price = row[2].to_f
printf "%20s: $%5.2f %s\n", row[1], qty*price, row[3] || " "
eggs: $34.68 shirt,
blue: $42.90 special
"Hello Kitty" bag: $13.99
  • Processes a CSV file that contains a header line. Automatically converts fields that look like numbers.
require 'csv'
total_cost = 0
CSV.foreach("csvfile_hdr", headers: true, converters: :numeric) do |data|
  total_cost += data["Count"] * data["Price"]
puts "Total cost is #{total_cost}"
Total cost is 91.57
  • Writes CSV data to an existing open stream (STDOUT in this case). Uses | as the column separator.
require 'csv'
CSV(STDOUT, col_sep: "|") do |csv|
  csv << [ 1, "line 1", 27 ]
  csv << [ 2, nil, 123 ]
  csv << [ 3, "|bar|", 32.5]
1|line 1|27
  • You can access a CSV file as a two-dimensional table:
require 'csv'
table ="csvfile_hdr",
headers: true,
header_converters: :symbol)
puts "Row count = #{table.count}"                           # => Row count = 3
puts "First row = #{table[0].fields}"                        # => First row = ["12", "eggs", "2.89", nil]
puts "Count of eggs = #{table[0][:count]}"                  # => Count of eggs = 12
table << [99, "red balloons", 1.23]
table[:in_stock] = [10, 5, 10, 10]
puts "\nAfter adding a row and a column, the new table is:"
#=> After adding a row and a column, the new table is:
puts table
#=> count,description,price,,in_stock
#   12,eggs,2.89,,10
#   2,"shirt, blue",21.45,special,5
#   1,"""Hello Kitty"" bag",13.99,10
#   99,red balloons,1.23,,10

######CRT屏幕处理(CRT Screen Handing)

The Curses library is a fairly thin wrapper around the C curses or ncurses libraries,allowing applications a device-independent way of drawing on consoles and other terminal-like devices. As a nod toward object-orientation, curses windows and mouse events are represented as Ruby objects. Otherwise, the standard curses calls and constants are simply defined in the Curses module.

# Draw the paddle of a simple game of 'pong'. It moves
# in response to the up and down keys
require 'curses'
include Curses
class Paddle
  HEIGHT = 4
  PADDLE = " \n" + "|\n"*HEIGHT + " "
  def initialize
    @top = (Curses::lines HEIGHT)/
  def up
    @top =
    1 if @top > 1
  def down
    @top += 1 if (@top + HEIGHT + 1) < lines
  def draw
  paddle =
  loop do
    case ch = getch
    when "Q".ord, "q".ord then break
    when Key::UP then paddle.up
    when Key::DOWN then paddle.down
    else beep


The date library implements classes Date and DateTime, which provide a comprehensive set of facilities for storing, manipulating, and converting dates with or without time components. The classes can represent and manipulate civil, ordinal, commercial, Julian, and standard dates, starting January 1, 4713 BCE. The DateTime class extends Date with hours, minutes, seconds, and fractional seconds, and it provides some support for time zones. The classes also provide support for parsing and formatting date and datetime strings. The classes have a rich interface—consult the ri documentation for details. The introductory notes in the file lib/date.rb are also well worth reading.

  • Experiment with various representations
require 'date'
d =, 3, 31)
[d.year, d.yday, d.wday]          # => [2000, 91, 5]
[d.month, d.mday]                 # => [3, 31]
[d.cwyear, d.cweek, d.cwday]      # => [2000, 13, 5]
[d.jd, d.mjd]                     # => [2451635, 51634]
d1 = Date.commercial(2000, 13, 7)
d1.to_s                           # => "20000402"
[d1.cwday, d1.wday]               # => [7, 0]
  • Essential information about Christmas:
require 'date'
now =
year = now.year
year += 1 if now.month == 12 && > 25
xmas =, 12, 25)
diff = xmas now
puts "It's #{diff.to_i} days to Christmas"                  # => It's 255 days to Christmas
puts "Christmas #{year} falls on a #{xmas.strftime('%A')}"  # => Christmas 2009 falls on a Friday


DBMfiles implement simple, hashlike persistent stores.Many DBMimplementations exist: the Ruby library can be configured to use one of the DBM libraries db, dbm (ndbm), gdbm, and qdbm. The interface to DBM files is similar to class Hash, except that DBM keys and values will be strings. This can cause confusion, because the conversion to a string is performed silently when the data is written. The DBMlibrary is a wrapper around the lowerlevel access method. For true low-level access, see also the GDBM and SDBM libraries.

  • Creates a simple DBM file and then reopens it read-only and reads some data. Note the conversion of a date object to its string form.
require 'dbm'
require 'date'"data.dbm") do |dbm|
  dbm['name'] = "Walter Wombat"
  dbm['dob'] =, 12,25)
end"data.dbm", nil, DBM::READER) do |dbm|
  p dbm.keys
  p dbm['dob']
  p dbm['dob'].class
["name", "dob"]
  • Reads from the system’s aliases file. Note the trailing null bytes on all strings.
require 'dbm'"/etc/aliases", nil) do |dbm|
  p dbm.keys
  p dbm["postfix\000"]
["postmaster:\x00", "daemon:\x00", "ftpbugs:\
x00", "operator:\x00",
"abuse:\x00", "decode:\x00", "mailerdaemon:\
x00", "bin:\x00",
"named:\x00", "nobody:\x00", "uucp:\x00", "www:\x00", "postfix:\x00",
"manager:\x00", "dumper:\x00"]


delegation 对象是一种在运行时组合对象的方式----使用其他对象的能力来扩展一个对象. Ruby Delegator类实现了一个既简单又强大的委托机制(delegation scheme),它会自动的把请求从主(master)类转发到这些受委托者(delegate)或者它们的祖先,同事可以使用单个方法调用在运行时改变受托者(delegate)

  • 最简单的情况是受托者(delegate)类是固定不变的,而使主类成为DelegateClass的一个子类,把要委托的类的名称作为参数传入. 在主类的initialize方法中,把要委托的对象传递给超类
require 'delegate'
class Words < DelegateClass(Array)
  def initialize(list = "/usr/share/dict/words")
    words =
words =
words[9999]         # => "anticritique"
words.size          # => 234936
words.grep(/matz/)  # => ["matzo", "matzoon", "matzos", "matzoth"]
  • 使用SimpleDelegator来委托给一个特定的对象(它可以改变):
require 'delegate'
words ="/usr/share/dict/words").split
names ="/usr/share/dict/propernames").split
stats =
stats.size              # => 234936
stats[226]              # => "abidingly"
stats.size              # => 1323
stats[226]              # => "Dave"

######MD5, RIPEMD-160 SHA1, and SHA2 Digests

The Digest module is the home for a number of classes that implement message digest algorithms: MD5, RIPEMD-160, SHA1, and SHA2 (256, 384, and 512 bit). The interface to all these classes is identical.

  • You can create a binary or hex digest for a given string by calling the class method digest or hexdigest.
  • You can also create an object (optionally passing in an initial string) and determine the object’s hash by calling the digest or hexdigest instance methods. In this case, you can then append to the string using the update method and then recover an updated hash value.
  • Calculates some MD5 and SHA1 hashes:
require 'digest/md5'
require 'digest/sha1'
for hash_class in [ Digest::MD5, Digest::SHA1 ]
  puts "Using #{}"
  # Calculate directly
  puts hash_class.hexdigest("hello world")
  # Or by accumulating
  digest =
  digest << "hello"
  digest << " "
  digest << "world"
  puts digest.hexdigest
Using Digest::MD5
Using Digest::SHA1

######访问动态加载的库 (.dll and .so)

The DL module interfaces to the underlying operating system’s dynamic loading capabili-ties. On Windows boxes, it can be used to interface with functions in DLLs. Under Unix it can load shared libraries. Because Ruby does not have typed method parameters or return values, you must define the types expected by the methods you call by specifying their signatures. This can be done using a C-like syntax (if you use the high-level methods in dl/import) or using explicit type specifiers in the lower-level DL module. Good documentation is provided in the source tree’s ext/dl/doc/ directory.

  • Here’s a trivial C program that we’ll build as a shared library:
#include <stdio.h>
int print_msg(text, number) {
  return printf("Text: %s (%d)\n", text, number);
  • Generates a proxy to access the print_msg method in the shared library. The way this book is built, the shared library is in the subdirectory code/dl; this directory must be added to the directories searched when looking for dynamic objects.
ENV['DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = ":code/dl" # Mac OS X
require 'dl/func'
lib = DL.dlopen("code/dl/")
cfunc =['print_msg'], DL::TYPE_INT, 'print_msg')
print_msg =, [DL::TYPE_VOIDP, DL::TYPE_INT])
msg_size ="Answer", 42)
puts "Just wrote #{msg_size} bytes"
Just wrote 18 bytes
Text: Answer (42)
  • We can also wrap the method in a module:
ENV['DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = ":code/dl" # Mac OS X
require 'dl/import'
module Message
  extend DL::Importer
  dlload ""
  extern "int print_msg(char *, int)"
msg_size = Message.print_msg("Answer", 42)
puts "Just wrote #{msg_size} bytes"
Just wrote 18 bytes
Text: Answer (42)

######分布式Ruby对象 (drb)

dRuby allows Ruby objects to be distributed across a network connection. Although expressed in terms of clients and servers, once the initial connection is established, the protocol is effectively symmetrical: either side can invoke methods in objects on the other side. Normally, objects passed and returned by remote calls are passed by value; including the DRbUndumped module in an object forces it to be passed by reference (useful when implementing callbacks).

  • This server program is observable—it notifies all registered listeners of changes to a count value:
require 'drb'
require 'drb/observer'
class Counter
  include DRb::DRbObservable
  def run
    5.times do |count|
counter =
DRb.start_service('druby://localhost:9001', counter)
  • This client program interacts with the server, registering a listener object to receive callbacks before invoking the server’s run method:
require 'drb'
class Listener
  include DRbUndumped
  def update(value)
    puts value
counter =, "druby://localhost:9001")
listener =


Includes the English library file in a Ruby script, and you can reference the global variables such as $_ using less-cryptic names, listed in the following table.English. It is now predefined in the Ruby interpreter.

$*      $ARGV                    $_ $LAST_READ_LINE
$?      $CHILD_STATUS            $" $LOADED_FEATURES
$<      $DEFAULT_INPUT           $& $MATCH
$>      $DEFAULT_OUTPUT          $. $NR
$!      $ERROR_INFO              $, $OFS
$@      $ERROR_POSITION          $\ $ORS
$;      $FS                      $\ $OUTPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR
$=      $IGNORECASE              $$ $PID
$~      $LAST_MATCH_INFO         $$ $PROCESS_ID
$+      $LAST_PAREN_MATCH        $/ $RS
require 'English'
"waterbuffalo" =~ /buff/
print $., $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER, "\n"
print $', $POSTMATCH, "\n"
print $$, $PID
0 -- 0 --
 -- alo -- alo --
 -- 86006 -- 86006 --


ERb is a lightweight templating system, allowing you to intermix Ruby code and plain text. This is sometimes a convenient way to create HTML documents but also is usable in other plain-text situations. ERB breaks its input text into chunks of regular text and program fragments. It then builds a Ruby program that, when run, outputs the result text and executes the program fragments. Program fragments are enclosed between <% and %> markers.

require 'erb'
input = %{<% high.downto(low) do |n| # set high, low externally %>
  <%= n %> green bottles, hanging on the wall
  <%= n %> green bottles, hanging on the wall 
  And if one green bottle should accidentally fall There'd be 
  <%= n1 %> green bottles, hanging on the wall
<% end %>}
high,low = 10, 8
erb =
10 green bottles, hanging on the wall
10 green bottles, hanging on the wall
And if one green bottle should accidentally fall
There'd be 9 green bottles, hanging on the wall . . .

An optional second parameter to sets the safe level for evaluating expressions. If nil, expressions are evaluated in the current thread; otherwise, a new thread is created, and its $SAFE level is set to the parameter value. The optional third parameter to allows some control of the interpretation of the input and of the way whitespace is added to the output. If the third parameter is a string and that string contains a percent sign, then ERB treats lines starting with a percent sign specially. Lines starting with a single percent sign are treated as if they were enclosed in <%. . .%>. Lines starting with a double percent sign are copied to the output with a single leading percent sign

str = %{\
% 2.times do |i|
This is line <%= i %>
%end                          # => This is line 0
%% done}                      # => This is line 1, 0, '%').run      #% done

If the third parameter contains the string < >, then a newline will not be written if an input line starts with an ERB directive and ends with %>. If the trim parameter contains >, then a newline will not be written if an input line ends %>.

#Table 28.1. Directives for ERB
Sequence                                            Action
<% ruby code %>         Inserts the given Ruby code at this point in the generated program. If it outputs anything, include this output in the result.
<%= ruby expression %>  Evaluate expression and insert its value in the output of the generated program.
<%# . . . %>            Comment (ignored).
<%% and %%>             Replaced in the output by <% and%> respectively.
str1 = %{\
* <%= "cat" %>
<%= "dog" %>
}, 0, ">").run, 0, "<>").run
* catdog* cat

The erb library also defines the helper module ERB::Util that contains two methods: html_escape (aliased as h) and url_encode (aliased as u). These are equivalent to the CGI methods escapeHTML and escape, respectively (except escape encodes spaces as plus signs, and url_encode uses %20).

include ERB::Util
str1 = %{\
h(a) = <%= h(a) %>
u(a) = <%= u(a) %>
a = "< a & b >"
h(a) = &lt; a &amp; b &gt;
u(a) = %3C%20a%20%26%20b%20%3E

You may find the command-line utility erb is supplied with your Ruby distribution. This allows you to run erb substitutions on an input file; see erb --help for details.

######访问 /etc/passwd 中的用户和组的信息

The Etc module provides a number of methods for querying the passwd and group facilities on Unix systems.

  • Finds out information about the currently logged-in user:
require 'etc'
name = Etc.getlogin
info = Etc.getpwnam(name)                     # => "dave"
info.uid                      # => 501
info.dir                      # => "/Users/dave"                    # => "/bin/bash"
group = Etc.getgrgid(info.gid)                    # => "dave"
  • Returns the names of users on the system used to create this book:
require 'etc'
users = []
Etc.passwd {|passwd| users << }
users[1,5].join(", ") # => "_appowner, _appserver, _ard, _atsserver, _calendar"
  • Returns the IDs of groups on the system used to create this book:
require 'etc'
ids = [] {|entry| ids << entry.gid }
ids[1,5].join(", ") # => "87, 81, 79, 67, 97"


The expect library adds the method expect to all IO objects. This allows you to write code that waits for a particular string or pattern to be available from the I/O stream. The expect method is particularly useful with pty objects (see page 795) and with network connections to remote servers, where it can be used to coordinate the use of external interactive processes. If the global variable $expect_verbose is true, the expect method writes all characters read from the I/O stream to STDOUT.

  • Connects to the local FTP server, logs in, and prints out the name of the user’s directory. (Note that it would be a lot easier to do this using the net/ftp library.)
# This code might be specific to the particular
# ftp daemon.
require 'expect'
require 'socket'
$expect_verbose = true
socket ='localhost', 'ftp')
socket.puts("user testuser")
socket.expect("Password required for testuser")
socket.puts("pass secret")
socket.expect("logged in.\r\n")
socket.puts "quit"
220 localhost FTP server (tnftpd 20061217) ready.
331 Password required for testuser.
230 User testuser logged in.
257 "/Users/testuser" is the current directory.


The Fcntl module provides symbolic names for each of the host system’s available fcntl constants (defined in fcntl.h). That is, if the host system has a constant named F_GETLK defined in fcntl.h, then the Fcntl module will have a corresponding constant Fcntl::F_GETLK with the same value as the header file’s #define.

  • Different operating system will have different Fcntl constants available. The value associated with a constant of a given name may also differ across platforms. Here are the values on my Mac OS X system:
require 'fcntl'
Fcntl.constants.sort.each do |name|
  printf "%10s: 0x%06x\n", name, Fcntl.const_get(name)
FD_CLOEXEC: 0x000001
F_DUPFD: 0x000000
F_GETFD: 0x000001
F_GETFL: 0x000003
F_GETLK: 0x000007
F_RDLCK: 0x000001
F_SETFD: 0x000002
F_SETFL: 0x000004
F_SETLK: 0x000008
F_SETLKW: 0x000009
F_UNLCK: 0x000002
F_WRLCK: 0x000003
O_ACCMODE: 0x000003
O_APPEND: 0x000008
O_CREAT: 0x000200
O_EXCL: 0x000800
O_NDELAY: 0x000004
O_NOCTTY: 0x020000
O_NONBLOCK: 0x000004
O_RDONLY: 0x000000
O_RDWR: 0x000002
O_TRUNC: 0x000400
O_WRONLY: 0x000001

######Coroutines Using Fibers

The Fiber class that is built into Ruby provides a generator-lke capability—fibers may be created and resumed from some controlling program. If you want to extend the Fiber class to provide full, symmetrical coroutines, you need first to require the fiber library. This adds two instance methods, transfer and alive? to Fiber objects, and the singleton method current to the Fiber class.

  • It is difficult to come up with a meaningful, concise example of symmetric coroutines that can’t more easily be coded with asymetric (plain old) fibers. So, here’s an artificial example....
require 'fiber'
# take items two at a time off a queue, calling the producer
# if not enough are available
consumer = do |producer, queue|
  5.times do
    while queue.size < 2
      queue = producer.transfer(consumer, queue)
    puts "Consume #{queue.shift} and #{queue.shift}"
# add items three at a time to the queue
producer = do |consumer, queue|
  value = 1
  loop do
    puts "Producing more stuff"
    3.times { queue << value; value += 1}
    puts "Queue size is #{queue.size}"
    consumer.transfer queue
consumer.transfer(producer, [])
Producing more stuff
Queue size is 3
Consume 1 and 2
Producing more stuff
Queue size is 4
Consume 3 and 4
Consume 5 and 6
Producing more stuff
Queue size is 3
Consume 7 and 8
Producing more stuff
Queue size is 4
Consume 9 and 10


FileUtils is a collection of methods for manipulating files and directories. Although generally applicable, the model is particularly useful when writing installation scripts. Many methods take a src and a dest parameter. If dest is a directory, src may be a single filename or an array of filenames. For example, the following copies the files a, b, and c to /tmp:

cp( %w{ a b c }, "/tmp")
#Most functions take a set of options. These may be zero or more of the following:
Option    Meaning
:verbose  Traces execution of each function (by default to STDERR, although this can be overridden by setting the class variable @fileutils_output).
:noop     Does not perform the action of the function (useful for testing scripts).
:force    Overrides some default conservative behavior of the method (for example, overwriting an existing file).
:preserve Attempts to preserve atime, mtime, and mode information from src in dest. (Setuid and setgid flags are always cleared.)

For maximum portability, use forward slashes to separate the directory components of filenames, even on Windows.

FileUtils contains three submodules that duplicate the top-level methods but with different default options: module FileUtils::Verbose sets the verbose option, module FileUtils::NoWrite sets noop, and FileUtils::DryRun sets verbose and noop.

require 'fileutils'
include FileUtils::Verbose
cd("/tmp") do
  cp("/etc/passwd", "tmp_passwd")
  chmod(0666, "tmp_passwd")
  cp_r("/usr/include/net/", "headers")
  rm("tmp_passwd") # Tidy up
cd /tmp
cp /etc/passwd tmp_passwd
chmod 666 tmp_passwd
cp r
/usr/include/net/ headers
rm tmp_passwd
rm rf


The Find module supports the top-down traversal of a set of file paths, given as arguments to the find method. If an argument is a file, its name is passed to the block associated with the call. If it’s a directory, then its name and the name of all its files and subdirectories will be passed in. If no block is associated with the call, an Enumerator is returned.

Within the block, the method prune may be called, which skips the current file or directory, restarting the loop with the next directory. If the current file is a directory, that directory will not be recursively entered. In the following example, we don’t list the contents of the local Subversion cache directories:

require 'find'
Find.find("/etc/passwd", "code/cdjukebox") do |f|
  type = case
  when File.file?(f) then "File: "
  when then "Dir: "
  else "?"
  puts "#{type} #{f}"
  Find.prune if f =~ /.svn/
File: /etc/passwd
Dir: code/cdjukebox
File: code/cdjukebox/Makefile
File: code/cdjukebox/libcdjukebox.a
File: code/cdjukebox/cdjukebox.o
File: code/cdjukebox/cdjukebox.h
File: code/cdjukebox/cdjukebox.c
Dir: code/cdjukebox/.svn


Forwardable provides a mechanism to allow classes to delegate named method calls to other objects.

  • This simple symbol table uses a hash, exposing a subset of the hash’s methods:
require 'forwardable'
class SymbolTable
  extend Forwardable
  def_delegator(:@hash, :[], :lookup)
  def_delegator(:@hash, :[]=, :add)
  def_delegators(:@hash, :size, :has_key?)
  def initialize
    @hash =
st =
st.add('cat', 'feline animal') # => "feline animal"
st.add('dog', 'canine animal') # => "canine animal"
st.add('cow', 'bovine animal') # => "bovine animal"
st.has_key?('cow')             # => true
st.lookup('dog')               # => "canine animal"
  • Forwards can also be defined for individual objects by extending them with the Single-Forwardable module. It’s hard to think of a good reason to use this feature, so here’s a silly one:
require 'forwardable'
TRICKS = [ "roll over", "play dead" ]
dog = "rover"
dog.extend SingleForwardable
dog.def_delegator(:TRICKS, :each, :can)
dog.can do |trick|
  puts trick
roll over
play dead


Interfaces to the gdbm database library.1 Although the DBM provides generic access to gdbm databases, it doesn’t expose some features of the full gdbm interface. The GDBM library gives you access to underlying gdbm features such as the cache size, synchronization mode, reorganization, and locking. Only one process may have a GDBM database open for writing (unless locking is disabled).

  • Stores some values into a database and then reads them back. The second parameter to the open method specifies the file mode, and the next parameter uses two flags that (1) create the database if it doesn’t exist, and (2) force all writes to be synced to disk. Create on open is the default Ruby gdbm behavior.
require 'gdbm'"data.dbm", 0644, GDBM::WRCREAT | GDBM::SYNC) do |dbm|
  dbm['name'] = "Walter Wombat"
  dbm['dob'] = "19691225"
  dbm['uses'] = "Ruby"
end"data.dbm") do |dbm|
  p dbm.keys
  p dbm['dob']
  p dbm.keys
["uses", "dob", "name"]
["uses", "name"]
  • Opens a database read-only. Note that the attempt to delete a key fails.
require 'gdbm'"data.dbm", 0, GDBM::READER) do |dbm|
  p dbm.keys
["uses", "name"]
prog.rb:4:in `delete': Reader can't delete (GDBMError)
from /tmp/prog.rb:5:in `block in <main>'
from /tmp/prog.rb:3:in `open'


Class GetoptLong supports GNU-style command-line option parsing. Options may be a minus sign (–) followed by a single character or may be two minus signs (- -) followed by a name (a long option). Long options may be abbreviated to their shortest unambiguous lengths. A single internal option may have multiple external representations. For example, the option to control verbose output could be any of -v, --verbose, or --details. Some options may also take an associated value. Each internal option is passed to GetoptLong as an array, containing strings representing the option’s external forms and a flag. The flag specifies how GetoptLong is to associate an argument with the option (NO_ARGUMENT, REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, or OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT). If the environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT is set, all options must precede nonoptions on the command line. Otherwise, the default behavior of GetoptLong is to reorganize the command line to put the options at the front. This behavior may be changed by setting GetoptLong#ordering= to one of the constants PERMUTE, REQUIRE_ORDER, or RETURN_IN_ORDER. POSIXLY_CORRECT may not be overridden.

# Call using "ruby example.rb size 10k v q a.txt b.doc"
require 'getoptlong'
# specify the options we accept and initialize
# the option parser
opts =
[ "size",
  [ "verbose",
    GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
    [ "query",
      GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
      [ "check",
        GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ]
# process the parsed options
opts.each do |opt, arg|
puts "Option: #{opt}, arg #{arg.inspect}"
puts "Remaining args: #{ARGV.join(', ')}"
Option: size,
arg "10k"
Option: verbose,
arg ""
Option: query,
arg ""
Remaining args: a.txt, b.doc


Simple framework for writing TCP servers. Subclasses the GServer class, sets the port (and potentially other parameters) in the constructor, and then implements a serve method to handle incoming requests. GServer manages a thread pool for incoming connections, so your serve method may be running in multiple threads in parallel. You can run multiple GServer copies on different ports in the same application.

  • When a connection is made on port 2000, responds with the current time as a string. Terminates after handling three requests.
require 'gserver'
class TimeServer < GServer
  def initialize
    @count = 3
  def serve(client)
    @count =
    stop if
server =
server.audit = true # enable logging
  • You can test this server by reading from localhost on port 2000. We use curl to do this—you could also use telnet:
    % curl s localhost:2000
    20090413 13:27:00 0500


The Iconv class is an interface to the Open Group’s iconv library, which supports the translation of strings between character encodings. For a list of the supported encodings on your platform, see the iconv_open man pages for your system. An Iconv object encapsulates a conversion descriptor, which in turn contains the information needed to convert from one encoding to another. The converter can be used multiple times,until closed. The conversion method iconv can be called multiple times to convert input strings. At the end, it should be called with a nil argument to flush out any remaining output.
The new string transcoding functions in Ruby 1.9 make the basic Iconv functions redundant. However, Iconv has capabilities (such as transliteration) that are not part of the built-in Ruby functionality.

  • Converts from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-16:
require 'iconv'
conv ="UTF16","ISO88591")
result = conv.iconv("hello")
result << conv.iconv(nil)
result.dump # => "\xFE\xFF\x00h\x00e\x00l\x00l\x00o"
  • Does the same conversion using a class method. Note that we use Iconv.conv, which returns a single string, as opposed to Iconv.iconv, which returns an array of strings.
require 'iconv'
result = Iconv.conv("UTF16","ISO88591","hello")
result.dump # => "\xFE\xFF\x00h\x00e\x00l\x00l\x00o"
  • Converts olé from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1:
require 'iconv'
result = Iconv.conv("ISO88591","UTF8","ol\303\251")
result.dump # => "ol\xE9"
  • Converts olé from UTF-8 to ASCII. This throws an exception, because ASCII doesn’t have an é character.
require 'iconv'
result = Iconv.conv("ASCII", "UTF8","ol\303\251")
prog.rb:2:in `conv': "\xC3\xA9" (Iconv::IllegalSequence)
from /tmp/prog.rb:2:in `<main>'
  • This time, converts to ASCII with transliteration, which shows approximations of missing characters:
require 'iconv'
result = Iconv.iconv("ASCII//TRANSLIT", "UTF8","ol\303\251")
result[0].dump # => "ol'e"


Including the library io/wait adds the methods IO#nread, IO#ready?, and IO#wait to the stan-dard IO class. These allow an IO object opened on a stream (not a file) to be queried to see whether data is available to be read without reading it and to wait for a given number of bytes to become available.

  • Sets up a pipe between two processes and writes 10 bytes at a time into it. Periodically sees how much data is available.
require 'io/wait'
reader, writer = IO.pipe
if (pid = fork)
  8.times do
    sleep 0.03
    len = reader.ready?
    if len
      puts "#{len} bytes available: #{reader.sysread(len)}"
      puts "No data available"
  5.times do |n|
    sleep 0.04
    writer.write n.to_s * 10
No data available
10 bytes available: 0000000000
10 bytes available: 1111111111
No data available
10 bytes available: 2222222222
10 bytes available: 3333333333
10 bytes available: 4444444444
No data available


Class IPAddr holds and manipulates Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. Each address contains three parts: an address, a mask, and an address family. The family will typically be AF_INET for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. The class contains methods for extracting parts of an address, checking for IPv4 compatible addresses (and IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses), testing whether an address falls within a subnet and many other functions. It is also interesting in that it contains as data its own unit tests.

require 'ipaddr'
v4 ='')
v4          # => #<IPAddr: IPv4:>
v4.mask(16) # => #<IPAddr: IPv4:>
v4.reverse  # => ""
v6 ='3ffe:505:2::1')
v6          # => #<IPAddr:IPv6:3ffe:0505:0002:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001/ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff>
v6.mask(48) # => #<IPAddr:IPv6:3ffe:0505:0002:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000/ffff:ffff:ffff:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000>
# the value for 'family' is OS dependent. This
# value is for OS X   # => 30
other ="")
v4.include?(other) # => true


The irb library is most commonly associated with the console command irb. However, you can also start an irb session from within your running application. A common technique is to trap a signal and start irb in the handler. The following program sets up a signal handler that runs irb when the user hits ^C. The user can change the value of the instance variable @value. When they exit from irb, the original program continues to run with that new value.

require 'irb'
trap "INT" do
count = 0
loop do
  count += 1
  puts count
  puts "Value = #{@value}" if defined? @value
  sleep 1
#Here’s a simple session using it:
#$ ruby code/run_irb.rb
irb(main):001:0> @value = "wibble"
=> "wibble"
irb(main):002:0> exit
Value = wibble
Value = wibble

Generate 1.9 and Parse JSON Format

JSON is a language-independent data interchange format based on key/value pairs (hashes in Ruby) and sequences of values (arrays in Ruby).2 JSON is frequently used to exchange data between JavaScript running in browsers and server-based applications. JSON is not a general-purpose object marshaling format. Although you can add to_json methods to your own classes, you will lose interoperability.

  • Serializes a data structure into a string and write that to a file:
require 'json'
data = { name: 'dave', address: [ 'tx', 'usa' ], age: 17 }
serialized = data.to_json
serialized # => {"name":"dave","address":["tx","usa"],"age":17}"data", "w") {|f| f.puts serialized}
  • Reads the serialized data from the file and reconstitute it:
require 'json'
serialized ="data")
data = JSON.parse(serialized)
data # => {"name"=>"dave", "address"=>["tx", "usa"], "age"=>17}
  • The methods j and jj convert their argument to JSON and write the result to STDOUT (jj prettyprints). This can be useful in irb.
require 'json'
data = { name: 'dave', address: [ 'tx', 'usa' ], age: 17 }
puts "Regular"
j data
puts "Pretty"
jj data
  "name": "dave",
  "address": [
  "age": 17


Writes log messages to a file or stream. Supports automatic time- or size-based rolling of log files. Messages can be assigned severities, and only those messages at or above the logger’s current reporting level will be logged.

  • During development, you may want to see all messages:
require 'logger'
log =
log.level = Logger::DEBUG
log.datetime_format = "%H:%M:%S""Application starting")
3.times do |i|
  log.debug("Executing loop, i = #{i}")
  temperature = some_calculation(i) # defined externally
  if temperature > 50
    log.warn("Possible overheat. i = #{i}")
end"Application terminating")
I, [13:27:00#86139] INFO :
Application starting
D, [13:27:00#86139] DEBUG :
Executing loop, i = 0
D, [13:27:00#86139] DEBUG :
Executing loop, i = 1
D, [13:27:00#86139] DEBUG :
Executing loop, i = 2
W, [13:27:00#86139] WARN :
Possible overheat. i = 2
I, [13:27:00#86139] INFO :
Application terminating
  • In deployment, you can turn off anything below INFO:
require 'logger'
log =
log.level = Logger::INFO
log.datetime_format = "%H:%M:%S"
# as above...
I, [13:27:00#86141] INFO : Application starting
W, [13:27:00#86141] WARN : Possible overheat. i = 2
I, [13:27:00#86141] INFO : Application terminating
  • Logs to a file, which is rotated when it gets to about 10KB. Keeps up to five old files.
require 'logger'
log ="application.log", 5, 10*1024)"Application starting")
# ...


The mathn library attempts to bring some unity to numbers under Ruby, making classes Bignum, Complex, Fixnum, Integer, and Rational work and play better together. It automatically includes the libraries complex, rational, matrix, and prime.

  • Types will tend to convert between themselves in a more natural way (so, for example, Complex::I squared will evaluate to −1, rather than Complex[-1,0]).

  • Division will tend to produce more accurate results. The conventional division operator (/) is redefined to use quo, which doesn’t round (quo is documented on page 661).

  • Related to the previous point, rational numbers will be used in preference to floats when possible. Dividing one by two results in the rational number 1 2 , rather than 0.5 (or 0, the result of normal integer division).

  • Without mathn:

require 'matrix'
36/16                   # => 2
Math.sqrt(36/16)        # => 1.4142135623731
Complex::I * Complex::I # => (1+0i)
(36/16)**2              # => 1/4
(36.0/16.0)**2          # => 0.197530864197531
(36/16)**2              # => 1/9
(36/16)**(1/2)          # => 1
(36/16)**(1/2)          # => 1
(36/16)**(1/2)          # => 1/2
(36/16)**(1/2)          # => 1/3

                              2 0 0
Matrix.diagonal(6,7,8)/3 # => 0 2 0
                              0 0 2
  • With mathn:
require 'mathn'
36/16                     # => 9/4
Math.sqrt(36/16)          # => 3/2
Complex::I * Complex::I   # => 1
(36/16)**2                # => 16/81
(36.0/16.0)**2            # => 0.197530864197531
(36/16)**2                # => 16/81
(36/16)**(1/2)            # => 3/2
(36/16)**(1/2)            # => (9.18485099360515e17+1.5i)
(36/16)**(1/2)            # => 2/3
(36/16)**(1/2)            # => (4.08215599715784e170.666666666666667i)
                               2 0 0
Matrix.diagonal(6,7,8)/3  # => 0 7/3 0
                               0 0 8/3


The matrix library defines classes Matrix and Vector, representing rectangular matrices and vectors. As well as the normal arithmetic operations, they provide methods for matrixspecific functions (such as rank, inverse, and determinants) and a number of constructor methods (for creating special-case matrices—zero, identity, diagonal, singular, and vector). As of Ruby 1.9, matrices use quo internally for division, so rational numbers may be returned as a result of integer division. In prior versions of Ruby, you’d need to include the mathn library to achieve this.

require 'matrix'
                                                2 1
m1 = Matrix[ [2, 1], [1,1] ]             # => 
                                                −1 1
m1[0,1]                                   # => 1
                                                1/3 −1/3
m1.inv                                    # =>
                                                1/3 2/3

                                                  1/1 0/1
m1 * m1.inv                               # =>
                                                  0/1 1/1
m1.determinant                            # => 3/1
m1.singular?                              # => false
v1 = Vector[3, 4]                         # => Vector[3, 4]
v1.covector                               # => 3 4
m1 * v1                                   # => Vector[10, 1]

                                                  1 2 3
m2 = Matrix[ [1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9] ]  # =>   4 5 6
                                                  7 8 9
                                                  5 6
m2.minor(1, 2, 1, 2)                       # =>       
                                                  8 9


New in Ruby 1.9, MiniTest is now the standard unit testing framework supplied with Ruby. The MiniTest library contains classes for unit tests, mock objects, and a (trivial) subset of RSpec-style testing syntax. The unit testing framework is similar to the original Test::Unit framework. However, if you want functionality that is the same as Test::Unit, use the Test::Unit wrappers for MiniTest—simply require "test/unit" as normal.


Monitors are a mutual-exclusion mechanism. They allow separate threads to define shared resources that will be accessed exclusively, and they provide a mechanism for a thread to wait for resources to become available in a controlled way. The monitor library actually defines three separate ways of using monitors: as a parent class, as a mixin, and as a extension to a particular object. In this section, we document the module form of Monitor. The class form is effectively identical. In both the class form and when including MonitorMixin in an existing class, it is essential to invoke super in the class’s initialize method.

require 'monitor'
require 'mathn'
numbers = []
number_added = numbers.new_cond
# Reporter thread
consumer = do
  5.times do
    numbers.synchronize do
      number_added.wait_while { numbers.empty? }
      puts numbers.shift
# Prime number generator thread
generator = do
  p =
  5.times do
    numbers.synchronize do
      numbers << p.succ
Prime::new is obsolete. use Prime::instance or class methods of Prime.

######Mutex Mix-In

mutex_m is a variant of class Mutex (documented on page 612) that allows mutex facilities to be mixed into any object. The Mutex_m module defines methods that correspond to those in Mutex but with the prefix mu_ (so that lock is defined as mu_lock and so on). These are then aliased to the original Mutex names.

require 'mutex_m'
class Counter
  include Mutex_m
  attr_reader :count
  def initialize
    @count = 0
  def tick
    @count += 1
c =
t1 = { 100_000.times { c.tick } }
t2 = { 100_000.times { c.tick } }
c.count # => 200000


The net/ftp library implements a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client. As well as data transfer commands (getbinaryfile, gettextfile, list, putbinaryfile, and puttextfile), the library supports the full complement of server commands (acct, chdir, delete, mdtm, mkdir, nlst, rename, rmdir, pwd, size, status, and system). Anonymous and password-authenticated sessions are supported. Connections may be active or passive.

require 'net/ftp'
ftp ='')
puts ftp.list('*txt')
ftp.getbinaryfile('MD5SUM.txt', 'md5sum.txt', 1024)
-rw-r--r-- 1 1027 100 3060 Jan 21 11:21 MD5SUM.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 1027 100 3436 Jan 21 11:22 SHA1SUM.txt
d529768c828c930c49b3766d13dc1f2c rubyman1.4.6jp.tar.gz
8eed63fec14a719df26247fb8384db5e rubyman1.4.6.tar.gz
623b5d889c1f15b8a50fe0b3b8ba4b0f rubymanja1.6.620011225rd.tar.gz
5f37ef2d67ab1932881cd713989af6bf rubymanjahtml20050214.tar.bz2
. . .


The net/http library provides a simple client to fetch headers and web page contents using the HTTP protocol. The get post, and head methods return a response object, with the content of the response accessible through the response’s body method.

  • Opens a connection and fetch a page, displaying the response code and message, header information, and some of the body:
require 'net/http'
Net::HTTP.start('') do |http|
  response = http.get('/categories/new')
  puts "Code = #{response.code}"
  puts "Message = #{response.message}"
  response.each {|key, val| printf "%14s = %40.40s\n", key, val }
  p response.body[0, 55]
Code              = 200
Message           = OK
server            = nginx/0.6.34
date              = Mon, 13 Apr 2009 18:27:01 GMT
contenttype       = text/html; charset=UTF8
transferencoding  = chunked
connection        = keepalive
setcookie         = _pragmatic_session_id=af478c8333e8e2966b
status            = 200 OK
xruntime          = 84ms
etag              = "1506b34159b8e2c85ee772c25704ff60"
xappinfo          = master@9402370c1ccb75092090e9b7d014853ad
cachecontrol      = private, maxage=0, mustrevalidate
"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\"\n \"ht"
  • Fetches a single page, displaying the response code and message, header information, and some of the body:
require 'net/http'
response = Net::HTTP.get_response('','/categories/new')
puts "Code = #{response.code}"
puts "Message = #{response.message}"
response.each {|key, val| printf "%14s = %40.40s\n", key, val }
p response.body[0, 55]
Code          = 200
Message       = OK
server        = nginx/0.6.34
date          = Mon, 13 Apr 2009 18:27:02 GMT
contenttype   = text/html; charset=UTF8
connection    = keepalive
setcookie     = _pragmatic_session_id=e987d6f51627348841
status        = 200 OK
xruntime      = 77ms
etag          = "1506b34159b8e2c85ee772c25704ff60"
xappinfo      = master@9402370c1ccb75092090e9b7d014853ad
cachecontrol  = private, maxage=0, mustrevalidate
contentlength = 22986
"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\"\n \"ht"
  • Follows redirections (the open-uri library does this automatically). This code comes from the RDoc documentation.
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
def fetch(uri_str, limit=10)
  fail 'http redirect too deep' if
  puts "Trying: #{uri_str}"
  response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(uri_str))
  case response
  when Net::HTTPSuccess then response
  when Net::HTTPRedirection then fetch(response['location'], limit1)
  else response.error!
response = fetch('')
p response.body[0, 50]
"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\"\n"
  • Searches our site for things about Ruby and lists the authors. (This would be tidier using Hpricot,3 but this doesn’t run on Ruby 1.9 as I write this.)
require 'net/http'
response = Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse(''),"q" => "ruby")
puts response.body.scan(%r{<p class="byline">by (.*?)</p>})[0,3]
Dave Thomas, with Chad Fowler and Andy Hunt
Bruce Tate
Lyle Johnson


The Internet Mail Access Protocol (IMAP) is used to allow mail clients to access mail servers. It supports plain-text login and the IMAP login and CRAM-MD5 authentication mechanisms. Once connected, the library supports threading, so multiple interactions with the server may take place at the same time. The examples that follow are taken with minor modifications from the RDoc documentation in the library source file. The TMail gem provides an interface for creating and parsing e-mail messages.

  • Lists senders and subjects of messages to “dave” in the inbox:
require 'net/imap'
imap ='')
imap.authenticate('LOGIN', 'dave', 'secret')
puts "Message count: #{ imap.responses["EXISTS"]}"["TO", "dave"]).each do |message_id|
  envelope = imap.fetch(message_id, "ENVELOPE")[0].attr["ENVELOPE"]
  puts "#{envelope.from[0].name}: \t#{envelope.subject}"
  • Moves all messages with a date in April 2008 from the folder Mail/sentmail to Mail/sentapr08:
require 'net/imap'
imap ='')
imap.authenticate('LOGIN', 'dave', 'secret')'Mail/sentmail')
if not imap.list('Mail/', 'sentapr08')
end["BEFORE", "01May2008","SINCE", "1Apr2008"]).each do |message_id|
  imap.copy(message_id, "Mail/sentapr08"), "+FLAGS", [:Deleted])

######访问 POP 邮件服务器

The net/pop library provides a simple client to fetch and delete mail on a Post Office Protocol (POP) server. The class Net::POP3 is used to access a POP server, returning a list of Net::POPMail objects, one per message stored on the server. These POPMail objects are then used to fetch and/or delete individual messages. The TMail gem provides an interface for creating and parsing e-mail messages. The library also provides class APOP, an alternative to the POP3 class that performs authentication.

require 'net/pop'
pop ='server.rubystuff.
pop.start('joe', 'secret') do |server|
  msg = server.mails[0]
  # Print the 'From:' header line
  from = msg.header.split("\r\n").grep(/^From: /)[0]
  puts from
  puts "Full message:"
  text = msg.pop
  puts text
From: (Dave Thomas)
Full message:
ReturnPath: <>
Received: from ( [])
by (8.11.6/8.11.6) with ESMTP id i2PJMW701809
for <>; Thu, 25 Mar 2008 13:22:32 0600
Received: by (Postfix, from userid 502)
id 4AF228B1BD; Thu, 25 Mar 2008 13:22:36 0600 (CST)
Subject: Try out the new features!
MessageId: <>
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2008 13:22:36 0600 (CST)
From: (Dave Thomas)
Status: RO


The net/smtp library provides a simple client to send electronic mail using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). It does not assist in the creation of the message payload—it simply delivers messages once an RFC822 message has been constructed. The TMail gem provides an interface for creating and parsing e-mail messages.

  • Sends an e-mail from a string:
require 'net/smtp'
msg = "Subject: Test\n\nNow is the time\n"
Net::SMTP.start('') do |smtp|
  smtp.send_message(msg, '', ['dave'])
  • Sends an e-mail using an SMTP object and an adapter:
require 'net/smtp'
Net::SMTP::start('', 25, "") do |smtp|
  smtp.open_message_stream('', # from
  [ 'dave' ] # to
  ) do |stream|
    stream.puts "Subject: Test1"
    stream.puts "And so is this"
  • Sends an e-mail to a server requiring CRAM-MD5 authentication:
require 'net/smtp'
msg = "Subject: Test\n\nNow is the time\n"
Net::SMTP.start('', 25, '',
'user', 'password', :cram_md5) do |smtp|
  smtp.send_message(msg, '', ['dave'])


The net/telnet library provides a complete implementation of a telnet client and includes features that make it a convenient mechanism for interacting with nontelnet services. Class Net::Telnet delegates to class Socket. As a result, the methods of Socket and its parent, class IO, are available through Net::Telnet objects.

  • Connects to a localhost, runs the date command, and disconnects:
require 'net/telnet'
tn ={})
tn.login "guest", "secret"
tn.cmd "date" # => "Mon Apr 13 13:27:04 CDT 2009\n"
  • The methods new, cmd, login, and waitfor take an optional block. If present, the block is passed output from the server as it is received by the routine. This can be used to provide real-time output, rather than waiting (for example) for a login to complete before displaying the server’s response.
require 'net/telnet'
tn ={}) {|str| print str }
tn.login("guest", "secret") {|str| print str }
tn.cmd("date") {|str| print str }
Connected to localhost.
Darwin/BSD (dave2.
home) (ttys012)
login: guest
Password:Last login: Thu Mar 5 13:23:25 from
$ date
Mon Apr 13 13:27:04 CDT 2009
  • Gets the time from an NTP server:
require 'net/telnet'
tn ='Host'       => '',
                     'Port'       => 'time',
                     'Timeout'    => 60,
                     'Telnetmode' => false)
atomic_time = tn.recv(4).unpack('N')[0]
puts "Atomic time: " + 2208988800).to_s
puts "Local time: " +
Atomic time: 20090413
13:27:04 0500
Local time: 20090413
13:27:07 0500

######Interface to Network Kanji Filter

The NKF module is a wrapper around Itaru Ichikawa’s Network Kanji Filter (NKF) library (version 1.7). It provides functions to guess at the encoding of JIS, EUC, and SJIS streams and to convert from one encoding to another.Even though Ruby 1.9 now supports these encodings natively, this library is still useful for guessing encodings.

  • As of Ruby 1.9, NFK uses the built-in encoding objects:
require 'nkf'
NKF::AUTO # => nil
NKF::JIS  # => #<Encoding:ISO2022JP(dummy)>
NKF::EUC  # => #<Encoding:EUCJP>
NKF::SJIS # => #<Encoding:Shift_JIS>
  • Guesses at the encoding of a string. (Thanks to Nobu Nakada for the examples on this page.)
require 'nkf'
p NKF.guess("Yukihiro Matsumoto")
p NKF.guess("\e$B$^$D$b$H$f$$R$m\e(B")
p NKF.guess("\244\336\244\304\244\342\244\310\244\346\244\255\244\322\244\355")
p NKF.guess("\202\334\202\302\202\340\202\306\202\344\202\253\202\320\202\353")

  • The NKF.nfk method takes two parameters. The first is a set of options, passed on to the NKF library. The second is the string to translate. The following examples assume that your console is set up to accommodate Japanese characters. The text at the end of the three ruby commands is Yukihiro Matsumoto.
$ ruby -e ’p *ARGV’ "这是日文"
$ ruby rnkf -e ’p NKF.nkf(*ARGV) -  -Es "这是日文"
$ ruby rnkf -e ’p NKF.nkf(*ARGV) - -Ej "这是日文"
Observer(观察者) 模式

The Observer pattern, also known as Publish/Subscribe, provides a simple mechanism for one object (the source) to inform a set of interested third-party objects when its state changes (see Design Patterns [GHJV95]). In the Ruby implementation, the notifying class mixes in the module Observable, which provides the methods for managing the associated observer objects. The observers must implement the update method to receive notifications.

require 'observer'
class CheckWaterTemperature # Periodically check the water
  include Observable
  def run
    last_temp = nil
    loop do
      temp = Temperature.fetch # external class...
      puts "Current temperature: #{temp}"
      if temp != last_temp
        changed # notify observers
        notify_observers(, temp)
        last_temp = temp
class Warner
  def initialize(&limit)
    @limit = limit
  def update(time, temp) # callback for observer
      puts "#{
      time.to_s}: Temperature outside range: #{temp}"
checker =
checker.add_observer( {|t| t < 80})
checker.add_observer( {|t| t > 120})
Current temperature: 83
Current temperature: 75
13:27:05 0500:
Temperature outside range: 75
Current temperature: 90
Current temperature: 134
13:27:05 0500:
Temperature outside range: 134
Current temperature: 134
Current temperature: 112
Current temperature: 79
13:27:05 0500:
Temperature outside range: 79


The open-uri library extends Kernel#open, allowing it to accept URIs for FTP and HTTP as well as local filenames. Once opened, these resources can be treated as if they were local files, accessed using conventional IO methods. The URI passed to open is either a string containing an HTTP or FTP URL or a URI object (described on page 826). When opening an HTTP resource, the method automatically handles redirection and proxies. When using an FTP resource, the method logs in as an anonymous user. The IO object returned by open in these cases is extended to support methods that return metainformation from the request: content_type, charset, content_encoding, last_modified, status, base_uri, meta.

require 'openuri'
require 'pp'
open('') do |f|
  puts "URI: #{f.base_uri}"
  puts "Contenttype:
  #{f.content_type}, charset: #{f.charset}"
  puts "Encoding: #{f.content_encoding}"
  puts "Last modified: #{f.last_modified}"
  puts "Status: #{f.status.inspect}"
  pp f.meta
  puts ""
  3.times {|i| puts "#{i}: #{f.gets}" }
text/html, charset: utf8
Encoding: []
Last modified:
Status: ["200", "OK"]
{"date"=>"Mon, 13 Apr 2009 18:27:07 GMT",
"server"=> "Apache/2.2.3 (Debian) DAV/2 SVN/1.4.2 mod_ruby/1.2.6 Ruby/1.8.5(20060825)
mod_ssl/2.2.3 OpenSSL/0.9.8c",
0:<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
1: "">
2: <html xmlns="">


Runs a command in a subprocess. Data written to stdin can be read by the subprocess, and data written to standard output and standard error in the subprocess will be available on the stdout and stderr streams. The subprocess is actually run as a grandchild, and as a result, Process#waitall cannot be used to wait for its termination (hence the sleep in the following example). Note also that you probably cannot assume that the application’s output and error streams will not be buffered, so output may not arrive when you expect it to.

require 'open3'
Open3.popen3('bc') do | stdin, stdout, stderr | { loop { puts "STDOUT stream: #{stdout.gets}" } } { loop { puts "STDERR stream: #{stderr.gets}" } }
  stdin.puts "3 * 4"
  stdin.puts "1 / 0"
  stdin.puts "2 ^ 5"
  sleep 0.1
STDOUT stream: 12
STDOUT stream: 32
STDERR stream: Runtime error (func=(main), adr=3): Divide by zero


The Ruby OpenSSL extension wraps the freely available OpenSSL library. It provides the Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security (SSL and TLS) protocols, allowing for secure communications over networks. The library provides functions for certificate creation and management, message signing, and encryption/decryption. It also provides wrappers to simplify access to https servers, along with secure FTP. The interface to the library is large (roughly 330 methods), but the average Ruby user will probably use only a small subset of the library’s capabilities.

  • Accesses a secure website using HTTPS. Note that SSL is used to tunnel to the site, but the requested page also requires standard HTTP basic authorization.
require 'net/https'
USER = "xxx"
PW = "yyy"
site ="", 443)
site.use_ssl = true
response = site.get2("/cgibin/cokerecipe.cgi",
                     'Authorization' => 'Basic ' +
  • Creates a socket that uses SSL. This isn’t a good example of accessing a website. However, it illustrates how a socket can be encrypted.
require 'socket'
require 'openssl'
socket ="", 443)
ssl_context =
unless ssl_context.verify_mode
  warn "warning: peer certificate won't be verified this session."
  ssl_context.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
sslsocket =, ssl_context)
sslsocket.sync_close = true
sslsocket.puts("GET /secretinfo.shtml")
while line = sslsocket.gets
  p line


OptionParser is a flexible and extensible way to parse command-line arguments. It has a particularly rich abstraction of the concept of an option.

  • An option can have multiple short names (options preceded by a single hyphen) and multiple long names (options preceded by two hyphens). Thus, an option that displays help may be available as -h, -?, --help, and --about. Users may abbreviate long option names to the shortest nonambiguous prefix.
  • An option may be specified as having no argument, an optional argument, or a required argument. Arguments can be validated against patterns or lists of valid values.
  • Arguments may be returned as objects of any type (not just strings). The argument type system is extensible (we add Date handling in the example).
  • Arguments can have one or more lines of descriptive text, used when generating usage information.

Options are specified using the on and def methods. These methods take a variable number of arguments that cumulatively build a definition of each option. The arguments accepted by these methods are listed in Table 28.2 on the next page.

require 'optparse'
require 'date'
# Add Dates as a new option type
OptionParser.accept(Date, /(\d+)(\d+)(\d+)/) do |d, mon, day, year|, mon.to_i, day.to_i)
opts =
opts.on("x"){|val| puts "xseen" }
opts.on("s","sizeVAL", Integer) {|val| puts "s#{val}" }
opts.on("a","atDATE", Date) {|val| puts "a#{val}" }
my_argv = [ "size","1234", "x","a","12252008","fred", "wilma" ]
rest = opts.parse(*my_argv)
puts "Remainder = #{rest.join(', ')}"
puts opts.to_s
-s 1234
-x seen
-a 2008-12-25
Remainder = fred, wilma
Usage: myprog [options]
    -s, --size VAL
    -a, --at DATE

Table 28.2. Option Definition Arguments

  • "-x" "-xARG" "-x=ARG" "-x[OPT]" "-x[=OPT]" "-x PLACE" #Option has short name x. First form has no argument, next two have mandatory argument,next two have optional argument, last specifies argument follows option. The short names may also be specified as a range (such as "-[a-c]").

  • "--switch" "--switch=ARG" "--switch=[OPT]" "--switch PLACE" #Option has long name switch. First form has no argument, next has a mandatory argument, the next has an optional argument, and the last specifies the argument follows the switch.

  • "--no-switch" #Defines a option whose default value is false.

  • "=ARG" "=[OPT]" #Argument for this option is mandatory or optional. For example, the following code says there’s an option known by the aliases -x, -y, and -z that takes a mandatory argument,shown in the usage as N:opt.on("x","y","z","=N")

  • "description" #Any string that doesn’t start – or = is used as a description for this option in the summary. Multiple descriptions may be given; they’ll be shown on additional lines.

  • /pattern/ #Any argument must match the given pattern.

  • array #Argument must be one of the values from array.

  • proc or method #Argument type conversion is performed by the given proc or method (rather than using the block associated with the on or def method call).

  • ClassName #Argument must match that defined for ClassName, which may be predefined or added using OptionParser.accept. Built-in argument classes are

  • Object: #Any string. No conversion. This is the default.

  • String: #Any nonempty string. No conversion.

  • Integer: #Ruby/C-like integer with optional sign (0ddd is octal, 0bddd binary, 0xddd hexadecimal).Converts to Integer.

  • Float: #Float number format. Converts to Float.

  • Numeric: #Generic numeric format. Converts to Integer for integers, Float for floats.

  • Array: #Argument must be of list of strings separated by a comma.

  • OptionParser::DecimalInteger: #Decimal integer. Converted to Integer.

  • OptionParser::OctalInteger: #Ruby/C-like octal/hexadecimal/binary integer.

  • OptionParser::DecimalNumeric: #Decimal integer/float number. Integers converted to Integer,floats to Float.

  • TrueClass, FalseClass: #Boolean switch.


An open structure is an object whose attributes are created dynamically when first assigned. In other words, if obj is an instance of an OpenStruct, then the statement will create the attribute abc in obj and then assign the value 1 to it.

require 'ostruct'
os = "f1" => "one", :f2 => "two" )
os.f3 = "cat"
os.f4 = 99
os.f1 # => "one"
os.f2 # => "two"
os.f3 # => "cat"
os.f4 # => 99

Because OpenStruct uses method_missing and because it is a subclass of Object, you can’t name field with the same names as Object’s instance methods. In the following example,the access to ice.freeze is a call to Object#freeze:

require 'ostruct'
ice =
ice.freeze = "yes"
ice.freeze # => #<OpenStruct freeze="yes">


A Pathname represents the absolute or relative name of a file. It has two distinct uses. First, it allows manipulation of the parts of a file path (extracting components, building new paths, and so on). Second (and somewhat confusingly), it acts as a façade for some methods in classes Dir, File, and module FileTest, forwarding on calls for the file named by the Pathname object.

  • Path name manipulation:
require 'pathname'
p1 ="/usr/bin")
p2 ="ruby")
p3 = p1 + p2
p4 = p2 + p1
p3.parent         # => #<Pathname:/usr/bin>
p3.parent.parent  # => #<Pathname:/usr>
p1.absolute?      # => true
p2.absolute?      # => false
p3.split          # => [#<Pathname:/usr/bin>, #<Pathname:ruby>]
p5 ="testdir")
puts p5.realpath
puts p5.children
  • Path name as proxy for file and directory status requests:
require 'pathname'
p1 ="/usr/bin/ruby")
p1.file?                      # => true                # => false
p1.executable?               # => true
p1.size                      # => 38304
p2 ="testfile") # => #<Pathname:testfile>                      # => "This is line one\nThis is line two\nThis is line three\nAnd soon...\n"
p2.readlines                 # => ["This is line one\n", "This is line two\n", "This is line three\n", "And so on...\n"]


PP uses the PrettyPrint library to format the results of inspecting Ruby objects. As well as the methods in the class, it defines a global function, pp, which works like the existing p method but formats its output. PP has a default layout for all Ruby objects. However, you can override the way it handles a class by defining the method pretty_print, which takes a PP object as a parameter. It should use that PP object’s methods text, breakable, nest, group, and pp to format its output (see PrettyPrint for details).

  • Compares “p” and “pp”:
require 'pp'
Customer =, :sex, :dob, :country)
cust ="Walter Wall", "Male", "12/25/1960", "Niue")
puts "Regular print"
p cust
puts "\nPretty print"
pp cust
Regular print
#<struct Customer name="Walter Wall", sex="Male", dob="12/25/1960",country="Niue">
Pretty print
#<struct Customer name="Walter Wall",sex="Male",dob="12/25/1960",country="Niue">
  • You can tell PP not to display an object if it has already displayed it:
require 'pp'
a = "string"
b = [ a ]
c = [ b, b ]
PP.sharing_detection = false
pp c
PP.sharing_detection = true
pp c
[["string"], ["string"]]
[["string"], [...]]


PrettyPrint implements a pretty printer for structured text. It handles details of wrapping, grouping, and indentation. The PP library uses PrettyPrint to generate more legible dumps of Ruby objects.

  • The following program prints a chart of Ruby’s classes, showing subclasses as a bracketed list following the parent. To save some space, we show just the classes in the Numeric branch of the tree.
require 'prettyprint'
@children = { |h,k| h[k] = }
ObjectSpace.each_object(Class) do |cls|
  @children[cls.superclass] << cls if cls <= Numeric
def print_children_of(printer, cls)
  kids = @children[cls].sort_by(&:name)
  unless kids.empty?, " [", "]") do
      printer.nest(3) do
        kids.each_with_index do |k, i|
          printer.breakable unless
          print_children_of(printer, k)
printer =$stdout, 30)
print_children_of(printer, Object)
Object [
  Numeric [
    Integer [

######Prime Numbers

Provides facilities for generating prime numbers, as well as factoring numbers. Note that the Prime class is a singleton.

  • The prime library extends the number classes to include new functionality and adds a new class Prime
require 'prime'
# 60 = 2**2 * 3 * 5 # => false
60.prime_division # => [[2, 2], [3, 1], [5, 1]]
  • You can also use it to generate sequences of primes:
require 'prime'
Prime.each {|p| puts p; break if p > 20 }


The profile library is a trivial wrapper around the Profiler module, making it easy to profile the execution of an entire program. Profiling can be enabled from the command line using the -rprofile option or from within a source program by requiring the profile module. Unlike Ruby 1.8, Ruby 1.9 does not profile primitive methods such as Fixnum#== and iFixnum#+. This helps boost Ruby’s performance.

require 'profile'
def ackerman(m, n)
  if m == 0 then n+1
  elsif n == 0 and m > 0 then ackerman(m1,1)
  else ackerman(m1,ackerman(m, n1))
ackerman(3, 3)
  %   cumulative   self             self  total
time    seconds   seconds calls  ms/call  ms/call name
100.00    0.04      0.04   2432    0.02   0.41    Object#ackerman
0.00      0.04      0.00   1       0.00   0.00    Kernel.puts
0.00      0.04      0.00   1       0.00   0.00    IO#puts
0.00      0.04      0.00   1       0.00   0.00    Module#method_added
0.00      0.04      0.00   2       0.00   0.00    IO#write
0.00      0.04      0.00   1       0.00   40.00   #toplevel


The Profiler__ module can be used to collect a summary of the number of calls to, and the time spent in, methods in a Ruby program. The output is sorted by the total time spent in each method. The profile library is a convenience wrapper that profiles an entire program.

require 'profiler'
# Omit definition of connection and fetching methods
def calc_discount(qty, price)
  case qty
  when 0..10 then 0.0
  when 11..99 then price * 0.05
  else price * 0.1
def calc_sales_totals(rows)
  total_qty = total_price = total_disc = 0
  rows.each do |row|
    total_qty += row.qty
    total_price += row.price
    total_disc += calc_discount(row.qty, row.price)
rows = read_sales_data
  %    cumulative  self              self  total
time    seconds   seconds calls    ms/call ms/call name
50.00   0.04        0.04    648     0.06    0.06    Range#include?
25.00   0.06        0.02    324     0.06    0.22    Object#calc_discount
12.50   0.07        0.01    648     0.02    0.08    Range#===
12.50   0.08        0.01    1       10.00   80.00   Array#each
0.00    0.08        0.00    648     0.00    0.00    S#qty
0.00    0.08        0.00    648     0.00    0.00    Float#<=>
0.00    0.08        0.00    648     0.00    0.00    Fixnum#<=>
0.00    0.08        0.00    648     0.00    0.00    S#price
0.00    0.08        0.00    3       0.00    0.00    Fixnum#+
0.00    0.08        0.00    1       0.00    80.00   Object#calc_sales_totals
0.00    0.08        0.00    1       0.00    80.00   #toplevel


The PStore class provides transactional, file-based, persistent storage of Ruby objects. Each PStore can store several object hierarchies. Each hierarchy has a root, identified by a key (often a string). At the start of a PStore transaction, these hierarchies are read from a disk file and made available to the Ruby program. At the end of the transaction, the hierarchies are written back to the file. Any changes made to objects in these hierarchies are therefore saved on disk, to be read at the start of the next transaction that uses that file. In normal use, a PStore object is created and then is used one or more times to control a transaction. Within the body of the transaction, any object hierarchies that had previously been saved are made available, and any changes to object hierarchies, and any new hierarchies, are written back to the file at the end.

  • The following example stores two hierarchies in a PStore. The first, identified by the key "names", is an array of strings. The second, identified by "tree", is a simple binary tree.
require 'pstore'
require 'pp'
class T
  def initialize(val, left=nil, right=nil)
    @val, @left, @right = val, left, right
  def to_a
    [ @val, @left.to_a, @right.to_a ]
store ="/tmp/store")
store.transaction do
  store['names'] = [ 'Douglas', 'Barenberg', 'Meyer' ]
  store['tree'] ='top','A','B')),'C','D', nil,'E'))))
# now read it back in
store.transaction do
  puts "Roots: #{store.roots.join(', ')}"
  puts store['names'].join(', ')
  pp store['tree'].to_a
Roots: names, tree
Douglas, Barenberg, Meyer
["top",["A", ["B", [], []], []],["C", ["D", [], ["E", [], []]], []]]


Many Unix platforms support a pseudo-terminal—a device pair where one end emulates support a process running on a conventional terminal, and the other end can read and write that terminal as if it were a user looking at a screen and typing on a keyboard. The PTY library provides the method spawn, which starts the given command (by default a shell), connecting it to one end of a pseudo-terminal. It then returns the reader and writer streams connected to that terminal, allowing your process to interact with the running process. Working with pseudo-terminals can be tricky. See IO#expect on page 752 for a convenience method that makes life easier. You might also want to track down Ara T. Howard’s Session module for an even simpler approach to driving subprocesses.

  • Runs irb in a subshell and asks it to convert the string “cat” to uppercase:
require 'pty'
require 'expect'
$expect_verbose = true
PTY.spawn("/usr/local/rubybook/bin/ruby /usr/local/rubybook/bin/irb") do |reader,writer, pid|
  reader.expect(/irb.*:0> /)
  writer.puts "'cat'.upcase"
  reader.expect("=> ")
  answer = reader.gets
  puts "Answer = #{answer}"
irb(main):001:0> 'cat'.upcase
=> Answer = "CAT"


The Rational class is now built in to Ruby. The vestigial Rational library simply defines a few aliases for backward compatibility. For the classes Fixnum and Bignum, the following aliases are defined:

  • Floating-point division
    • quof is an alias for fdiv.
  • Rational division
    • rdiv is an alias for quo.
  • Exponentiation
    • power! and rpower are aliases for **.

######GNU readline库的接口

The Readline module allows programs to prompt for and receive lines of user input. The module allows lines to be edited during entry, and command history allows previous commands to be recalled and edited. The history can be searched, allowing the user to (for example) recall a previous command containing the text ruby. Command completion allows context-sensitive shortcuts: tokens can be expanded in the command line under control of the invoking application. In typical GNU fashion, the underlying readline library supports more options than any user could need and emulates both vi and emacs key bindings.

  • This meaningless program implements a trivial interpreter that can increment and decrement a value. It uses the Abbrev module (described on page 729) to expand abbreviated commands when the Tab key is pressed.
require 'readline'
include Readline
require 'abbrev'
COMMANDS = %w{ exit inc dec }
Readline.completion_proc = proc do |string|
value = 0
loop do
  cmd = readline("wibble [#{value}]: ", true)
  break if cmd.nil?
  case cmd.strip
  when "exit"
  when "inc"
    value += 1
  when "dec"
    value =
    puts "Invalid command #{cmd}"
% ruby code/readline.rb
wibble [0]: inc
wibble [1]: <uparrow>
=> inc
wibble [2]: d<tab> => dec
wibble [1]: ^r i => inc
wibble [2]: exit

######DNS 客户端库

The resolv library is a pure-Ruby implementation of a DNS client—it can be used to convert domain names into corresponding IP addresses. It also supports reverse lookups and the resolution of names in the local hosts file. The resolv library exists to overcome a problem with the interaction of the standard operating system DNS lookup and the Ruby threading mechanism. On most operating systems, name resolution is synchronous: you issue the call to look up a name, and the call returns when an address has been fetched. Because this lookup often involves network traffic and because DNS servers can be slow, this call may take a (relatively) long time. During this time, the thread that issued the call is effectively suspended. Because Ruby does not use operating system threads, this means that the interpreter is effectively suspended while a DNS request is being executed from any running Ruby thread. This is sometimes unacceptable. Enter the resolv library. Because it is written in Ruby, it automatically participates in Ruby threading, and hence other Ruby threads can run while a DNS lookup is in progress in one thread. Loading the additional library resolv-replace insinuates the resolv library into Ruby’s socket library

  • Uses the standard socket library to look up a name. A counter running in a separate thread is suspended while this takes place.
require 'socket'
count = 0
thread = { Thread.pass; loop { count += 1; } }
IPSocket.getaddress("") # => ""
count                                   # => 0
  • Repeats the experiment but uses the resolv library to allow Ruby’s threading to work in parallel:
require 'socket'
require 'resolvreplace'
count = 0
thread = { Thread.pass; loop { count += 1; } }
IPSocket.getaddress("") # => ""
count                                   # => 1334853

######XML 处理库

REXML is a pure-Ruby XML processing library, including DTD-compliant document parsing, XPath querying, and document generation. It supports both tree-based and streambased document processing. Because it is written in Ruby, it is available on all platforms supporting Ruby. REXML has a full and complex interface—this section contains a few small examples.

  • Assume the file demo.xml contains this:
<classes language="ruby">
  <class name="Numeric">
    Numeric represents all numbers.
    <class name="Float">
      Floating point numbers have a fraction and a mantissa.
    <class name="Integer">
      Integers contain exact integral values.
      <class name="Fixnum">
        Fixnums are stored as machine ints.
      <class name="Bignum">
        Bignums store arbitratysized integers.
  • Reads and processes the XML:
require 'rexml/document'
xml ="demo.xml"))
puts "Root element: #{}"
puts "\nThe names of all classes"
xml.elements.each("//class") {|c| puts c.attributes["name"] }
puts "\nThe description of Fixnum"
p xml.elements["//class[@name='Fixnum']"].text
Root element: classes
The names of all classes
The description of Fixnum
"\n Fixnums are stored as machine ints.\n "
  • Reads in a document, adds and deletes elements, and manipulates attributes before writing it back out:
require 'rexml/document'
include REXML
xml ="demo.xml"))
cls ="class")
cls.attributes["name"] = "Rational"
cls.text = "Represents complex numbers"
# Remove Integer's children, and add our new node as
# the one after Integer
int = xml.elements["//class[@name='Integer']"]
int.next_sibling = cls
# Change all the 'name' attributes to class_name
xml.elements.each("//class") do |c|
  c.attributes['class_name'] = c.attributes['name']
# and write it out with a XML declaration at the front
xml <<
xml.write(STDOUT, 0)
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<classes language='ruby'>
<class class_name='Numeric'>
  Numeric represents all numbers.
<class class_name='Float'>
  Floating point numbers have a fraction and a mantissa.
<class class_name='Integer'>
  Integers contain exact integral values.
<class class_name='Rational'>
Represents complex numbers


Tuplespaces are a distributed blackboard system. Processes may add tuples to the blackboard, and other processes may remove tuples from the blackboard that match a certain pattern. Originally presented by David Gelernter, tuplespaces offer an interesting scheme for distributed cooperation among heterogeneous processes. Rinda, the Ruby implementation of tuplespaces, offers some interesting additions to the concept. In particular, the Rinda implementation uses the === operator to match tuples. This means that tuples may be matched using regular expressions, the classes of their elements, and the element values.

  • The blackboard is a DRb server that offers a shared tuplespace:
require 'rinda/tuplespace'
MY_URI = "druby://"
  • The arithmetic agent accepts messages containing an arithmetic operator and two numbers. It stores the result back on the blackboard.
require 'rinda/rinda'
MY_URI = "druby://"
ts =, MY_URI))
loop do
  op, v1, v2 = ts.take([ %r{^[+/*]$},
  Numeric, Numeric])
  ts.write(["result", v1.send(op, v2)])
  • The client places tuples on the blackboard and reads back the result of each:
require 'rinda/rinda'
MY_URI = "druby://"
ts =, MY_URI))
queries = [[ "+", 1, 2 ], [ "*", 3, 4 ], [ "/", 8, 2 ]]
queries.each do |q|
  ans = ts.take(["result", nil])
  puts "#{q[1]} #{q[0]} #{q[2]} = #{ans[1]}"
1 + 2 = 3
3 * 4 = 12
8 / 2 = 4

######Parse Ruby Source

The ripper library gives you access to Ruby’s parser. It can tokenize input, return lexical tokens, and return a nested S-expression. It also supports event-based parsing.

  • Tokenize a line of Ruby code:
require "ripper"
content = "a=1;b=2;puts a+b"
Ripper.tokenize(content) # => ["a", "=", "1", ";", "b", "=", "2",";", "puts", " ", "a", "+", "b"]
  • Does a lexical analysis, returning token types, values, line and column numbers:
require "ripper"
require "pp"
content = "a=1;b=2;puts a+b"
pp Ripper.lex(content)[0,5]
[[[1, 0], :on_ident, "a"],
[[1, 1], :on_op, "="],
[[1, 2], :on_int, "1"],
[[1, 3], :on_semicolon, ";"],
[[1, 4], :on_ident, "b"]]
  • Returns the sexp representing a chunk of code:
require "ripper"
require "pp"
content = "a=1;b=2;puts a+b"
pp Ripper.sexp(content)
[:program,[[:assign, [:var_field, [:@ident, "a", [1, 0]]], [:@int, "1", [1, 2]]],
[:assign, [:var_field, [:@ident, "b", [1, 4]]], [:@int, "2", [1, 6]]],[:command,
[:@ident, "puts", [1, 8]],[:args_add_block,[[:binary,
[:var_ref, [:@ident, "a", [1, 13]]],:+,[:var_ref, [:@ident, "b", [1, 15]]]]],false]]]]
  • As a (silly) example of event-based lexical analysis, here’s a program that finds class definitions and their associated comment blocks. For each, it outputs the class name and the comment. It might be considered the zeroth iteration of an RDoc-like program.

The parameter to parse is an accumulator—it is passed between event handlers and can be used to construct the result.

require 'ripper'
# This class handles parser events, extracting
# comments and attaching them to class definitions
class BabyRDoc < Ripper::Filter
  def initialize(*)
  def on_default(event, token, output)
  def on_sp(token, output) output end
    alias on_nil on_sp
    def on_comment(comment, output)
      @comment << comment.sub(/^\s*#\s*/, " ")
    def on_kw(name, output)
      @expecting_class_name = (name == 'class')
    def on_const(name, output)
      if @expecting_class_name
        output << "#{name}:\n"
        output << @comment
    def reset_state
      @comment = ""
      @expecting_class_name = false
This class handles parser events, extracting
comments and attaching them to class definitions

######RSS Feed的生成和解析

Rich (or RDF) Site Summary, Really Simple Syndication—take your pick. RSS is the protocol of choice for disseminating news on the Internet. The Ruby RSS library supports creating and parsing streams compliant with RSS 0.9, RSS 1.0, and RSS 2.0.

require 'rss/2.0'
require 'openuri'
org/en/feeds/news.rss') do |http|
response =
result = RSS::Parser.parse(response, false)
puts "Channel: " +
result.items.each_with_index do |item, i|
  puts "#{i+1}. #{item.title}" if i < 3
Channel: Ruby News
1. MountainWest RubyConf Schedule
2. Ruby 1.9.1 released
3. Server maintenance
  • Generates some RSS information:
require 'rss/0.9'
rss ="0.9")
chan =
chan.title = "The Daily Dave"
chan.description = "Dave's Feed"
chan.language = "enUS" = "" = chan
image =
image.url = ""
image.title = "PragDave" =
chan.image = image
3.times do |i|
  item =
  item.title = "My News Number #{i}" = "{i}"
  item.description = "This is a story about number #{i}"
  chan.items << item
puts rss.to_s


Implements a version of the C library scanf function, which extracts values from a string under the control of a format specifier. The Ruby version of the library adds a scanf method to both class IO and class String. The version in IO applies the format string to the next line read from the receiver. The version in String applies the format string to the receiver. The library also adds the global method Kernel.scanf, which uses as its source the next line of standard input. Scanf has one main advantage over using regular expressions to break apart a string: a regular expression extracts strings whereas scanf will return objects converted to the correct type.

  • Splits a date string into its constituents:
require 'scanf'
date = "20041215"
year, month, day = date.scanf("%4d%2d%2d")
year # => 2004
month # => 12
day # => 15
year.class # => Fixnum
  • The block form of scanf applies the format multiple times to the input string, returning each set of results to the block:
require 'scanf'
data = "cat:7 dog:9 cow:17 walrus:31"
data.scanf("%[^:]:%d ") do |animal, value|
  puts "A #{animal.strip} has #{value*1.4}"
A cat has 9.8
A dog has 12.6
A cow has 23.8
A walrus has 43.4
  • Extracts hex numbers:
require 'scanf'
data = "decaf bad"
data.scanf("%3x%2x%x") # => [3564, 175, 2989]

######访问 SDBM数据库的接口

The SDBM database implements a simple key/value persistence mechanism. Because the underlying SDBM library itself is provided with Ruby, there are no external dependencies, and SDBM should be available on all platforms supported by Ruby. SDBM database keys and values must be strings. SDBM databases are effectively hashlike.

  • Stores a record in a new database and then fetches it back. Unlike the DBM library, all values to SDBM must be strings (or implement to_str).
require 'sdbm'
require 'date'"data.dbm") do |dbm|
  dbm['name'] = "Walter Wombat"
  dbm['dob'] =, 12,25).to_s
  dbm['uses'] = "Ruby"
end"data.dbm", nil) do |dbm|
  p dbm.keys
  p dbm['dob']
  p dbm['dob'].class
["name", "dob", "uses"]


Provides access to one of your operating system’s secure random number generators. If the OpenSSL library is installed, the module uses it’s random_bytes method. Otherwise, the module looks for and uses /dev/urandom or the CryptGenRandom method in the Windows API.

  • Generates some random numbers:
require 'securerandom'
# Random floats such that 0.0 <= rand < 1.0
SecureRandom.random_number(0)     # => 0.936650421906334
SecureRandom.random_number(0)     # => 0.320008123694954
# Random integers such that 0 <= rand < 1000
SecureRandom.random_number(1000)  # => 670
SecureRandom.random_number(1000)  # => 486
  • Generates 10 random bytes, returning the result as a hex string, a Base64 string, and a string of binary data. A different random string is returned for each call.
require 'securerandom'
SecureRandom.hex(10)          # => "e04f6894931d226d30a3"
SecureRandom.base64(10)       # => "BENl6hFc8BuklQ=="
SecureRandom.random_bytes(10) # => "NqP\xB7d[\xD7\xF5k5"


  • Basic set operations:
require 'set'
set1 =[:bear, :cat, :deer])
set1.include?(:bat) # => false
set1.add(:fox)      # => #<Set: {:bear, :cat, :deer, :fox}>
partition = set1.classify {|element| element.to_s.length }
partition           # => {4=>#<Set: {:bear, :deer}>, 3=>#<Set: {:cat,
set2 = [ :cat, :dog, :cow ].to_set
set1 | set2         # => #<Set: {:bear, :cat, :deer, :fox, :dog, :cow}>
set1 & set2         # => #<Set: {:cat}>
set1 set2           # => #<Set: {:bear, :deer, :fox}>
set1 ^ set2         # => #<Set: {:dog, :cow, :bear, :deer, :fox}>
  • Partitions the users in our /etc/passwd file into subsets where members of each subset have adjacent user IDs:
require 'etc'
require 'set'
users = []
Etc.passwd {|u| users << u }
related_users = users.to_set.divide do |u1, u2|
  (u1.uid u2.
  uid).abs <= 1
related_users.each do |relatives|
  relatives.each {|u| print "#{u.uid}/#{} " }
93/_calendar 92/_securityagent 91/_tokend
59/_devdocs 60/_sandbox 58/_serialnumberd
26/_lp 27/_postfix
54/_mcxalr 55/_pcastagent 56/_pcastserver
1/daemon 0/root
501/dave 502/juliet 503/testuser


Given a string representative of a shell command line, splits it into word tokens according to POSIX semantics. Also allows you to create properly escaped shell lines from individual words.

  • Spaces between double or single quotes are treated as part of a word.
  • Double quotes may be escaped using a backslash.
  • Spaces escaped by a backslash are not used to separate words.
  • Otherwise, tokens separated by whitespace are treated as words.
require 'shellwords'
include Shellwords
line = %{Code Ruby Be Happy!}
shellwords(line)                      # => ["Code", "Ruby", "Be","Happy!"]
line = %{"Code Ruby" 'Be Happy'!}
shellwords(line)                      # => ["Code Ruby", "Be Happy!"]
line = %q{Code\ Ruby "Be Happy"!}
shellwords(line)                      # => ["Code Ruby", "Be Happy!"]
shelljoin(["Code Ruby", "Be Happy"])  # => Code\ Ruby Be\ Happy

In addition, the library adds shellsplit and shelljoin methods to classes String and CArray,respectively:

require 'shellwords'
include Shellwords
%{Code\\ Ruby Be Happy!}.shellsplit # => ["Code Ruby", "Be", "Happy!"]
["Code Ruby", "Be Happy"].shelljoin # => "Code\\ Ruby Be\\ Happy"


The Singleton design pattern ensures that only one instance of a particular class may be created for the lifetime of a program (see Design Patterns [GHJV95]). The singleton library makes this simple to implement. Mix the Singleton module into each class that is to be a singleton, and that class’s new method will be made private. In its place, users of the class call the method instance, which returns a singleton instance of that class.

In this example, the two instances of MyClass are the same object:

require 'singleton'
class MyClass
  attr_accessor :data
  include Singleton
a = MyClass.instance  # => #<MyClass:0x128d4c>
b = MyClass.instance  # => #<MyClass:0x128d4c> = 123          # => 123                # => 123


#IP, TCP, Unix, and SOCKS Socket Access                      IO
                                                              |_ BasicSocket
The socket extension defines nine classes for                  |   |_ IPSocket
accessing the socket-level communications of                  |       |_ TCPSocket
the underlying system. All of these classes are               |       |   |_ SOCKSSocket
(indirect) subclasses of class IO, meaning that               |       |   |_ TCPServer
IO’s methods can be used with socket connections.             |       |_ UDPSocket
The hierarchy of socket classes reflects the                   |_ Socket
reality of network programming and hence is                     |_ UNIXSocket
somewhat confusing. The BasicSocket class                          |_ UNIXServer
largely contains methods common to data transfer for all socket-based connections. It is subclassed to provide protocol-specific implementations:
IPSocket, UNIXSocket (for domain sockets), and (indirectly) TCPSocket, UDPSocket, and SOCKSSocket.
BasicSocket is also subclassed by class Socket, which is a more generic interface to socketoriented networking. Although classes such as TCPSocket are specific to a protocol, Socket objects can, with some work, be used regardless of protocol.
TCPSocket, SOCKSSocket, and UNIXSocket are each connection oriented. Each has a corresponding xxxxServer class, which implements the server end of a connection.
The socket libraries are something that you may never use directly. However, if you do use them, you’ll need to know the details. 
The following code shows a trivial UDP server and client. For more examples see Appendix
# Simple logger prints messages
# received on UDP port 12121
require 'socket'                         |      # Exercise the logger
socket =                   |      require 'socket'
socket.bind("", 12121)          |      log =
loop do                                  |      log.connect("", 12121)
  msg, sender = socket.recvfrom(100)     |      log.print "Up and Running!"
  host = sender[3]                       |      # process ... process ..
  puts "#{}: #{host} '#{msg}'"   |      log.print "Done!"

2009-04-13 13:27:15 0500: 'Up and Running!'
2009-04-13 13:27:15 0500: 'Done!'


In some ways the distinction between strings and file contents is artificial: the contents of a file is basically a string that happens to live on disk, not in memory. The StringIO library aims to unify the two concepts, making strings act as if they were opened IO objects. Once a string is wrapped in a StringIO object, it can be read from and written to as if it were an open file. This can make unit testing a lot easier. It also lets you pass strings into classes and methods that were originally written to work with files. StringIO objects take their encoding from the string you pass in or the default external encoding is no string is passed.

  • Reads and writes from a string:
require 'stringio'
sio ="time flies like an arrow")           # => "time "           # => "flies"
sio.pos = 19           # => "arrow"
sio.rewind            # => 0
sio.write("fruit")    # => 5
sio.pos = 16
sio.write("a banana") # => 8
sio.rewind            # => 0              # => "fruitflies like a banana"
  • Uses StringIO as a testing aid:
require 'stringio'
require 'csv'
require 'test/unit'
class TestCSV < Test::Unit::TestCase
  def test_simple do |op|
      CSV(op) do |csv|
        csv << [ 1, "line 1", 27 ]
        csv << [ 2, nil, 123 ]
      assert_equal("1,line 1,27\n2,,123\n", op.string)
Loaded suite /tmp/prog
Finished in 0.013298 seconds.
1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips


StringScanner objects progress through a string, matching (and optionally returning) tokens that match a given pattern. Unlike the built-in scan methods, StringScanner objects maintain a current position pointer in the string being examined, so each call resumes from the position in the string where the previous call left off. Pattern matches are anchored to this previous point.

  • Implements a simple language:
require 'strscan'
# Handle the language:
# set <var> = <value>
# get <var>
values = {}
while line = gets
  scanner =
  scanner.scan(/(get|set)\s+/) or fail "Missing command"
  cmd = scanner[1]
  var_name = scanner.scan(/\w+/) or fail "Missing variable"
  case cmd
  when "get"
    puts "#{var_name} => #{values[var_name].inspect}"
  when "set"
    scanner.skip(/\s+=\s+/) or fail "Missing '='"
    value =
    values[var_name] = value
    fail cmd
% ruby code/strscan.rb
set a = dave
set b = hello
get b
b => "hello"
get a
a => "dave"


The Syslog class is a simple wrapper around the Unix syslog(3) library. It allows messages to be written at various severity levels to the logging daemon, where they are disseminated according to the configuration in syslog.conf. The following examples assume the log file is /var/log/system.log.

  • Adds to our local system log. We’ll log all the levels configured for the user facility for our system (which is every level except debug and info messages).
require 'syslog'
log ="test") # "test" is the app name
log.debug("Warm and fuzzy greetings from your program")"Program starting")
log.notice("I said 'Hello!'")
log.warning("If you don't respond soon, I'm quitting")
log.err("You haven't responded after %d milliseconds", 7)
log.alert("I'm telling your mother...")
log.emerg("I'm feeling totally crushed")
system("tail 6 /var/log/system.log")
Apr 13 13:27:15 dave2
test[86448]: I said 'Hello!'
Apr 13 13:27:15 dave2
test[86448]: If you don't respond soon, I'm quitting
Apr 13 13:27:15 dave2
test[86448]: You haven't responded after 7 milliseconds
Apr 13 13:27:15 dave2
test[86448]: I'm telling your mother...
Apr 13 13:27:15 dave2
test[86448]: I'm feeling totally crushed
Apr 13 13:27:15 dave2
test[86448]: Aarrgh....
  • Logs only errors and above:
require 'syslog'
log ="test")
log.mask = Syslog::LOG_UPTO(Syslog::LOG_ERR)
log.debug("Warm and fuzzy greetings from your program")"Program starting")
log.notice("I said 'Hello!'")
log.warning("If you don't respond soon, I'm quitting")
log.err("You haven't responded after %d milliseconds", 7)
log.alert("I'm telling your mother...")
log.emerg("I'm feeling totally crushed")
system("tail 4 /var/log/system.log")
Apr 13 13:27:16 dave2
test[86454]: You haven't responded after 7 milliseconds
Apr 13 13:27:16 dave2
test[86454]: I'm telling your mother...
Apr 13 13:27:16 dave2
test[86454]: I'm feeling totally crushed
Apr 13 13:27:16 dave2
test[86454]: Aarrgh....


类tempfile创建受控制的临时文件. 虽然它们和其他IO对象的行为相同,但是当Ruby程序结束时会自动删除这些临时文建. 当Tempfile对象被创建时,底层的文建可能多次被打开和关闭. Tempfile并不直接继承于IO.相反,它将所有调用委托给一个File对象.从程序员的角度来看,除了不通的new,open和close语义外,Tempfile对象的行为就像是一个IO对象. 当你创建它们时如果没有指定保存临时文件的目录,则会使用tmpdir来得到一个系统相关的位置.

require 'tempfile'
tf ="afile")
tf.path # => "/var/folders/.../Tmp/afile2009041386464iwdzcf0"
tf.puts("Cosi Fan Tutte")
tf.gets # => "Cosi Fan Tutte\n"


Test::Unit is a unit testing framework based on the original SUnit Smalltalk framework. It provides a structure in which unit tests may be organized, selected, and run. Tests can be run from the command line or using one of several GUI-based interfaces.

We could have a simple playlist class, designed to store and retrieve songs:

require 'code/testunit/song.rb'
require 'forwardable'
class Playlist
  extend Forwardable
  def_delegator(:@list, :<<, :add_song)
  def_delegators(:@list, :size, :empty?)
  def initialize
    @list = []
  def find(title)
    @list.find {|song| song.title == title}

We can write unit tests to exercise this class. The Test::Unit framework is smart enough to run the tests in a test class if no main program is supplied.

require 'test/unit'
require 'code/testunit/playlist.rb'
class TestPlaylist < Test::Unit::TestCase
  def test_adding
    pl =
    assert_nil(pl.find("My Way"))
    pl.add_song("My Way", "Sinatra"))
    assert_equal(1, pl.size)
    s = pl.find("My Way")
    assert_equal("Sinatra", s.artist)
    # .. and so on
Loaded suite /tmp/prog
Finished in 0.002641 seconds.
1 tests, 7 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips


The thread library adds some utility functions and classes for supporting threads. Much of this has been superseded by the Monitor class, but the thread library contains two classes, Queue and SizedQueue, that are still useful. Both classes implement a thread-safe queue that can be used to pass objects between producers and consumers in multiple threads. The Queue object implements a unbounded queue. A SizedQueue is told its capacity; any producer that tries to add an object when the queue is at that capacity will block until a consumer has removed an object.

  • The following example was provided by Robert Kellner. It has three consumers taking objects from an unsized queue. Those objects are provided by two producers, which each add three items.
require 'thread'
queue =
consumers = (1..3).map do |i|"consumer #{i}") do |name|
      obj = queue.deq
      print "#{name}: consumed #{obj.inspect}\n"
    end until obj == :END_OF_WORK
producers = (1..2).map do |i|"producer #{i}") do |name|
    3.times do |j|
      queue.enq("Item #{j} from #{name}")
consumers.size.times { queue.enq(:END_OF_WORK) }
consumer 1: consumed "Item 0 from producer 2"
consumer 1: consumed "Item 0 from producer 1"
consumer 2: consumed "Item 1 from producer 2"
consumer 1: consumed "Item 1 from producer 1"
consumer 2: consumed "Item 2 from producer 2"
consumer 3: consumed "Item 2 from producer 1"
consumer 2: consumed :END_OF_WORK
consumer 3: consumed :END_OF_WORK
consumer 1: consumed :END_OF_WORK


Class ThreadsWait handles the termination of a group of thread objects. It provides methods to allow you to check for termination of any managed thread and to wait for all managed threads to terminate. The following example kicks off a number of threads that each wait for a slightly shorter length of time before terminating and returning their thread number. Using ThreadsWait, we can capture these threads as they terminate, either individually or as a group.

require 'thwait'
group =
# construct threads that wait for 1 second, .9 second, etc.
# add each to the group
9.times do |i|
  thread = {|index| sleep 1.0 index/
    10.0; index }
# any threads finished?
group.finished?                  # => false
# wait for one to finish
group.next_wait.value           # => 8
# wait for 5 more to finish
5.times { group.next_wait }     # => 5
# wait for next one to finish
group.next_wait.value           # => 2
# and then wait for all the rest
group.all_waits                 # => nil


The time library adds functionality to the built-in class Time, supporting date and/or time formats used by RFC 2822 (e-mail), RFC 2616 (HTTP), and ISO 8601 (the subset used by XML schema).

``ruby require ’time’ Time.rfc2822("Thu, 1 Apr 2008 16:32:45 CST") # => 2008-04-01 17:32:45 0500 Time.rfc2822("Thu, 1 Apr 2008 16:32:45 0600") # => 2008-04-01 17:32:45 0500 # => Mon, 13 Apr 2009 13:27:18 -0500 Time.httpdate("Thu, 01 Apr 2008 16:32:45 GMT") # => 2008-04-01 11:32:45 0500 Time.httpdate("Thursday, 01Apr04 16:32:45 GMT") # => 2004-04-01 16:32:45 UTC Time.httpdate("Thu Apr 1 16:32:45 2008") # => 2008-04-01 16:32:45 UTC # => Mon, 13 Apr 2009 18:27:18 GMT Time.xmlschema("2008-04-01T16:32:45") # => 2008-04-01 16:32:45 0500 Time.xmlschema("2008-04-01T16:32:45.1206:00") # => 2008-04-01 22:32:45 UTC # => 2009-04-13T13:27:18-05:00


> The Timeout.timeout method takes a parameter representing a timeout period in seconds, an optional exception parameter, and a block. The block is executed, and a timer is run concurrently. If the block terminates before the timeout, timeout returns the value of the block. Otherwise, the exception (default Timeout::Error) is raised.

require 'timeout'
for snooze in 1..2
  puts "About to sleep for #{snooze}"
    Timeout::timeout(1.5) do |timeout_length|
      puts "Timeout period is #{timeout_length}"
      puts "That was refreshing"
  rescue Timeout::Error
    puts "Woken up early!!"
About to sleep for 1
Timeout period is 1.5
That was refreshing
About to sleep for 2
Timeout period is 1.5
Woken up early!!

Be careful when using timeouts—you may find them interrupting system calls that you cannot reliably restart, resulting in possible data loss.


Of all the Ruby options for creating GUIs, the Tk library is probably Only if: Tk the most widely suplibrary installed ported, running on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and other Unix-like platforms.5 Although it doesn’t produce the prettiest interfaces, Tk is functional and relatively simple to program.

require 'tk'
include Math do |root|
  title "Curves"
  geometry "400x400" do |canvas|
    width 400
    height 400
    pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'both', 'expand'=>'yes')
    points = [ ]
    10.upto(30) do |scale|
      (0.0).step(2*PI,0.1) do |i|
        new_x = 5*scale*sin(i) + 200 + scale*sin(i*2)
        new_y = 5*scale*cos(i) + 200 + scale*cos(i*6)
        points << [ new_x, new_y ]
        f = scale/5.0
        r = (Math.sin(f)+1)*127.0
        g = (Math.cos(2*f)+1)*127.0
        b = (Math.sin(3*f)+1)*127.0
        col = sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", r.to_i, g.to_i, b.to_i)
        if points.size == 3
          points[0][0], points[0][1],
          points[1][0], points[1][1],
          points[2][0], points[2][1],
          'width'=> 7,
          'fill' => col,
          'capstyle' => 'round')


The tmpdir library adds the tmpdir method to class Dir. This method returns the path to a temporary directory that should be writable by the current process. (This will not be true if none of the well-known temporary directories is writable and if the current working directory is also not writable.) Candidate directories include those referenced by the environment variables TMPDIR, TMP, TEMP, and USERPROFILE, the directory /tmp, and (on Windows boxes) the temp subdirectory of the Windows or System directory.

require 'tmpdir'
Dir.tmpdir                      # => "/var/folders/a4/a4daQQOG4anplm9DAY+
ENV['TMPDIR'] = "/wibble"       # doesn't exist
ENV['TMP'] = "/sbin"            # not writable
ENV['TEMP'] = "/Users/dave/tmp" # just right
Dir.tmpdir                      # => "/Users/dave/tmp"

The mktmpdir method can be used to create a new temporary directory:

require 'tmpdir'
name = Dir.mktmpdir
# .. process, process, process ..


The tracer library uses Kernel.set_trace_func to trace all or part of a Ruby program’s execution. The traced lines show the thread number, file, line number, class, event, and source line. The events shown are - for a change of line, > for a call, < for a return, C for a class definition, and E for the end of a definition.

  • You can trace an entire program by including the tracer library from the command line:
class Account                    
  def initialize(balance)        #0:account.rb:1::-: class Account
    @balance = balance           #0:account.rb:1:Class:>: class Account
  end                            #0:account.rb:1:Class:<: class Account
  def debit(amt)                 #0:account.rb:1::C: class Account
    if @balance < amt            #0:account.rb:2::-:    def initialize(balance)
      fail "Insufficient funds"   #0:account.rb:2:Module:>:   def initialize(balance) 
    else                         #0:account.rb:2:Module:<:   def initialize(balance)
      @balance -= amt            #0:account.rb:5::-:   def debit(amt)
    end                          #0:account.rb:5:Module:>:    def debit(amt)
  end                            #0:account.rb:5:Module:<:    def debit(amt)
end                              #0:account.rb:1::E: class Account
acct =          #0:account.rb:13::-: acct =
acct.debit(40)                   #0:account.rb:13:Class:>: acct =
                                 #0:account.rb:2:Account:>:   def initialize(balance)
                                 #0:account.rb:3:Account::      @balance = balance
                                 #0:account.rb:13:Account:<: acct =
                                 #0:account.rb:13:Class:<: acct =
                                 #0:account.rb:14::-: acct.debit(40)
                                 #0:account.rb:5:Account:>:   def debit(amt)
                                 #0:account.rb:6:Account::      if @balance < amt
                                 #0:account.rb:6:Account::      if @balance < amt
                                 #0:account.rb:6:Fixnum:>:    if @balance < amt
                                 #0:account.rb:6:Fixnum:<:    if @balance < amt
                                 #0:account.rb:9:Account:-:     @balance -= amt
                                 #0:account.rb:9:Fixnum:>:    @balance -=amt
                                 #0:account.rb:9:Fixnum:<:    @balance -= amt
                                 #0:account.rb:9:Account:<:     @balance -= amt
  • You can also use tracer objects to trace just a portion of your code and use filters to select what to trace:
require 'tracer'                          #0:account.rb:20::-:  acct.debit(40)
class Account                             #0:account.rb:8:Account:-:     if @balance < amt
  def initialize(balance)                 #0:account.rb:8:Account:-:      if @balance < amt
    @balance = balance                    #0:account.rb:11:Account::         @balance -= amt
  def debit(amt)                          
    if @balance < amt                     
      fail "Insufficient funds"           
      @balance =                          

tracer =
tracer.add_filter lambda {|event, *rest| event == "line" }
acct =
tracer.on do


Given a set of dependencies between nodes (where each node depends on zero or more other nodes and there are no cycles in the graph of dependencies), a topological sort will return a list of the nodes ordered such that no node follows a node that depends on it. One use for this is scheduling tasks, where the order means that you will complete the dependencies before you start any task that depends on them. The make program uses a topological sort to order its execution.

In this library’s implementation, you mix in the TSort module and define two methods: tsort_each_node, which yields each node in turn, and tsort_each_child, which, given a node, yields each of that nodes dependencies.

  • Given the set of dependencies among the steps for making a piña colada, what is the optimum order for undertaking the steps?
require 'tsort'
class Tasks
  include TSort
  def initialize
    @dependencies = {}
  def add_dependency(task, *relies_on)
    @dependencies[task] = relies_on
  def tsort_each_node(&block)
  def tsort_each_child(node, &block)
    deps = @dependencies[node]
    deps.each(&block) if deps
tasks =
tasks.add_dependency(:add_rum, :open_blender)
tasks.add_dependency(:add_pc_mix, :open_blender)
tasks.add_dependency(:add_ice, :open_blender)
tasks.add_dependency(:close_blender, :add_rum, :add_pc_mix, :add_ice)
tasks.add_dependency(:blend_mix, :close_blender)
tasks.add_dependency(:pour_drink, :blend_mix)
tasks.add_dependency(:pour_drink, :open_blender)
puts tasks.tsort

Why un? When you invoke it from the command line with the -r option to Ruby, it spells -run. This pun gives a hint as to the intent of the library: it lets you run commands (in this case, a subset of the methods in FileUtils) from the command line. In theory this gives you an operating system–independent set of file manipulation commands, possibly useful when writing portable Makefiles.

  • The available commands are as follows:
% ruby run -e cp <options> source dest
% ruby run -e ln <options> target linkname
% ruby run -e mv <options> source dest
% ruby run -e rm <options> file
% ruby run -e mkdir <options> dirs
% ruby run -e rmdir <options> dirs
% ruby run -e install <options> source dest
% ruby run -e chmod <options> octal_mode file
% ruby run -e touch <options> file

Note the use of -- to tell the Ruby interpreter that options to the program follow. You can get a list of all available commands with this:

% ruby run -e help

For help on a particular command, append the command’s name:

% ruby run -e help mkdir

######RFC 2396 统一资源标示符(Uniform Resource Identifier, URI) 的支持

URI encapsulates the concept of a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), a way of specifying some kind of (potentially networked) resource. URIs are a superset of URLs: URLs (such as the addresses of web pages) allow specification of addresses by location, and URIs also allow specification by name. URIs consist of a scheme (such as http, mailto, ftp, and so on), followed by structured data identifying the resource within the scheme. URI has factory methods that take a URI string and return a subclass of URI specific to the scheme. The library explicitly supports the ftp, http, https, ldap, and mailto schemes; others will be treated as generic URIs. The module also has convenience methods to escape and unescape URIs. The class Net::HTTP accepts URI objects where a URL parameter is expected.

require 'uri'
uri = URI.parse("")
uri.class     # => URI::HTTP
uri.scheme    # => "http"      # => ""
uri.port      # => 1234
uri.path      # => "/mypage.cgi"
uri.query     # => "q=ruby"
uri = URI.parse("")
uri.class     # => URI::MailTo
uri.scheme    # => "mailto"        # => ""
uri.headers   # => [["Subject", "help"], ["body", "info"]]
uri = URI.parse(";type=i")
uri.class     # => URI::FTP
uri.scheme    # => "ftp"      # => ""
uri.port      # => 21
uri.path      # => "pub/ruby"
uri.typecode  # => "i"


In Ruby, objects are not eligible for garbage collection if references still exist to them. Normally, this is a Good Thing—it would be disconcerting to have an object simply evaporate while you were using it. However, sometimes you may need more flexibility. For example, you might want to implement an in-memory cache of commonly used file contents. As you read more files, the cache grows. At some point, you may run low on memory. The garbage collector will be invoked, but the objects in the cache are all referenced by the cache data structures and so will not be deleted.

A weak reference behaves like any normal object reference with one important exception— the referenced object may be garbage collected, even while references to it exist. In the cache example, if the cached files were accessed using weak references, once memory runs low, they will be garbage collected, freeing memory for the rest of the application.

  • Weak references introduce a slight complexity. Because the object referenced can be deleted by garbage collection at any time, code that accesses these objects must take care to ensure that the references are valid. Two techniques can be used. First, the code can reference the objects normally. Any attempt to reference an object that has been garbage collected will raise a WeakRef::RefError exception.
require 'weakref'
# Generate lots of small strings. Hopefully the early ones will have
# been garbage collected...
refs = (1..10000).map {|i|"#{i}") }
puts "Last element is #{refs.last}"
puts "First element is #{refs.first}"
Last element is 10000
prog.rb:6:in `<main>': Invalid Reference probably
  • Alternatively, use the WeakRef#weakref_alive? method to check that a reference is valid before using it. Garbage collection must be disabled during the test and subsequent reference to the object. In a single-threaded program, you could use something like this:
ref =
# .. some time later
gc_was_disabled = GC.disable
if ref.weakref_alive?
  # do stuff with 'ref'
GC.enable unless gc_was_disabled


WEBrick is a pure-Ruby framework for implementing HTTP-based servers. The standard library includes WEBrick services that implement a standard web server (serving files and directory listings) and servlets supporting CGI, erb, file download, and the mounting of Ruby lambdas.

require 'webrick'
include WEBrick
hello_proc = lambda do |req, resp|
  = "text/html"
  resp.body = %{
    Hello. You're calling from a #{req['UserAgent']}
    I see parameters: #{req.query.keys.join(', ')}
bye_proc = lambda do |req, resp|
  = "text/html"
  resp.body = %{
hello =
bye =
s = => 2000)
s.mount("/hello", hello)
s.mount("/bye", bye)
trap("INT"){ s.shutdown }


Interface to Windows automation, allowing Ruby code to interact with Windows applications. The Ruby interface toWindows is discussed in more detail in Chapter 21 on page 316.

  • Opens Internet Explorer and asks it to display our home page:
ie ='InternetExplorer.Application')
ie.visible = true
  • Creates a new chart in Microsoft Excel and then rotates it:
require 'win32ole'
# 4100
is the value for the Excel constant xl3DColumn.
ChartTypeVal = 4100;
excel ="excel.application")
# Create and rotate the chart
excel['Visible'] = TRUE
excel.Range("a1")['Value'] = 3
excel.Range("a2")['Value'] = 2
excel.Range("a3")['Value'] = 1
excelchart = excel.Charts.Add()
excelchart['Type'] = ChartTypeVal
30.step(180, 5) do |rot|
  excelchart.rotation = rot


XMLRPC allows clients to invoke methods on networked servers using the XML-RPC protocol. Communications take place over HTTP. The server may run in the context of a web server, in which case ports 80 or 443 (for SSL) will typically be used. The server may also be run stand-alone. The Ruby XML-RPC server implementation supports operation as a CGI script, as a mod_ruby script, as a WEBrick handler, and as a stand-alone server. Basic authentication is supported, and clients can communicate with servers via proxies. Servers may throw FaultException errors—these generate the corresponding exception on the client (or optionally may be flagged as a status return to the call).

  • The following simple server accepts a temperature in Celsius and converts it to Fahrenheit. It runs within the context of the WEBrick web server.
require 'webrick'
require 'xmlrpc/server'
xml_servlet =
xml_servlet.add_handler("convert_celcius") do |celcius|
  celcius*1.8 + 32
xml_servlet.add_multicall # Add support for multicall
server = => 2000)
server.mount("/RPC2", xml_servlet)
trap("INT"){ server.shutdown }
  • This client makes calls to the temperature conversion server. Note that in the output we show both the server’s logging and the client program’s output.
require 'xmlrpc/client'
server ="localhost", "/RPC2", 2000)
puts"convert_celcius", 0)
puts"convert_celcius", 100)
puts server.multicall(['convert_celcius', 10],
['convert_celcius', 200])
localhost [
10/Apr/2008:17:17:23 CDT] "POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.1" 200 124 >
localhost [
10/Apr/2008:17:17:23 CDT] "POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.1" 200 125 >
localhost [
10/Apr/2008:17:17:23 CDT] "POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.1" 200 290 >


The YAML library (also described in the tutorial starting on page 433) serializes and deserializes Ruby object trees to and from an external, readable, plain-text format. YAML can be used as a portable object marshaling scheme, allowing objects to be passed in plain text between separate Ruby processes. In some cases, objects may also be exchanged between Ruby programs and programs in other languages that also have YAML support.

  • YAML can be used to store an object tree in a flat file:
require 'yaml'
tree = { :name => 'ruby',
:uses => [ 'scripting', 'web', 'testing', 'etc' ]
}"tree.yaml", "w") {|f| YAML.dump(tree, f)}
  • Once stored, it can be read by another program:
require 'yaml'
tree = YAML.load_file("tree.yaml")
tree[:uses][1] # => "web"
  • The YAML format is also a convenient way to store configuration information for programs. Because it is readable, it can be maintained by hand using a normal editor and then read as objects by programs. For example, a configuration file may contain the following:
username: dave
  background: dark
  foreground: cyan
  timeout: 30

We can use this in a program:

require 'yaml'
config = YAML.load_file("code/config.yaml")
config["username"] # => "dave"
config["prefs"]["timeout"] * 10 # => 300


The Zlib module is home to a number of classes for compressing Only if: zlib and decompressing streams library available and for working with gzip-format compressed files. They also calculate zip checksums.

  • Compresses /etc/passwd as a gzip file and then reads the result back:
require 'zlib'
# These methods can take a filename"passwd.gz") do |gz|
system("ls l
/etc/passwd passwd.gz")
# or a stream"passwd.gz") do |f|
  gzip =
  data =\n/)
  puts data[15,3]
-rw-r--r 1 root wheel 2888 Sep 23 2007 /etc/passwd
-rw-rw-r 1 dave dave 1057 Apr 13 13:27 passwd.gz
daemon:*:1:1:System Services:/var/root:/usr/bin/false
_uucp:*:4:4:Unix to Unix Copy Protocol:/var/spool/uucp:/usr/sbin/uucico
_lp:*:26:26:Printing Services:/var/spool/cups:/usr/bin/false
  • Compresses data sent between two processes:
require 'zlib'
rd, wr = IO.pipe
if fork
  zipper =
  zipper << "This is a string "
  data = zipper.deflate("to compress", Zlib::FINISH)
  unzipper =
  unzipper <<
  puts "We got: #{unzipper.inflate(nil)}"

We got: This is a string to compress
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