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Created February 16, 2015 18:04
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Example of using a simple codata structure
%default total
-- An infinite list of numbers (.., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...)
-- with a way to go forward and backward.
codata NumberLine = NL Int NumberLine NumberLine
-- Make a number line starting at a particular point.
-- Try changing "codata" above into "data". This function will fail to compile
-- as it's not guaranteed to terminate.
makeNL : Int -> NumberLine
makeNL n = NL n (makeNL (n - 1)) (makeNL (n + 1))
-- Bunch of obvious accessors.
val : NumberLine -> Int
val (NL v _ _) = v
prev : NumberLine -> NumberLine
prev (NL _ p _) = p
next : NumberLine -> NumberLine
next (NL _ _ n) = n
-- The line may be infinite, but we can still recurse over it, as long as it's
-- bounded.
mulPrev : Nat -> NumberLine -> NumberLine
mulPrev Z l = l
mulPrev (S n) (NL _ p _) = mulPrev n p
-- However we can't recurse infinitely, this won't work.
-- Just try uncommenting it, Idris will not accept it.
infPrev : NumberLine -> NumberLine
infPrev (NL _ p _) = infPrev p
-- This doesn't work either, Idris is too smart to get caught.
infPrev2 : Int -> NumberLine -> NumberLine
infPrev2 i n = if i > 0 then infPrev2 (i-1) (prev n) else n
-- Higher order function, no problem at all.
repeatedly : (a -> a) -> Nat -> a -> a
repeatedly f Z v = v
repeatedly f (S n) v = repeatedly f n (f v)
-- Putting it all together.
main : IO ()
main = do (print . val . mulPrev 2 . repeatedly prev 2 . next . makeNL) 3
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