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Creates a service connection for a ManagementGroup
Please ensure you are already logged to azure using az login
# Azure DevOps Personal Access Token (PAT) for the '[ORG]' Azure DevOps tenancy
# The Azure DevOps organisation to create the service connection in, available from System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri if running from pipeline.
$TeamFoundationCollectionUri = $($Env:System_TeamFoundationCollectionUri -replace '%20', ' '),
# The name of the project to which this build or release belongs, available from $(System.TeamProject) if running from pipeline
$TeamProject = $Env:System_TeamProject,
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$InformationPreference = 'Continue'
#Clearing default.
az configure --defaults group=
$account = az account show | ConvertFrom-Json
$Env:AZURE_DEVOPS_EXT_PAT = $PersonalAccessToken
Write-Information -MessageData:"Adding Azure DevOps Extension..."
az extension add --name azure-devops
Write-Information -MessageData "Configure defaults Organization:$TeamFoundationCollectionUri..."
az devops configure --defaults organization="$TeamFoundationCollectionUri"
Write-Information -MessageData "Getting App Registration: $AppRegistrationName..."
$AppReg = az ad app list --all --query "[?displayName == '$AppRegistrationName']" | ConvertFrom-Json
Write-Information -MessageData "Give App Registration access to Management Group Root..."
az role assignment create --role "Owner" --assignee $($AppReg.appId) --scope "/"
Write-Information -MessageData "Checking if $TeamProject project exists..."
$ProjectDetails = az devops project list --query "value[?name == '$TeamProject']" | Select-Object -First 1 | ConvertFrom-Json
if(-not $ProjectDetails){
Write-Information -MessageData "Creating $TeamProject project..."
$ProjectDetails = az devops project create --name $TeamProject
Write-Information -MessageData "Checking if service endpoint already exists..."
$ServiceEndpoint = az devops service-endpoint list --project "$TeamProject" --query "[?name == '$($AppReg.DisplayName)-Mg']" | Select-Object -First 1 | ConvertFrom-Json
if (-not $ServiceEndpoint) {
Write-Information -MessageData "Getting Json file for Management Group..."
$managementGroupJson = Get-Content -Raw -Path "$PSScriptRoot/management-group.json"
$configFilePath = "$PSScriptRoot/temp-managementGroup.json"
$managementGroupJson = $managementGroupJson -replace '##TenantId##', $($Account.homeTenantId) `
-replace '##ManagementGroupId##', $($Account.homeTenantId) `
-replace '##ManagementGroupName##', "Tenant Root Group" `
-replace '##ServicePrincipalId##', $($AppReg.appId) `
-replace '##ServicePrincipalKey##', $(ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString:$AppPassword -AsPlainText) `
-replace '##Name##', "$($AppReg.DisplayName)-Mg" `
-replace '##ProjectId##', $($ `
-replace '##ProjectName##', $($
Write-Information -MessageData "Saving management json file..."
Set-Content -Value:$managementGroupJson -Path:$configFilePath
Write-Information -MessageData "Creating Service Connection name:$($AppReg.DisplayName)-Mg for project $TeamProject..."
$ServiceEndpoint = az devops service-endpoint create --project "$TeamProject" --service-endpoint-configuration "$configFilePath" | ConvertFrom-Json
Write-Information -MessageData "Clean up temp files"
Remove-Item -Path $configFilePath
Write-Information -MessageData "Updating Service Connection to be enabled for all pipelines..."
az devops service-endpoint update --project "$TeamProject" --id "$($" --enable-for-all true | Out-Null
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