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Last active August 16, 2016 10:14
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Simple Node version control
# How to use it
# copy the code into .bashrc our download the .bash_node_v file into your home
# and add to your .bashrc or .bash_profile:
# source .bash_node_v
# Configure it creating a .nrc (in your home or in the same folder you put this file) and add
# the folder where you want to install the node versions, for instance:
# NODE_PREFIX="/Software/node/"
[ -f ${CONFIGS} ] || {
echo -e "\033[33mNo .nrc file found in your home to configure node_v\033[0m"
# Do not exit otherwise it will terminate the shell
# exit -2
source ${CONFIGS}
n() {
if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then
echo -e "\033[94mNode version $(node -v)\033[0m"
return 1
local version=$1
local arch=$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
local node_prefix="${NODE_PREFIX}/node-v${version}-${arch}"
local fix_node_path="${node_prefix}/lib/node"
if [ -d "${NODE_PREFIX}/node-v${version}-${arch}" ] ; then
echo -e "\033[32mUsing ${version}\033[0m"
export PATH="${node_prefix}/bin:$ORIG_PATH"
export NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX=${node_prefix}
# we can export NODE_PATH but this can be overwriten by other person
# or scripts.... to prevent any issue lets just create a link ^.^
# export NODE_PATH="${node_prefix}/lib/node_modules"
if [ ! -L "${fix_node_path}" ]; then
if [ -e "${fix_node_path}" ]; then
echo -e "\033[31m${fix_node_path} expected to be a sym link!\033[0m"
return 1
ln -s "${fix_node_path}_modules" "${fix_node_path}" || { echo -e "\033[31mFailed to creat sym link ${fix_node_path}!\033[0m" ; return 1 ; }
echo -e "\033[31mVersion not found!\033[0m"
echo -e "\033[33mWe will try to install it!\033[0m"
pushd ${NODE_PREFIX}
local url="${version}/node-v${version}-${arch}.tar.gz"
local file="node-v${version}-${arch}.tar.gz"
# Download tar.gx and test if 200 ^.^
local httpStatusCode=$(curl "${url}" -o "${file}" -w "%{http_code}")
[ $httpStatusCode -ne 200 ] && { echo -e "\033[31mVersion ${version} not found on server! [${url}]\033[0m" ; return 1 ; }
# Extract it
tar -xf "${file}" || { echo -e "\033[31mError extraction file ${NODE_PREFIX}/$file\033[0m" ; return 1 ; }
if [ "$2" == "retry" ] ; then
echo -e "\033[33mRun:\nn ${version}\033[0m"
return 1
n $version "retry"
export n
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