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Last active August 4, 2022 14:12
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Set the New Menu on a document library.
Sets the New Menu on a document libary, allow you to hide content types you don't want to show. This will grab all list content types currently assigned to the library.
Default Content Types used by Microsoft 'Folder', 'Word document', 'Excel workbook', 'PowerPoint presentation', 'OneNote notebook' 'Visio drawing', 'Link'
Updates the SharePoint library New Menu, but hiding given Content Types.
-Url:'' -ListTitle:'Documents' -ContentTypesToHide:'OneNote notebook','PowerPoint','Custom CT Name'
Updates the SharePoint library New Menu, but hiding Default Content Types ('Word document', 'Excel workbook', 'PowerPoint presentation', 'OneNote notebook' 'Visio drawing')
-Url:'' -ListTitle:'Documents' -HideDefault:$true
Updates the SharePoint library New Menu, but hiding Default Content Types ('Word document', 'Excel workbook', 'PowerPoint presentation', 'OneNote notebook' 'Visio drawing') and given Content Types
-Url:'' -ListTitle:'Documents' -ContentTypesToHide:'OneNote notebook','Link' -HideDefault:$true
# The url to the site containing the Site Requests list
$HideDefault = $false
function Add-MenuItem() {
$newChildNode = New-Object System.Object
$newChildNode | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name title -value:$title
$newChildNode | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name visible -value:$visible
$newChildNode | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name templateId -value:$templateId
if ($null -ne $contentTypeId) {
$newChildNode | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name contentTypeId -value:$contentTypeId
$newChildNode | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name isContentType -value:$true
return $newChildNode
function Get-DefaultMenuItems() {
$DefaultMenuItems = @()
$DefaultMenuItems += Add-MenuItem -title:"Folder" -templateId:"NewFolder" -visible:$true
$DefaultMenuItems += Add-MenuItem -title:"Word document" -templateId:"NewDOC" -visible:$true
$DefaultMenuItems += Add-MenuItem -title:"Excel workbook" -templateId:"NewXSL" -visible:$true
$DefaultMenuItems += Add-MenuItem -title:"PowerPoint presentation" -templateId:"NewPPT" -visible:$true
$DefaultMenuItems += Add-MenuItem -title:"OneNote notebook" -templateId:"NewONE" -visible:$true
$DefaultMenuItems += Add-MenuItem -title:"Visio drawing" -templateId:"NewVSDX" -visible:$true
$DefaultMenuItems += Add-MenuItem -title:"Forms for Excel" -templateId:"NewXSLForm" -visible:$true
$DefaultMenuItems += Add-MenuItem -title:"Link" -templateId:"Link" -visible:$true
return $DefaultMenuItems
function Set-NewMenuOnList() {
Connect-PnPOnline -Url:$URL -UseWebLogin
Write-Host "Connected to URL:$Url" -ForegroundColor Green
$list = Get-PnpList -Identity:$ListTitle
Write-Host "Connected to List:$($list.Title)"
$listContentTypes = Get-PnPContentType -List $List
$defaultView = Get-PnpView -List:$List | Where-Object {$_.DefaultView -eq $true}
$MenuItems = Get-DefaultMenuItems
$listContentTypes | ForEach-Object {
$ct = $PSItem
if($ct.Name -eq "Folder"){
$MenuItems += Add-MenuItem -title:$ct.Name -visible:$true -templateId:$ct.StringId -contentTypeId:$ct.StringId
$hideContentType = $ContentTypesToHide;
if($HideDefault -eq $true){
write-host "Hiding default content types"
$hideContentType += 'Word document', 'Excel workbook', 'PowerPoint presentation', 'OneNote notebook','Visio drawing'
}else {
write-host "Including default content types"
$MenuItems | ForEach-Object {
if ($hideContentType -contains ($_.title)) {
$_.visible = $false
write-host "Hiding content type $($_.title)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
else {
write-host "Showing $($_.title)" -ForegroundColor Green
$defaultView.NewDocumentTemplates = $menuItems | ConvertTo-Json
Write-Host "Updated $($list.Title)"
Set-NewMenuOnList -URL:$URL -ListTitle:$ListTitle -ContentTypesToHide:$ContentTypesToHide -HideDefault:$HideDefault
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