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Created October 22, 2020 18:34
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use dragon ffi to call inlined C from python
import sys
import pydffi
rt = {
int : ('int',0),
float : ('float',.0),
None : ('void', '*0'),
class Exports:
table = {}
def __init__(self):
global FFI, this
FFI = pydffi.FFI(includeDirs=["/usr/local/include/python3.8/"])
this = FFI.cdef("#include <Python.h>").funcs
def __call__(self, func, stack ):
if not id(func) in self.table:
ann = func.__annotations__
r_type, r_value = rt[ ann.get('return',None) ]
print(f"compiling: {r_type} {func.__name__}({', '.join(stack.keys())})")
args = []
for key, value in func.__annotations__.items():
if key == 'return':
args.append(f'{rt[value][0]} {key}')
if r_type == 'void':
retblock_begin = ''
retblock_end = ''
retblock_begin = f"""\
rtype __ret__ = {r_value};"""
retblock_end = f"""\
return (rtype)(__ret__);"""
dyncode = f"""
#define rtype {r_type}
{func.__name__}({', '.join(args)}) {{
//user code
//user code
{retblock_end} // or pytype there
#undef rtype
func.__doc__ = ""
self.table[func.__name__] = getattr( FFI.compile(dyncode).funcs, func.__name__ )
return self.table[func.__name__](*stack.values())
def __getattr__(self, attr):
global this
return getattr(this, attr)
exports = Exports()
exports.PyRun_SimpleString("print('hello #python-fr')")
def c_test(a:int=0, b:int=0) -> int :
__ret__ = (rtype)(a+b); goto end;
return exports(c_test, locals())
rdyn = c_test(4,5)
print("DYN:", rdyn, int(rdyn) )
# <3 inplace op. , merci dragonffi !
rdyn += 1
print("DYN:", rdyn, int(rdyn) )
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