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Last active May 20, 2016 16:32
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LN wire protocol simulator
package fr.acinq.protos
import{BufferedWriter, File, FileWriter}
import{Actor, ActorLogging, ActorRef, ActorSystem, LoggingFSM, Props, Stash}
// @formatter:off
sealed trait NewState
sealed trait NewData
case object NORMAL extends NewState
case class MyChanges(proposed: List[Int], signed: List[List[Int]], acked_by_them: List[Int])
case class TheirChanges(unacked_by_me: List[Int], acked_by_me: List[Int])
case class Commit(index: Int, selected: List[Int], fee_level: Int)
case class MyState(
commit_signed_by_me: Commit,
commit_signed_by_them: Commit,
my_changes: MyChanges,
their_changes: TheirChanges) extends NewData
case class CmdOffer(htlc: Int)
case class CmdRemove(htlc: Int)
case class CmdCommit()
case class CmdFeeChange()
case class Offer(htlc: Int)
case class Remove(htlc: Int)
case class Sig(htlc: List[Int])
case class Revoke()
case class FeeChange()
case class Dump()
// @formatter:on
* Created by PM on 17/05/2016.
class NewChannel(them: ActorRef) extends LoggingFSM[NewState, NewData] {
startWith(NORMAL, MyState(Commit(0, Nil, 0), Commit(0, Nil, 0), MyChanges(Nil, Nil, Nil), TheirChanges(Nil, Nil)))
def removeFulfilled(selected: List[Int]): List[Int] = selected.filterNot(x => selected.contains(-x)).filterNot(_ == 0).sorted
when(NORMAL) {
case Event(CmdOffer(htlc), s: MyState) =>
assert(htlc != 0, s"htlc 0 is forbidden (reserved for fee change")
them ! Offer(htlc)
stay using s.copy(my_changes = s.my_changes.copy(proposed = s.my_changes.proposed :+ htlc))
case Event(Offer(htlc), s: MyState) =>
stay using s.copy(their_changes = s.their_changes.copy(unacked_by_me = s.their_changes.unacked_by_me :+ htlc))
case Event(CmdCommit(), MyState(my_commit, their_commit, my_changes, their_changes)) =>
val selected = removeFulfilled(my_changes.proposed ++ my_changes.signed.flatten ++ my_changes.acked_by_them ++ their_changes.acked_by_me)
val fee_level = their_changes.acked_by_me.count(_ == 0)
them ! Sig(selected)
stay using MyState(Commit(my_commit.index + 1, selected, fee_level), their_commit, MyChanges(proposed = Nil, signed = my_changes.signed :+ my_changes.proposed, acked_by_them = my_changes.acked_by_them), their_changes)
case Event(Sig(htlcs), MyState(my_commit, their_commit, my_changes, their_changes)) =>
val selected = removeFulfilled(my_changes.acked_by_them ++ their_changes.acked_by_me ++ their_changes.unacked_by_me)
val fee_level = my_changes.acked_by_them.count(_ == 0)
assert(htlcs == selected, s"sig mismatch: $htlcs != $selected")
them ! Revoke()
stay using MyState(my_commit, Commit(their_commit.index + 1, htlcs, fee_level), my_changes, TheirChanges(unacked_by_me = Nil, acked_by_me = their_changes.acked_by_me ++ their_changes.unacked_by_me))
case Event(Revoke(), MyState(my_commit, their_commit, my_changes, their_changes)) =>
stay using MyState(my_commit, their_commit, MyChanges(proposed = my_changes.proposed, signed = my_changes.signed.drop(1), acked_by_them = my_changes.signed.head ++ my_changes.acked_by_them), their_changes)
case Event(CmdRemove(htlc), s: MyState) =>
assert(s.their_changes.acked_by_me.contains(htlc), "cannot remove an htlc that I didn't acknowledge")
them ! Remove(htlc)
stay using s.copy(my_changes = s.my_changes.copy(proposed = s.my_changes.proposed :+ -htlc))
case Event(Remove(htlc), s: MyState) =>
assert(s.my_changes.acked_by_them.contains(htlc), "cannot remove an htlc that they didn't acknowledge")
stay using s.copy(their_changes = s.their_changes.copy(unacked_by_me = s.their_changes.unacked_by_me :+ -htlc))
case Event(CmdFeeChange(), s: MyState) =>
them ! FeeChange()
stay using s.copy(my_changes = s.my_changes.copy(proposed = s.my_changes.proposed :+ 0))
case Event(FeeChange(), s: MyState) =>
stay using s.copy(their_changes = s.their_changes.copy(unacked_by_me = s.their_changes.unacked_by_me :+ 0))
case Event(Dump(), s@MyState(my_commit, their_commit, _, _)) =>
sender ! s
object NewChannel extends App {
implicit val system = ActorSystem()
val pipe = system.actorOf(Props(new TestPipe()))
val a = system.actorOf(Props(new NewChannel(pipe)), name = "a")
val b = system.actorOf(Props(new NewChannel(pipe)), name = "b")
pipe !(a, b, new File("eclair-demo/rusty-scripts/15-fee-twice-back-to-back.script"))
// handle a bi-directional path between 2 actors
// used to avoid the chicken-and-egg problem of:
// a = new Channel(b)
// b = new Channel(a)
class TestPipe() extends Actor with ActorLogging with Stash {
val offer = "(.):offer ([0-9]+)".r
val remove = "(.):remove ([0-9]+)".r
val commit = "(.):commit".r
val feechange = "(.):feechange".r
val recv = "(.):recv.*".r
val nocommitwait = "(.):nocommitwait.*".r
val echo = "echo (.*)".r
val dump = "(.):dump".r
val fout = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("result.txt"))
def exec(script: List[String], a: ActorRef, b: ActorRef): Unit = {
def resolve(x: String) = if (x == "A") a else b
script match {
case offer(x, i) :: rest =>
resolve(x) ! CmdOffer(i.toInt)
exec(rest, a, b)
case remove(x, i) :: rest =>
resolve(x) ! CmdRemove(i.toInt)
exec(rest, a, b)
case commit(x) :: rest =>
resolve(x) ! CmdCommit()
exec(rest, a, b)
case feechange(x) :: rest =>
resolve(x) ! CmdFeeChange()
exec(rest, a, b)
case recv(x) :: rest =>
context.become(wait(a, b, script))
case nocommitwait(x) :: rest =>
log.warning("ignoring nocommitwait")
exec(rest, a, b)
case "checksync" :: rest =>
log.warning("ignoring checksync")
exec(rest, a, b)
case echo(s) :: rest =>
exec(rest, a, b)
case dump(x) :: rest =>
resolve(x) ! Dump()
context.become(wait(a, b, script))
case "" :: rest =>
exec(rest, a, b)
case List() | Nil =>"done")
context stop self
def receive = {
case (a: ActorRef, b: ActorRef, file: File) =>
val script = Source.fromFile(file).getLines().filterNot(_.startsWith("#")).toList
exec(script, a, b)
case msg => stash()
def wait(a: ActorRef, b: ActorRef, script: List[String]): Receive = {
case msg if sender() == a && script.head.startsWith("B:recv") =>
b forward msg
exec(script.drop(1), a, b)
case msg if sender() == b && script.head.startsWith("A:recv") =>
a forward msg
exec(script.drop(1), a, b)
case MyState(my_commit, their_commit, _, _) if script.head.endsWith(":dump") =>
val even = if (sender() == a) 1 else 0
val l = List(
s" Commit ${their_commit.index}:",
s" Offered htlcs: ${their_commit.selected.filter(_ % 2 == even).mkString(" ")}",
s" Received htlcs: ${their_commit.selected.filter(_ % 2 != even).mkString(" ")}",
s" Fee level ${their_commit.fee_level}",
s" SIGNED", // TODO ???
s" Commit ${my_commit.index}:",
s" Offered htlcs: ${my_commit.selected.filter(_ % 2 != even).mkString(" ")}",
s" Received htlcs: ${my_commit.selected.filter(_ % 2 == even).mkString(" ")}",
s" Fee level ${my_commit.fee_level}",
s" SIGNED").filterNot(_ == " Fee level 0") // TODO ???
def rtrim(s: String) = s.replaceAll("\\s+$", "")
l.foreach(s => {
exec(script.drop(1), a, b)
case other =>
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