The easiest way to try out rakudo.js is to try use 6pad If you load it in your browser you can run Raku code without installing anything.
To share or view example keep in mind 6pad can run gists. If you create a gist like 6pad will load the code you put in main.p6 if you pass it like
If you type this into 6pad and press run you will receive a generic welcome from rakudo.js
say "Hello World'
Run it as
Obviously that's fairly boring. Luckily EVAL(:lang<JavaScript>, ...)
allows us to
access all the underlying JavaScript implementation has to offer.
To pass values to Raku land the code needs to contain a return.
my $document = EVAL(:lang<JavaScript>, 'return document');
6pad has a HTML tab so you can put
<span id='greeting'></span>
in it to have a place where we can display a more color full message.
You can call methods on the objects you get back from JavaScript Raku strings are transparently converted to JavaScript ones
my $greeting = $document.getElementById('greeting');
my $hello = $document.createElement('span');
my $world = $document.createElement('span');
JavaScript objects can be back to where they came from
$hello.appendChild($document.createTextNode('Hello '));
To access object properties of JavaScript objects use the $obj syntax.
$hello<style><color> = 'red';
$world<style><color> = 'green';
See for a runnable DOM using hello world.
At some point you might want to deploy Raku script of merely showing it off in 6pad. If you want to do so for browser use it's recommend you use the parcel bundler
mkdir hello-world
cd hello-world
yarn init
yarn add parcel@1.11.0 nqp-browser-runtime parcel-plugin-nqp parcel-plugin-perl6-async
mkdir hello-world
cd hello-world
yarn init
yarn add parcel@1.11.0 nqp-browser-runtime parcel-plugin-nqp parcel-plugin-perl6-async
mkdir hello-world
cd hello-world
npm init
npm add parcel@1.11.0 nqp-browser-runtime parcel-plugin-nqp parcel-plugin-perl6-async
Should setup your project.
Put this into main.p6
my $document = EVAL(:lang<JavaScript>, 'return document');
my $greeting = $document.getElementById('greeting');
my $hello = $document.createElement('span');
my $world = $document.createElement('span');
$hello.appendChild($document.createTextNode('Hello '));
$hello<style><color> = 'red';
$world<style><color> = 'green';
Put this into index.html
<span id='greeting'></span>
<script src='main.p6></script>
Rakudo.js currently only target cutting edge browsers so add to your package.json so that babel isn't used.
"browserslist": [
"last 2 Chrome versions"
To have parcel bundle everything up run
./node_module/bin/parcel index.html
If you point your browser at the url it spews out your colourful hello world should run in your browser.