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Created September 18, 2009 16:16
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have your JavaScript methods trace their execution
// JavaScript function tracer for "classes"
// from:
// home:
// define our function tracer
FunctionTracer = {};
// logging function, default is to write to console
FunctionTracer.logFunction = function(message) { console.log(message); };
// print time in messages?
FunctionTracer.printTime = false;
// print arguments in messages?
FunctionTracer.printArgs = false;
// return a registered function
// example: say you have a function named "foo". You can trace it via:
// foo = FunctionTracer.traceFunction(foo, "foo");
FunctionTracer.traceFunction = function(func, name) {
if (!FunctionTracer.startTime) FunctionTracer.startTime = new Date().getTime();
if (!FunctionTracer.indent) FunctionTracer.indent = "";
// best effort printing an argument as a string
function arg2string(argument) {
if (argument === null) return "null";
if (argument === undefined) return "undefined";
try {
return JSON.stringify(argument);
catch(e) {
return argument.toString();
// this function creates a wrapper for each function which traces itself,
// then invokes the original function
function getWrapper(func, name) {
if (typeof func != "function") throw new Error(name + " is not a function");
return function() {
var oldIndent = FunctionTracer.indent;
FunctionTracer.indent += " ";
var message = oldIndent + name;
if (FunctionTracer.printTime) {
var time = new Date().getTime() - FunctionTracer.startTime;
time = "" + time;
while (time.length < 8) time = " " + time;
message = time + ": " + message;
if (!FunctionTracer.printArgs) {
message += "()";
else {
message += "(";
for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) {
message += arg2string(arguments[i]);
if (i != arguments.length - 1) {
message += ", ";
message += ")";
try {
return func.apply(this,, 0));
catch(e) {
(FunctionTracer.logFunction)(message + "; exception: " + e);
throw e;
finally {
FunctionTracer.indent = oldIndent;
// main function logic
(FunctionTracer.logFunction)("installed tracer: " + name + "()");
return getWrapper(func, name);
// register functions in an object to trace themselves
// example: say you have a 'class' called FooBar, that has a bunch of methods
// in it by virtual of having functions defined on FooBar.prototype. You can
// trace those methods via:
// FunctionTracer.traceFunctionsInObject(FooBar.prototype, "FooBar.");
FunctionTracer.traceFunctionsInObject = function(object, prefix) {
// process the functions in the object
var functions = {};
var getters = {};
var setters = {};
var isES5 = this.__lookupGetter__;
for (var property in object) {
// ignore inherited properties
if (!object.hasOwnProperty(property))
// check for getters/setters
var getter = undefined;
var setter = undefined;
if (isES5) {
getter = object.__lookupGetter__(property);
setter = object.__lookupSetter__(property);
var name = prefix + property;
// found a getter/setter?
if (getter || setter) {
if (getter) {
getters[property] = FunctionTracer.traceFunction(getter, name + "<get>");
if (setter) {
setters[property] = FunctionTracer.traceFunction(setter, name + "<set>");
// found a function?
else {
var func = object[property];
if (typeof func != "function") continue;
functions[property] = FunctionTracer.traceFunction(func, name);
// install the wrappers; didn't do this in the original loop since we are
// in some sense mutating the object while iterating on it's properties,
// typically not a safe thing to do
for (var property in functions) {
object[property] = functions[property];
(FunctionTracer.logFunction)("installed tracer: " + prefix + property + "()");
for (var property in getters) {
object.__defineGetter__(property, getters[property]);
(FunctionTracer.logFunction)("installed tracer: " + prefix + property + "<get>()");
for (var property in setters) {
object.__defineSetter__(property, setters[property]);
(FunctionTracer.logFunction)("installed tracer: " + prefix + property + "<set>()");
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pmuellr commented Apr 25, 2010

Your code is setting tracing up for functions in the Apple.prototype object, but that object doesn't have any functions in it. To trace your "getInfo" function, you would need to call traceFunctionsInObject() for every instance of Apple you create, or you could move "getInfo" into Apple.prototype, and then your invocation of traceFunctionsInObject() would work.

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