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Created August 21, 2018 12:09
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Events.EnterKey = "EnterKey"
Events.SpaceKey = "SpaceKey"
Events.BackspaceKey = "BackspaceKey"
Events.CapsLockKey = "CapsLockKey"
Events.ShiftKey = "ShiftKey"
Events.ValueChange = "ValueChange"
Events.InputFocus = "InputFocus"
Events.InputBlur = "InputBlur"
class exports.InputLayer extends TextLayer
constructor: (options={}) ->
_.defaults options,
backgroundColor: "#FFF"
width: 790
left: 20
text: "Type something..."
fontSize: 30
fontWeight: 300
if options.multiLine ?= 20
@_inputElement = document.createElement("input") = "absolute"
super options
# Globals
@_background = undefined
@_placeholder = undefined
@_isDesignLayer = false
# Layer containing input element
@input = new Layer
backgroundColor: "transparent"
name: "input"
width: @width
height: @height
parent: @
# Text area
if @multiLine
@_inputElement = document.createElement("textarea")
# Append element
# Match TextLayer defaults and type properties
# Set attributes
@_inputElement.autocomplete = "off"
@_inputElement.autocorrect = "off"
@_inputElement.spellcheck = false
# The id serves to differentiate multiple input elements from one another.
# To allow styling the placeholder colors of seperate elements.
@_inputElement.className = "input" + @id
# All inherited properties
textProperties =
{@text, @fontFamily, @fontSize, @lineHeight, @fontWeight, @color, @backgroundColor, @width, @height, @padding, @parent}
for property, value of textProperties
@on "change:#{property}", (value) =>
# Reset textLayer contents
@_elementHTML.children[0].textContent = ""
return if @_isDesignLayer
@_setPlaceholderColor(@_id, @color)
# Set default placeholder
@_setPlaceholderColor(@_id, @color)
# Reset textLayer contents
@_elementHTML.children[0].textContent = ""
# Check if in focus
@_isFocused = false
# Default focus interaction
@_inputElement.onfocus = (e) =>
@focusColor ?= "#000"
# Emit focus event
@emit(Events.InputFocus, event)
@_isFocused = true
# Emit blur event
@_inputElement.onblur = (e) =>
@emit(Events.InputBlur, event)
@_isFocused = false
# To filter if value changed later
currentValue = undefined
# Store current value
@_inputElement.onkeydown = (e) =>
currentValue = @value
# If caps lock key is pressed down
if e.which is 20
@emit(Events.CapsLockKey, event)
# If shift key is pressed
if e.which is 16
@emit(Events.ShiftKey, event)
@_inputElement.onkeyup = (e) =>
if currentValue isnt @value
@emit("change:value", @value)
@emit(Events.ValueChange, @value)
# If enter key is pressed
if e.which is 13
@emit(Events.EnterKey, event)
# If backspace key is pressed
if e.which is 8
@emit(Events.BackspaceKey, event)
# If space key is pressed
if e.which is 32
@emit(Events.SpaceKey, event)
# If caps lock key is pressed up
if e.which is 20
@emit(Events.CapsLockKey, event)
_setPlaceholder: (text) =>
@_inputElement.placeholder = text
_setPlaceholderColor: (id, color) ->
document.styleSheets[0].addRule(".input#{id}::-webkit-input-placeholder", "color: #{color}")
_checkDevicePixelRatio: ->
ratio = (Screen.width / Framer.Device.screen.width)
if Utils.isDesktop()
# @3x
if ratio < 0.5 and ratio > 0.25
dpr = 1 - ratio
# @4x
else if ratio is 0.25
dpr = 1 - (ratio * 2)
# @1x, @2x
dpr = Utils.devicePixelRatio()
if Framer.Device.deviceType is "fullscreen"
dpr = 2
# @3x
if ratio < 0.5 and ratio > 0.25
dpr = 1 - ratio
# @4x
else if ratio is 0.25
dpr = 1 - (ratio * 2)
# @1x, @2x
else if ratio is 0.5
dpr = 1
return dpr
_setTextProperties: (layer) =>
dpr = @_checkDevicePixelRatio()
if not @_isDesignLayer = layer.fontFamily = "#{layer.fontSize / dpr}px" = layer.fontWeight ? "normal" = "#{ * 2 / dpr}px" = "#{layer.padding.bottom * 2 / dpr}px" = "#{layer.padding.right * 2 / dpr}px" = "#{layer.padding.left * 2 / dpr}px" = "#{((layer.width - layer.padding.left * 2) * 2 / dpr)}px" = "#{layer.height * 2 / dpr}px" = "none" = "transparent" = "auto" = "none" = "none" = "hidden" = "antialiased"
addBackgroundLayer: (layer) ->
@_background = layer
@_background.parent = @ = "background"
@_background.x = @_background.y = 0
return @_background
addPlaceHolderLayer: (layer) ->
@_isDesignLayer = true
@_inputElement.className = "input" +
@padding = left: 0, top: 0
@_setPlaceholderColor(, layer.color)
@on "change:color", =>
@_setPlaceholderColor(, @color)
# Remove original layer
layer.visible = false
@_elementHTML.children[0].textContent = ""
# Convert position to padding
dpr = @_checkDevicePixelRatio() = "#{layer.fontSize * 2 / dpr}px" = "#{layer.y * 2 / dpr}px" = "#{layer.x * 2 / dpr}px" = "#{(@_background.width - layer.x * 2) * 2 / dpr}px"
if @multiLine = "#{@_background.height * 2 / dpr}px"
@on "change:padding", => = "#{ * 2 / dpr}px" = "#{@padding.left * 2 / dpr}px"
return @_placeholder
focus: ->
@define "value",
get: -> @_inputElement.value
set: (value) ->
@_inputElement.value = value
@define "focusColor",
get: ->
set: (value) -> = value
@define "multiLine", @simpleProperty("multiLine", false)
# New Constructor
@wrap = (background, placeholder, options) ->
return wrapInput(new @(options), background, placeholder, options)
onEnterKey: (cb) -> @on(Events.EnterKey, cb)
onSpaceKey: (cb) -> @on(Events.SpaceKey, cb)
onBackspaceKey: (cb) -> @on(Events.BackspaceKey, cb)
onCapsLockKey: (cb) -> @on(Events.CapsLockKey, cb)
onShiftKey: (cb) -> @on(Events.ShiftKey, cb)
onValueChange: (cb) -> @on(Events.ValueChange, cb)
onInputFocus: (cb) -> @on(Events.InputFocus, cb)
onInputBlur: (cb) -> @on(Events.InputBlur, cb)
wrapInput = (instance, background, placeholder) ->
if not (background instanceof Layer)
throw new Error("InputLayer expects a background layer.")
if not (placeholder instanceof TextLayer)
throw new Error("InputLayer expects a text layer.")
input = instance
input.__framerInstanceInfo ?= {}
input.__framerInstanceInfo?.name =
input.frame = background.frame
input.parent = background.parent
input.index = background.index
return input
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