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Created August 19, 2022 11:41
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Import APQC PCF files into Architool. #jArchi
// Author: Pedro Duque
// Requires: jArchi -
// Requires: PapaParse –
// Purpose: Import APQC PCF excel sheet into ArchiTool
// Date: 2022-08-19
// (credits: some code from used to import from CSV )
// Version 0.1
// Change: Initial version
* Add this function to excel with APQC PCF:
* Function GetComments(pRng As Range) As String
* If Not pRng.Comment Is Nothing Then
* GetComments = pRng.Comment.Text
* End If
* End Function
* add a column with =GetComments(C2) in combined worksheet and copy down.
* Export APQC PCF full model into a CSV file.
* This script reads the CSV file with APQC PCF content and the following columns:
* "PCF ID","Hierarchy ID","Name","Difference Index","Change details","Metrics available?"
var debug = false;
var limitProcessing = 9999;
// ****** CONFIGURATION ******
var levels = ["Category","Process Group","Process","Activity","Task"]
var elementType = ["business-process","business-process","business-process","business-process","business-process"]; //Element type for each level
var elementFolder = ["folder.Business","folder.Business","folder.Business","folder.Business","folder.Business","folder.Relations"]; //add all 5 Folders per level and an extra one for relationships
//var elementType = ["grouping","grouping","business-process","business-process","business-process"]; //Element type for each level
//var elementFolder = ["folder.Other","folder.Other","folder.Business","folder.Business","folder.Business","folder.Relations"]; //add all 5 Folders per level and an extra one for relationships
var relationType = ["","composition-relationship","composition-relationship","composition-relationship","composition-relationship"] //Relationship type with previous level
var mainFolder = "PCF"
var folderLevels = 3 // 0 will create only the main folder. Higher numbers will create subfolders to aggregate elements of that level.
var maxImportLevel = 5 // 0 will disable the creation/update of elements, other than that [1..5]
var maxViewLevel = -1 //-1 will disable view creation
var fileName=""
// *******************************************************
// Main orchestrator
// *******************************************************
function main() {
load(__DIR__ + "papaparse/papaparse.min.js");
debug?console.log("// Loaded library: PapaParse"):null;
debug?console.log("Import APQC PCF\n---------------------\n"):null;
if (maxImportLevel>0) {
// read data from CSV file
var theData = readCSV();
// create the elements and relationships
if (theData) createModel(theData, maxImportLevel);
// create relevant views (TBD)
if (maxViewLevel>=0) createView(maxViewLevel);
// *******************************************************
// Open a CSV file, parse it and return array with values
// *******************************************************
function readCSV() {
var filePath = window.promptOpenFile({ title: "Open CSV file", filterExtensions: ["*.CSV"], fileName: "" });
if (filePath) {
fileName = filePath.replace(/^.*(\\|\/|\:)/, '');
var FileReader = Java.type("");
var Types = Java.type("java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets");
var theCSVFile = new FileReader(filePath,Types.UTF_8);
var theCSV ="";
var data =;
debug?console.log("// Loading file:"+fileName):null;
while(data != -1) {
var theCharacter = String.fromCharCode(data);
data =;
console.log("> CSV file loaded");
theDataFile = Papa.parse(theCSV);
theData =;
console.log("> Parsing Complete");
return theData;
// *******************************************
// returns the level based on hierarchy [1..5]
// *******************************************
function getLevel(hierarchy) {
//lucky that PCF only have .0 on first level categories!
return (hierarchy.slice(-2)=='.0'?1:hierarchy.split('.').length);
// ***********************************************
// returns the Hierarchy ID of the parent element
// ***********************************************
function getParentID(hierarchy) {
var hierarchyArray = hierarchy.split('.');
return (hierarchyArray.join(".")).concat((getLevel(hierarchy)===2)?".0":"");
// *******************************************************
// returns the Hierarchy ID of the specific ancestor element
// *******************************************************
function getAncestorID(hierarchy,level) {
var hierarchyArray = hierarchy.split('.');
return (hierarchyArray.slice(0,level).join(".")).concat(level===1?".0":"");
// **************************************************************
// Return destination folder. If not created, created folder tree
// Max depth: folderLevels
// **************************************************************
function getDestFolder(hierarchy) {
var level=getLevel(hierarchy);
var theFolder = $(elementFolder[level-1]).find("."+mainFolder);
if ((Math.min(folderLevels,level)<1)) {
// if not using folders per level
debug?console.log("(getDestFolder) Not using Folder structure for ",hierarchy,". Dest Folder:",destFolder):null;
} else {
// Get destination folder.
var targetHierarchyID=getAncestorID(hierarchy,Math.min(folderLevels,level));
debug?console.log("(getDestFolder) Using Folder structure for ",hierarchy," found folders:",destFolder," desired Folder:",targetHierarchyID):null;
if (destFolder.length==0) {
// destFolder not found. Create it!
debug?console.log("(getDestFolder) Creating folder:",getAncestorID(hierarchy,Math.min(folderLevels,level))):null;
// Navigate folder structure and create necessary folders
var i=1;
while (destFolder.prop("Hierarchy ID")!=targetHierarchyID) {
debug?console.log("(getDestFolder) Search for:",getAncestorID(hierarchy,i)):null;
destFolder=theFolder.children("folder").filter(function(e) {return (e.prop("Hierarchy ID")===getAncestorID(hierarchy,i))});
if (destFolder.length===0) {
debug?console.log("(getDestFolder) Not Found. Creating folder: i=",i,"hierarchy=",hierarchy," ancestorID=",getAncestorID(hierarchy,i)):null;
var newFolder=theFolder.first().createFolder(getAncestorID(hierarchy,i));
newFolder.prop("Hierarchy ID",getAncestorID(hierarchy,i));
debug?console.log("(getDestFolder) folder created: i=",i,"ancestor=",theFolder.first(),"folder=",newFolder):null;
} else {
debug?console.log("(getDestFolder) Folder found:",destFolder):null;
} else {
return destFolder;
// **************************************************************
// Create model, separate elements in diferent folders
// **************************************************************
function createModel(theData, maxLevel) {
// Counters
var updated=0;
var created=0;
var headerColumns = ["PCF ID","Hierarchy ID","Name","Difference Index","Change details","Metrics available?","Comments"];
debug?console.log("// Actual CSV header: '"+theData[0].slice(0,headerColumns.length)+"' / Expected header: '"+headerColumns+"'"):null;
if (theData[0].slice(0,headerColumns.length).toString()==headerColumns.toString()) {
// Header matches the expected columns
// Create main folders
for (i=0; i<elementFolder.length; i++) {
if ($(elementFolder[i]).find("."+mainFolder).length==0) {
var folder = $(elementFolder [i]).first();
debug?console.log("Created folder:",mainFolder," in ",folder):null;
// Iterate over each data row and create/update the corresponding new elements
for (i=1; i<(debug?Math.min(limitProcessing,theData.length):theData.length); i++) {
debug?console.log("// Read from CSV",i,theData[i].length,theData[i][0].length==0?"(skipping)":"(processing)"):null;
if (i%100===0)
if (debug) {
if (window.confirm("Line "+i+": updates="+updated+" new="+created+". Stop?")) return;
} else {
console.log("Line "+i+": updates="+updated+" new="+created);
if (theData[i][0].length>0) {
// Read data from non empty line
var elemPCFID = theData[i][0];
var elemHierarchy = theData[i][1];
var elemName = elemHierarchy+" "+theData[i][2];
var elemDocumentation = theData[i][6];
// Determine Level based on the hierarchy
var elemLevel=getLevel(elemHierarchy);
//skip if level out of scope
if (elemLevel>maxLevel) continue;
// Find element it it already exists
var elem = $(elementType[elemLevel]).filter(
function(e) {
return (e.prop("PCF ID")==elemPCFID)
if (elem) {
// Update element
elem.prop("Hierarchy ID",elemHierarchy);
elem.prop("PCF Level",levels[elemLevel-1]);
} else {
// Create new element
var destFolder=getDestFolder(elemHierarchy);
debug?console.log("-> Creating element: ",elemName, " Hierarchy:",elemHierarchy," Level:",elemLevel," Type:",elementType[elemLevel-1]," Folder:",destFolder):null;
var newElem = model.createElement(elementType[elemLevel-1], elemName, destFolder);
newElem.prop("PCF ID",elemPCFID);
newElem.prop("PCF Level",levels[elemLevel-1]);
newElem.prop("Hierarchy ID",elemHierarchy);
if (elemLevel>1) {
// Create relationship with parent element
var parentID = getParentID(elemHierarchy);
debug?console.log("-> me:",elemHierarchy," Father ID:",parentID," Search type:",elementFolder[elemLevel-1]+"."+mainFolder):null;
var srcElem = $(elementType[elemLevel-2]).filter(
// Find father
function(e) {
return (e.prop("Hierarchy ID")==parentID)
destFolder = $(elementFolder[5]).find("."+mainFolder).first();
debug?console.log("-> Creating Relationship: ",relationType[elemLevel-1],elemName,srcElem,newElem,destFolder):null;
var newRel = model.createRelationship(relationType[elemLevel-1],elemName,srcElem,newElem,destFolder);
function createView() {
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