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Last active September 13, 2021 13:25
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ice breaker prompts

Hidden Talents

  • What's a hidden talent of yours?
  • What's something someone you know can do that you find really impressive?
  • Can you do a really great impression of someone?
  • What's a talent you used to show off as a kid?
  • What's your human superpower? (For example: capable of falling asleep anywhere)
  • What is something you can teach in one minute?

Nice to meet you

  • What would your best friend say about who you are and what makes you tick?
  • What are some adventurous things you’ve done?
  • Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
  • What’s the next item on your bucket list?
  • Who or what do you turn to when you need to recharge?
  • What’s the last thing you bought yourself?
  • What are your favorite take-out meals?
  • Who are your favorite writers?
  • What are your favorite TV shows?
  • What’s one of your favorite smells?
  • What were your favorite toys as a kid?
  • What’s the worst pet you ever had?
  • Who’s a living person that you admire?
  • What age do you wish you could be permanently?
  • What’s your favorite kitchen utensil?
  • What’s a meaningful object you keep in your home?
  • What's the happiest part of your weekdays?
  • What's the happiest part of your weekends?
  • What's your daily "go-to" food?
  • What do you eat during the week when you want some comfort food?
  • What's your favorite thing to cook?
  • How do you recharge when you're stressed out during the week?
  • What's your guilty pleasure when you have free time during the week?
  • If you could have a free day just for yourself, what would you do?
  • What's your favorite household chore? Your least favorite?
  • What is dinner like at your house?
  • What’s special about the place you grew up?
  • What do you value in your friends?
  • If you could live in a fictional world (any book or movie is fair game) just for this weekend, where would you go?
  • If you could transport yourself to any place in the world just for this weekend, where would you go?

Would you rather?

  • Swim 300 meters through rancid cheez whiz or live ferrets?
  • Have legs as long as your fingers or fingers as long as your legs?
  • Talk like Yoda or breathe like Darth Vader?
  • Always take a cold shower or always sleep an hour less than you need to feel rested?
  • Have to dress like a clown or the Easter Bunny for the rest of your life?
  • Experience the beginning or the end of the Earth?
  • Speak all languages or be able to speak to animals?
  • Have a dog with a cat’s personality, or a cat with a dog’s personality?
  • Detect any lie you hear or get away with any lie you tell?
  • Never hear music again or lose the ability to read?
  • See the world but live in poverty or stay in one place but live rich?
  • Be famous when you’re alive but forgotten after you die, or unknown when you’re alive but famous after you die?
  • Be transported permanently 500 years into the future or 500 years into the past?
  • Lose all your memories from birth to now or lose the ability to make new long-term memories?
  • Have whatever you’re thinking appear above your head for everyone to see or have everything you do live streamed to everyone?
  • Live ten 100-year lives or one 1000-year life?
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