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Created March 31, 2019 07:33
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Debug allocator that catches leaks, use-after-free, double-free, buffer overrun, invalid/mismatched free. Windows x64. Simple but slow (no page reuse).
// libs: Kernel32.lib User32.lib DbgHelp.lib msvcrt.lib (unless you have your own printf)
// includes: Windows.h (LEAN_AND_MEAN is ok) WinUser.h DbgHelp.h stdio.h
// call SymInitialize() at startup and debug_check_leaks at shutdown
#ifndef NDEBUG
static void print_stack_trace(void **stack, u64 stack_count, const char *indent) {
struct {
char name[256];
} symbol = {{sizeof(}}; = COUNTOF(;
IMAGEHLP_LINE64 line = {sizeof(line)};
for (int i = 0; i < stack_count; i += 1) {
unsigned long long dummy1 = 0;
if (!SymFromAddr(GetCurrentProcess(), (u64)stack[i], &dummy1, & {
printf("%s(unknown: 0x%0.16p)\n", indent, stack[i]);
printf("%s%s", indent,;
unsigned long dummy2 = 0;
if (SymGetLineFromAddr64(GetCurrentProcess(), (u64)stack[i], &dummy2, &line)) {
printf(" (%s:%d)", line.FileName, line.LineNumber);
static void debug_free_stack_trace(const char *error, void *base) {
void *stack[512];
printf("%s Stack trace of free:\n", error);
print_stack_trace(stack, RtlCaptureStackBackTrace(2, 512, stack, 0), " ");
if (base) {
printf("\n Stack trace of allocation:\n");
print_stack_trace((void **)base + 4, ((u64 *)base)[3], " ");
static void *debug_last_allocation;
static void *debug_alloc(u64 n) { // @Todo: mutex // @Todo: different page size
u64 rounded = (n + 4095) & ~4095ull;
u64 *base = (u64 *)VirtualAlloc(0, rounded + 8192, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS);
base = (u64 *)VirtualAlloc(base, rounded + 4096, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
base[0] = n;
base[1] = (u64)debug_last_allocation;
base[3] = RtlCaptureStackBackTrace(1, 512 - 4, (void **)base + 4, 0);
debug_last_allocation = base;
return (char *)base + 4096 + (rounded - n);
static int debug_free(void *block, u64 n) {
VirtualQuery(block, &mbi, sizeof(mbi));
if (mbi.State == MEM_FREE) {
debug_free_stack_trace("Error: Invalid free!\n", 0);
return 0;
if (mbi.State == MEM_RESERVE) {
debug_free_stack_trace("Error: Double-free!\n", mbi.AllocationBase);
return 0;
bool print = false;
u64 real_n = ((u64 *)mbi.AllocationBase)[0];
u64 rounded = (real_n + 4095) & ~4095ull;
if (block != (char *)mbi.AllocationBase + 4096 + (rounded - real_n)) {
printf("Warning: Freeing wrong base pointer.\n");
print = true;
if (n != real_n) {
printf("Warning: Freeing wrong block size.\n");
print = true;
if (print) {
debug_free_stack_trace("", mbi.AllocationBase);
if (!rounded) { // 0-size block
return 1; // success, can't decommit 0 pages.
return VirtualFree((char *)mbi.AllocationBase + 4096, rounded, MEM_DECOMMIT);
static void *debug_mark_leaked(void *block) {
VirtualQuery(block, &mbi, sizeof(mbi));
if (mbi.State & (MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE)) {
((u64 *)mbi.AllocationBase)[2] = 1;
return block;
static void debug_check_leaks(void) {
int num_leaks = 0;
for (void *base = debug_last_allocation; base; base = ((void **)base)[1]) {
VirtualQuery(base, &mbi, sizeof(mbi));
assert(mbi.State == MEM_COMMIT);
if (mbi.RegionSize > 4096) { // Committed area extends beyond header page
u64 n = ((u64 *)base)[0];
u64 flag = ((u64 *)base)[2];
if (flag == 0) {
u64 rounded = (n + 4095) & ~4095;
void *user_facing = (char *)base + 4096 + (rounded - n);
printf("Leaked %llu bytes at 0x%0.16p!\n Stack trace:\n", n, user_facing);
print_stack_trace((void **)base + 4, ((u64 *)base)[3], " ");
num_leaks += 1;
if (num_leaks) {
char buf[512];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d memory leaks!", num_leaks);
MessageBoxA(0, buf, "Error", 0);
#define ALLOC(size) debug_alloc(size)
#define LEAK(pointer) ((void)debug_mark_leaked(pointer))
#define FREE(pointer, size) (void)(debug_free(pointer, size) || (__debugbreak(), 0))
#define ALLOC(size) release_alloc(size)
#define LEAK(pointer) ((void)(pointer))
#define FREE(pointer, size) release_free(pointer, size)
// Public domain; no warranty implied.
// Basically all credit goes to Niklas Gray (
// for this post
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