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Created May 7, 2014 10:06
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A simple logger
module Main
import Effect.State
import Effect.StdIO
import Effect.System
data Level = Debug | Info | Warn | Error | Critical
-- Apparently Idris doesn't have deriving yet, so define those instances
-- manually.
levelToNat : Level -> Nat
levelToNat Debug = 0
levelToNat Info = 1
levelToNat Warn = 2
levelToNat Error = 3
levelToNat Critical = 4
instance Eq Level where
a == b = levelToNat a == levelToNat b
instance Ord Level where
compare a b = compare (levelToNat a) (levelToNat b)
instance Show Level where
show Debug = "Debug"
show Info = "Info"
show Warn = "Warn"
show Error = "Error"
show Critical = "Critical"
record LogState : Type where
MkLogState : (log_level : Level) -> LogState
logLine : Level -> String -> { [STATE LogState, STDIO, SYSTEM] } Eff IO ()
logLine l s = do
st <- get
if log_level st > l
then return ()
else do
t <- time
-- No time functions for formatting yet
let line = show t ++ "|" ++ show l ++ "|" ++ s
-- Would like to write to standard output but StdIO doesn't support that
putStrLn line
main : IO ()
main = do
runInit [MkLogState Info, (), ()] $ do
logLine Debug "A"
logLine Info "B"
logLine Warn "C"
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