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Created June 5, 2021 21:19
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Source for ZxSpectrumBot diagonal bars tweet
ORG $8000
; Set Border Colour to black
ld a,0
out (254),a
; Fill Background with Crosshatch
ld a,170
ld de,16384
ld c,24
ld b,0 ; loop 256
ld (de),a
inc de
djnz loopx
xor 255
dec c
jp nz,loopy
; Main animation
; halt ; without double buffering we get tearing if we enable this
ld a,(v)
dec a
ld (v),a
ld de,22528
ld a,0
ld c,24
ld b,32
ld a,(v)
add a,b
add a,c
and 31
add a,pal&255
ld l,a
ld a,0
adc a,pal>>8
ld h,a
ld a,(hl)
ld (de),a
inc de
djnz loopu
dec c
jp nz,loopv
jp rep
; "time" variable
db 0
; Attribute settings for bars
; + 1 x (0-7) = Ink
; + 8 x (0-7) = Paper
; + 64 = Bright
db 0,1,1+8,5,5+8,5+64,5+8*7,7+8*7,5+8*5+64,5+8*7+64,7+8*7+64
db 7+8*7,5+8*7,5+8,1+8,0
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