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Created February 14, 2020 15:11
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Max call stack error LWC compiler
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+ " p" + shadowSelector + " ol" + shadowSelector + " div.p" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " p" + shadowSelector + " ol" + shadowSelector + " li" + shadowSelector + " p" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " p" + shadowSelector + " ol" + shadowSelector + " li" + shadowSelector + " div.p" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " div.p" + shadowSelector + " p" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " div.p" + shadowSelector + " div.p" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " div.p" + shadowSelector + " ul" + shadowSelector + " p" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " div.p" + shadowSelector + " ul" + shadowSelector + " div.p" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " div.p" + shadowSelector + " ul" + shadowSelector + " li" + shadowSelector + " p" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " div.p" + shadowSelector + " ul" + shadowSelector + " li" + 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.body" + shadowSelector + " li" + shadowSelector + " div" + shadowSelector + " iframe" + shadowSelector + " {margin-top: 20px;margin-bottom: 20px;}\n.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " div.p" + shadowSelector + " .image-block" + shadowSelector + " img" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " p" + shadowSelector + " .image-block" + shadowSelector + " img" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " span" + shadowSelector + " .image-block" + shadowSelector + " img" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " li" + shadowSelector + " div" + shadowSelector + " .image-block" + shadowSelector + " img" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " div.p" + shadowSelector + " .image-block" + shadowSelector + " img" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " p" + shadowSelector + " .image-block" + shadowSelector + " img" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " span" + shadowSelector + " .image-block" + shadowSelector + " img" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " li" + shadowSelector + " div" + shadowSelector + " .image-block" + shadowSelector + " img" + shadowSelector + " {margin-top: 0;margin-bottom: 0;}\n.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " div.p" + shadowSelector + " pre" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " div.p" + shadowSelector + " table" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " div.p" + shadowSelector + " .fig" + shadowSelector + " img" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " p" + shadowSelector + " pre" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " p" + shadowSelector + " table" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " p" + shadowSelector + " .fig" + shadowSelector + " img" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " span" + shadowSelector + " pre" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " span" + shadowSelector + " table" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " span" + shadowSelector + " .fig" + shadowSelector + " img" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " li" + shadowSelector + " div" + shadowSelector + " pre" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " li" + shadowSelector + " div" + shadowSelector + " table" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " li" + shadowSelector + " div" + shadowSelector + " .fig" + shadowSelector + " img" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " div.p" + shadowSelector + " pre" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " div.p" + shadowSelector + " table" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " div.p" + shadowSelector + " .fig" + shadowSelector + " img" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " p" + shadowSelector + " pre" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " p" + shadowSelector + " table" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " p" + shadowSelector + " .fig" + shadowSelector + " img" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " span" + shadowSelector + " pre" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " span" + shadowSelector + " table" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " span" + shadowSelector + " .fig" + shadowSelector + " img" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " li" + shadowSelector + " div" + shadowSelector + " pre" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " li" + shadowSelector + " div" + shadowSelector + " table" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " li" + shadowSelector + " div" + shadowSelector + " .fig" + shadowSelector + " img" + shadowSelector + " {margin-top: 20px;margin-bottom: 20px;height: auto;}\n.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " p" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " ul" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " iframe" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " object" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " div.shortdesc" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " p" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " ul" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " iframe" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " object" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " div.shortdesc" + shadowSelector + " {margin-top: 20px;margin-bottom: 20px;}\n.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " p" + shadowSelector + " + h2" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " ul" + shadowSelector + " + h2" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " iframe" + shadowSelector + " + h2" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " object" + shadowSelector + " + h2" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " div.shortdesc" + shadowSelector + " + h2" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " p" + shadowSelector + " + h2" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " ul" + shadowSelector + " + h2" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " iframe" + shadowSelector + " + h2" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " object" + shadowSelector + " + h2" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " div.shortdesc" + shadowSelector + " + h2" + shadowSelector + " {margin-top: 30px;}\n.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " p" + shadowSelector + " object" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " p" + shadowSelector + " object" + shadowSelector + " {margin-top: 0;margin-bottom: 0;}\n.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .section" + shadowSelector + " .fignone" + shadowSelector + " .image" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .body" + shadowSelector + " .fignone" + shadowSelector + " .image" + shadowSelector + " {margin-top: 0;margin-bottom: 0;}\n.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .img.mtm" + shadowSelector + " {float: left;}\n.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .media" + shadowSelector + " {overflow: hidden;}\n.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .media" + shadowSelector + " > img" + shadowSelector + " {float: left;margin: 0 1rem 0 0;max-width: 100px;}\n.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .image-block" + shadowSelector + " > img" + shadowSelector + " {max-width: 100%;}\n.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .media" + shadowSelector + " .mediaBd" + shadowSelector + " {float: left;}\n.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .media" + shadowSelector + " .mediaBd" + shadowSelector + " > ul" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .media" + shadowSelector + " .mediaBd" + shadowSelector + " > ol" + shadowSelector + " {margin: 1rem 0 1rem 3rem;}\n.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .anchor" + shadowSelector + " {visibility: hidden;}\n.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " > ul" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " > ol" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " dd" + shadowSelector + " > ul" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " dd" + shadowSelector + " > ol" + shadowSelector + " {margin: 1rem 0 1rem 2rem;}\n.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .image-block" + shadowSelector + " {display: block;margin: 4px 0;}\n.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .image-center" + shadowSelector + " {margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;display: block;}\n.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " .image-right" + shadowSelector + " {margin-left: auto;display: block;}\n.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " ol" + shadowSelector + " {list-style: decimal;}\n.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " ul" + shadowSelector + " {list-style: disc;}\n.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " li" + shadowSelector + " > ul" + shadowSelector + ",.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " li" + shadowSelector + " > ol" + shadowSelector + " {margin-left: 1rem;}\n.unit-content" + shadowSelector + " li" + shadowSelector + " > ul" + shadowSelector + " {list-style: circle;}\n";
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