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Created October 1, 2016 17:32
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tv_categorized_tabs MODX Evolution plugin. Now working with MultiTV.
* $Id: plugin.php 22 2010-03-24 19:37:03Z stefan $
* Collect the currently used TVs and sort them to tabs which created on there
* associated categories
* Updated by Piotr Matysiak (pmfx) on 2016-09-27: Now works with multiTV
* Plugin code:
* include MODX_BASE_PATH . 'assets/plugins/tv_categorized_tabs/plugin.php';
* Plugin system events:
* OnDocFormPrerender
* OnDocFormRender
* Plugin configuration:
* {
* "move_tv": [
* {
* "label": " <h5>Tab TV</h5><p>Transform Tv-section to a tab</p>",
* "type": "list",
* "value": "false",
* "options": "true,false",
* "default": "false",
* "desc": ""
* }
* ],
* "move_content": [
* {
* "label": " <h5>Tab Content</h5><p>Transform Content-section to a tab</p>",
* "type": "list",
* "value": "false",
* "options": "true,false",
* "default": "false",
* "desc": ""
* }
* ],
* "use_cm": [
* {
* "label": " <h5>Categories Manager in use?</h5><p>What's that?</p><p>The categories could displayed by a ordered ranking.<br><strong>If true and the Manager is not installed, an error will occur</strong></p><p>Please visit:</p>",
* "type": "list",
* "value": "false",
* "options": "true,false",
* "default": "true",
* "desc": ""
* }
* ],
* "pluginConfig": [
* {
* "events": "OnDocFormPrerender,OnDocFormRender",
* "filePath": ""
* }
* ]
* }
* @version 0.3.2
* # Get/create all categories/tabs and remove the empty ones via js from the DOM
* # Create a new tabpane under General-tab to collect general,content,tvs
* fixed bugs:
* # Content Encoding Error:
* if output compression is set via htaccess (php_flag zlib.output_compression ON)
* An error occur on the template page
* "ob_end_clean() [ref.outcontrol]: failed to delete buffer zlib output compression."
* v0.3.2 changes
* # Create loading-mask to hide rebuild-process
* v0.3.1 changes
* # Function of content-vars checkboxes are broken
* v0.3.0 changes:
* # Groups/Permissions are tabs now by default 1.0.2
* # rename content-fields checkboxes for better accessibility
* # add id to tab headers for better accessibility
* # split menuindex and showinmenu
* # move example for date-format to the same row where the
* calendar-inputfield is. So its possible to move the complete row
* # hidemenu and menuindex in separate rows
* # which_editor in accessible table
* move it to the settings tab
* $('field-which_edtor').injectInside('fieldcontainer-settings');
* v0.2.5 fixed bugs:
* # If "@EVAL runSnippet()" used as Value for a tv, an error appear:
* "Undefined property: SystemEvent::$params"
* probably $e will be overwritten?
* var_dump( $e ); // = object
* echo renderFormElement($row['type'], $row['id'], $row['default_text'], $row['elements'], $tvPBV, 'style="width:300px;"');
* var_dump( $e ); // = NULL
* Solution could be:
* ------------------
* $p = new stdClass();
$p->params = $e->params;
* var_dump( $e ); // = object
* echo renderFormElement($row['type'], $row['id'], $row['default_text'], $row['elements'], $tvPBV, 'style="width:300px;"');
* var_dump( $e ); // = NULL
* var_dump( $p ); // = object
* But this looks like a bad hack and anyway the cause of it is not longer
* touch this script.
* # If a tv is a richtext field, it was not possible to save the in input.
* # All break down if "Tab Groups" selected but the section doesn't exist.
* # Won't work if other plugins injected div.sectionBody before this plugin
* # Nothing display if no Template-Var assigned
global $content, $_lang, $default_template, $id, $docgrp;
$e =& $modx->event;
switch( $e->name )
case 'OnDocFormPrerender' :
<div id="uix-loadingmask" style="background-color: #f7f7f7; position:absolute; top:0; z-index:10;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
width : window.getScrollWidth(),
height : window.getScrollHeight()
case 'OnDocFormRender' :
$template = $default_template;
$table_prefix = $modx->db->config['table_prefix'];
$dbase = $modx->db->config['dbase'];
$tbl_site_tmplvars = $modx->getFullTableName('site_tmplvars');
$tbl_site_tmplvar_templates = $modx->getFullTableName('site_tmplvar_templates');
$tbl_site_tmplvar_contentvalues = $modx->getFullTableName('site_tmplvar_contentvalues');
$tbl_site_tmplvar_access = $modx->getFullTableName('site_tmplvar_access');
if( $_SESSION['mgrDocgroups'] )
$docgrp = implode(',', $_SESSION['mgrDocgroups']);
if (isset ($_REQUEST['newtemplate'])) {
$template = $_REQUEST['newtemplate'];
} else {
if (isset ($content['template']))
$template = $content['template'];
$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT tv.*, IF(tvc.value!=\'\',tvc.value,tv.default_text) as value '.
'FROM '.$tbl_site_tmplvars.' AS tv '.
'INNER JOIN '.$tbl_site_tmplvar_templates.' AS tvtpl ON tvtpl.tmplvarid = '.
'LEFT JOIN '.$tbl_site_tmplvar_contentvalues.' AS tvc ON AND tvc.contentid=\''.$id.'\' '.
'LEFT JOIN '.$tbl_site_tmplvar_access.' AS tva ON '.
'WHERE tvtpl.templateid=\''.$template.'\' AND (1=\''.$_SESSION['mgrRole'].'\' OR ISNULL(tva.documentgroup)'.
(!$docgrp ? '' : ' OR tva.documentgroup IN ('.$docgrp.')').
') ORDER BY tvtpl.rank,tv.rank';
$rs = $modx->db->query($sql);
$limit = $modx->db->getRecordCount($rs);
$tv_categories = array();
if( $limit > 0 )
* Get the categories
* Sort them by the column rank... or not.
$_rank = '';
if( $e->params['use_cm'] === 'true' )
$_rank = '`rank`, ';
$table_categories = $table_prefix.'categories';
$sql = 'SELECT `id`,`category` FROM `' . $table_categories . '` ORDER BY '. $_rank .'`category` ASC';
$categories_result = $modx->db->query( $sql );
while( $category = $modx->db->getRow( $categories_result ) )
$tv_categories[$category['id']] = array(
'id' => $category['id'],
'category' => $category['category'],
'tplvars_data' => array()
// default category
$tv_categories[0] = array(
'id' => 0,
'category' => $_lang['no_category'],
'tplvars_data' => array()
for( $i=0; $i<$limit; $i++ )
$row = $modx->db->getRow($rs);
if( isset( $tv_categories[$row['category']] ) )
$tv_categories[$row['category']]['tplvars_data'][] = $row;
$tv_categories[0]['tplvars_data'][] = $row;
include realpath( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . '/ondocformrender.phtml';
$e->output( ob_get_clean() );
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