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Created February 24, 2016 16:11
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  • Save pmuellr/eda1e01971be3aeed139 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pmuellr/eda1e01971be3aeed139 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Handy little script to add a launch for a particular node script to the VS Code launch configuration, so you don't have to do it in Code itself. Should be run from the project's base directory.
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict'
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const LaunchFile = '.vscode/launch.json'
const LaunchDir = path.dirname(LaunchFile)
const script = process.argv[2]
if (!script) {
exit(1, 'expecting name of script')
if (!exists(script)) {
exit(1, `script does not exist: ${script}`)
const launchJSON = readLaunchJSON()
const newConfig = getNewConfig(script)
function getNewConfig () {
return {
name: script,
type: "node",
request: "launch",
program: script,
stopOnEntry: false,
args: [],
cwd: "${workspaceRoot}",
runtimeExecutable: null,
runtimeArgs: [ "--nolazy" ],
env: { NODE_ENV: "development" },
externalConsole: false,
sourceMaps: false,
outDir: null
function readLaunchJSON () {
const newLaunchJSON = {
version: "0.2.0",
configurations: []
let jsonString
try {
jsonString = fs.readFileSync(LaunchFile)
} catch (err) {
jsonString = JSON.stringify(newLaunchJSON)
return JSON.parse(jsonString)
function writeLaunchConfig(json) {
const stats_vscode = exists(LaunchDir)
if (!stats_vscode) {
fs.writeFileSync(LaunchFile, JSON.stringify(json, null, 4))
function exists(fileName) {
try {
return fs.statSync(fileName)
} catch (err) {
return false
function exit (code, message) {
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