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Created January 6, 2021 19:34
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Understanding this in constructor functions vs regular functions

Understanding calling of this in Javascript

Consider the following function

function Person(name) { = name;
	return this;

this can be used as a

  • constructor function
  • regular function the only difference in using them is by using new keyword

Behavior of return keyword in functions

In constructor function:

  • it always returns this even if not explicitly mentioned
  • if return anything non object, it is ignored
returning variables
function Person(name) { = name;
	return name;

let john = new Person("John")
// john is Object { name: "John" }
  • any non object won't be returned
  • true, "23", "anything", 53, 3.14 won't be returned
  • it will always return this
returning objects
function Person(name) { = name;
	return {};

let john = new Person("John")
// john is {}
  • won't work and would be undefined
returning functions
function Person(name) { = name;
	return () => {};

let john = new Person("John")
// john is () => {}
  • won't return "John"
  • instead "" would be returned, because would be equivalent of calling
  • in this case function does not have a name hence emptry string is returned

Consider the following

function Car(make, model, year) {
  this.make = make;
  this.model = model;
  this.year = year;
  return this;

this function returns this

case 1:

using it as a constructor

let newCar = new Car("Fiat", "Distro", 1998)
  • newCar is the same as this( in context of Car)
  • new variable does following
    • creates a blank object with a blank this
    • looks at what properties the Car function has
    • assigns all what Car properties to the newly and blank object and its this
    • this newly created and then newly assigned this is assigned to newCar variable
    • in other words newCar inherits from the prototype of Car
    • newCar's parent prototype would be Car

case 2:

using it as a function

let newCar = Car("Fiat", "Distro", 1998)
  • what happens is Car is run as a normal function
  • whenever we run a normal function (not arrow) this refers to whatever called the function
  • if we console newCar we will get the global or window object
  • that object would now have values of model, make & year
  • gobal.model etc would work

case 3:

const Car = (make, model, year) => {
  this.make = make;
  this.model = model;
  this.year = year;
  return this;
  • in this scenario
let newCar = Car("Fiat", "Distro", 1998)
  • newCar would be an { make: 'Fiat', model: 'Distro', year: 1998 }
  • because every arrow function creates a new this object for every execution
  • the this in arrow functions does not refer to its caller's this, like regular functions
const Car = (make, model, year) => {
  this.make = make;
  this.model = model;
  this.year = year;
let newCar = Car("Fiat", "Distro", 1998)
  • newCar here would be undefined because the context of this is immediately lost and is not passed to newCar
  • it could be passed using
let newCar = new Car("Fiat", "Distro", 1998)
  • because new always creates a new object and copies the entire prototype of the Object and assign's it to the variable
  • and it by default always returns this unless another object type is explicitly returned
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