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* This file is part of Atlas for PHP.
* @license MIT
// given that you have created UserMapper and AddressMapper,
// and set up a 1:1 relationship from UserMapper to AddressMapper named 'address':
->select(UserMapper::CLASS) // "FROM user"
->joinWith('address') // the name of the relationship field
' AS id',
' AS name',
' AS address_id', // aliased using the relationship field name
class DiscussionRepository
public function __construct(DiscussionMapper $mapper) {...}
public function fetchDiscussion($id)
$record = $this->mapper->select(['discussion_id' => $id])
return $this->newDiscussion($record);
$ composer require radar/adr 1.x
$ rm -rf vendor/composer/ vendor/container-interop/ vendor/psr/
$ phploc --names-exclude="*Test.php" .
phploc 3.0.1 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Directories 31
Files 121
Lines of Code (LOC) 9390
pmjones / gist:12c6e54d9941c162bedfe57d346ef43e
Created January 10, 2017 17:09
Aura web project v2 phploc
$ composer create-project aura/web-project
$ cd web-project
$ rm -rf vendor/composer/ vendor/monolog/ vendor/psr/
$ phploc --names-exclude="*Test.php" .
phploc 3.0.1 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Directories 29
Files 131
pmjones / gist:20109b503a4636fc58046382e7dece75
Created January 10, 2017 16:23
Laravel Complexity Over Time
Per convo at <> and <>.
Ran `phploc` against different branches of <>.
# Size
## 4.0
Directories 90
Files 430
pmjones / gist:6eb6a4f108aac0ea7456a6cbc576fbb1
Created December 26, 2016 15:22
vendor/package counts from packagist
24118 vendors have 1 packages.
7316 vendors have 2 packages.
3496 vendors have 3 packages.
1987 vendors have 4 packages.
1259 vendors have 5 packages.
889 vendors have 6 packages.
654 vendors have 7 packages.
492 vendors have 8 packages.
405 vendors have 9 packages.
307 vendors have 10 packages.
// add to the end of FactoryTest
public function testSetterCallable()
$this->factory->setter['Aura\Di\FakeChildClass']['setFake'] = function () {
return 'OOPS';
$object = $this->factory->newInstance('Aura\Di\FakeChildClass');
$actual = $object->getFake();
$di = $app->getContainer();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Service providers
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Twig
$di->set('view', function () use ($di) {
$settings = $di->get('settings');
class BlogFilter
protected $messages = array();
public function forUpdate(BlogPost $post)
$this->messages = array();
if (! trim($post->title)) {