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Last active October 13, 2015 05:03
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#!/usr/bin/env NSOLID_APPNAME=clustery NSOLID_HUB=4001 nsolid
// clustery is a program that uses the Node.js cluster module to launch
// a number of worker processes, that eat your CPU soring arrays of random
// numbers. It's intended as a sample program for N|Solid.
// If you have N|Solid installed, you can monitor the clustery master and
// workers with the command:
// NSOLID_APPNAME=clustery NSOLID_HUB=4001 nsolid clustery
// Then head over to your N|Solid console, maybe at http://localhost:3000 ,
// to watch the magic unfold.
"use strict"
// see:
const cluster = require("cluster")
// if the single master, run master(), otherwise run as a worker
cluster.isMaster ? master() : worker()
function master() {
// set the process name for `ps`
process.title = "clustery master"
console.log(`starting master`)
// fork a worker for the # of CPUs you have
require("os").cpus().forEach( cpu => cluster.fork() )
function worker() {
// set the process name for `ps`
process.title = `clustery worker ${}`
console.log(`starting worker ${}`)
// do something, interval based on your worker index (0..workers)
setInterval(doSomething, * 10)
function doSomething() {
// create an array of random numbers, then sort them. woo!
const SIZE = 5000
const arr = []
for (let i=0; i<SIZE; i++) {
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