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Created August 23, 2011 04:12
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(ns pmn.views.main
(:use [noir.core :only [defpartial defpage]]
[ :only [link-to]])
(:require [pmn.views.common :as common]))
(def links
[{:description "email: " :url"" :title ""}
{:description "twitter: " :url "" :title "@icey"}
{:description "readlater feed: " :url "" :title "@pmn_"}])
(def projects
[{:url "" :title "Peeranoia"}
{:url "" :title "Twitmersion"}
{:url "" :title "Planet C#"}])
(defpartial link [{:keys [description url title]}]
[:li description (link-to url title)])
(defpartial make-links [links]
(map link links)])
(defpage "/" []
;; do stuff
"Contact information"
(make-links links)]
"Things I'm working on"
(make-links projects)]
"Interested in early access or beta testing? "
(link-to "/beta" "Click here")]))
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