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Created October 11, 2014 23:52
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A PyMaxflow example
import numpy as np
import maxflow
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
def plot_graph(nxgraph):
X, Y = np.mgrid[:5, :5]
aux = np.array([Y.ravel(), X[::-1].ravel()]).T
positions = {i:aux[i] for i in xrange(25)}
positions['s'] = (-1, 2)
positions['t'] = (5, 2)
# nxgraph.remove_nodes_from(['s', 't'])
edge_labels = {}
for u, v, d in nxgraph.edges(data=True):
edge_labels[(u,v)] = d['weight']
nx.draw(nxgraph, pos=positions)
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(nxgraph, pos=positions, edge_labels=edge_labels, label_pos=0.3, font_size=7)
def create_graph():
g = maxflow.Graph[float]()
nodeids = g.add_grid_nodes((5,5))
structure = np.array([[np.inf, 0, 0],
[np.inf, 0, 0],
[np.inf, 0, 0]
g.add_grid_edges(nodeids, structure=structure, symmetric=False)
weights = np.array([[100, 110, 120, 130, 140]]).T + np.array([0, 2, 4, 6, 8])
structure = np.zeros((3,3))
structure[1,2] = 1
g.add_grid_edges(nodeids, structure=structure, weights=weights, symmetric=False)
structure = np.zeros((3,3))
structure[0,1] = 1
g.add_grid_edges(nodeids, structure=structure, weights=weights+100, symmetric=False)
structure = np.zeros((3,3))
structure[2,1] = 1
g.add_grid_edges(nodeids, structure=structure, weights=weights+200, symmetric=False)
left = nodeids[:, 0]
g.add_grid_tedges(left, np.inf, 0)
right = nodeids[:, -1]
g.add_grid_tedges(right, 0, np.inf)
return nodeids, g
if __name__ == '__main__':
nodeids, g = create_graph()
nxg = g.get_nx_graph()
print g.get_grid_segments(nodeids)
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