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qBittorrent Web API documentation
See the official documentation here:
qBittorrent Web API
API version: 2
- Get version info
- Get torrent list
- Get torrent trackers
- Get torrent generic properties
- Get torrent contents
- Get global transfer info
- Get partial data
- Get qBittorrent preferences
- Authentication
- Set sequential download state
- Set first/last piece priority
- Set force start
- Pause all the torrents
- Resume all the torrents
In this file there are mainly reported the changes since v3.10.12.
If something is mentioned in the official documentation but not here,
then it's still valid.
Look for * in this page to find the changes since v3.10.12
Note: /json/ was renamed to /query/
Get version info
No authentication required. Answer: plain text
*GET /version/api - current Web API version
*GET /version/api_min - return minimum Web API version supported
*GET /version/qbittorrent - return current qBittorrent version
Get torrent list
GET /query/torrents
Authentication required
*Params (available since v3.2.0)
- filter (string): all, downloading, completed, paused, active, inactive
- label (string): get torrents with the given label (empty string means "unlabeled"; no "label" param means "any label")
- sort (string): sort torrents by given key
- reverse (bool): enable reverse sorting
- limit (int): limit number of torrents returned
- offset (int): set offset (if less than 0, offset from end)
example: /query/torrents?filter=all&sort=size&reverse=false
Response: Array of objects. Each object has the followings:
key | type | Description
hash string Torrent hash
name string Torrent name
*size integer Torrent size (bytes)
progress float Torrent progress (%/100)
*dlspeed integer Torrent download speed (bytes/s)
*upspeed integer Torrent upload speed (bytes/s)
*priority integer Torrent priority. Returns -1 if queuing is disabled
*num_seeds integer Torrent seeds connected to
*num_complete integer Torrent seeds in the swarm
*num_leechs integer Torrent leechers connected to
*num_incomplete integer Torrent leechers in the swarm
*ratio float Torrent share ratio. Max ratio value: 9999.
*eta integer Torrent ETA (seconds)
state string Torrent state. See possible values here below
*seq_dl bool True if sequential download is enabled
*f_l_piece_prio bool True if first last piece are prioritized
Possible values of 'state':
error - some error occurred, applies to paused torrents
pausedUP - torrent is paused and has finished downloading
pausedDL - torrent is paused and has NOT finished downloading
queuedUP - queuing is enabled and torrent is queued for upload
queuedDL - queuing is enabled and torrent is queued for download
uploading - torrent is being seeded and data is being transfered
stalledUP - torrent is being seeded, but no connection were made
checkingUP - torrent has finished downloading and is being checked;
this status also applies to preallocation (if enabled)
and checking resume data on qBt startup
checkingDL - same as checkingUP, but torrent has NOT finished downloading
downloading - torrent is being downloaded and data is being transfered
stalledDL - torrent is being downloaded, but no connection were made
Note: -1 is returned for integers when info is not known.
Get torrent trackers
GET /query/propertiesTrackers/TORRENT_HASH
Authentication required
JSON formatted data
key | type | Description
url string Tracker URL
status string Tracker status
num_peers integer Tracker peer count
msg string Tracker message (last)
Get torrent generic properties
GET /query/propertiesGeneral/TORRENT_HASH
Authentication required
JSON formatted data
key | type | Description
save_path string Torrent save path
*creation_date integer Torrent creation date (Unix timestamp)
*piece_size integer Torrent piece size (bytes)
comment string Torrent comment
*total_wasted integer Total data wasted for torrent (bytes)
*total_uploaded integer Total data uploaded for torrent (bytes)
*total_uploaded_session integer Total data uploaded this session (bytes)
*total_downloaded integer Total data uploaded for torrent (bytes)
*total_downloaded_session integer Total data downloaded this session (bytes)
*up_limit integer Torrent upload limit (bytes/s)
*dl_limit integer Torrent download limit (bytes/s)
*time_elapsed integer Torrent elapsed time (seconds)
*seeding_time integer Torrent elapsed time while complete (seconds)
*nb_connections integer Torrent connection count
*nb_connections_limit integer Torrent connection count limit
*share_ratio float Torrent share ratio
Note: -1 is returned for integers when info is not known.
Get torrent contents
GET /query/propertiesFiles/TORRENT_HASH
Authentication required
JSON formatted data
key | type | Description
*name string File name (including relative path)
*size integer File size (bytes)
progress float File progress (%/100)
priority integer File priority. See possible values here below
is_seed bool True if file is seeding/complete
Possible values of 'priority'
0 - do not download
1 - normal priority
2 - high priority
7 - maximal priority
Get global transfer info
GET /query/transferInfo
Authentication required
JSON formatted data
key | type | Description
*dl_info_speed integer Global download rate (bytes/s)
*dl_info_data integer Data downloaded this session (bytes)
*up_info_speed integer Global upload rate (bytes/s)
*up_info_data integer Data uploaded this session (bytes)
*dl_rate_limit integer Download rate limit (bytes/s)
*up_rate_limit integer Upload rate limit (bytes/s)
*dht_nodes integer DHT nodes connected to
*connection_status string Connection status. See possible values here below
Possible values of 'connection_status'
Get partial data (available since 3.2.0)
*GET /sync/maindata
Authentication required
Response: JSON formatted data
- rid: response ID
example: /sync/maindata?rid=14
- If no rid is given, rid=0 will be assumed. If the given rid is different from the one of
the last server response, full_update will be true.
key | type | Description
rid integer response ID
full_update bool whether the response contains all the data or partial data
torrents object property: torrent hash, value: same as /query/propertiesGeneral/TORRENT_HASH
torrents_removed array list of hashes of torrents removed since last request
labels array list of labels added since last request
labels_removed array list of labels removed since last request
queueing bool priority system usage flag
server_state object Same as /query/transferInfo
Get qBittorrent preferences (mostly unchanged since v3.10.11)
GET /query/preferences
Authentication required
JSON formatted data
key | type | Description
locale string currently selected language (e.g. en_GB for english)
save_path string default save path for torrents
temp_path_enabled bool true if folder for incomplete torrents is enabled
temp_path string path for incomplete torrents
scan_dirs array each element of the array contains a string that is the path to a watched folder
download_in_scan_dirs array each element of the array contains a bool. If nth bool is true, torrents from nth 'scan_dirs' are downloaded in nth 'scan_dirs'
export_dir_enabled bool true if .torrent file should be copied to 'export_dir' when added
export_dir string path to directory were .torrent files are copied if export_dir_enabled is true
mail_notification_enabled bool true if e-mail notification should be enabled
mail_notification_email string e-mail to send notifications to
mail_notification_smtp string smtp server for e-mail notifications
mail_notification_ssl_enabled bool true if smtp server requires SSL connection
mail_notification_auth_enabled bool true if smtp server requires authentication
mail_notification_username string username for smtp authentication
mail_notification_password string password for smtp authentication
autorun_enabled bool true if external program should be run after torrent has finished downloading
autorun_program string path to program with arguemnts. %f and %n will be replaced with the path to the torrent and the name of the torrent respectively
preallocate_all bool true if file preallocation should take place, otherwise sparse files are used
queueing_enabled bool true if torrent queuing is enabled
max_active_downloads integer maximum number of active simultaneous downloads
max_active_torrents integer maximum number of active simultaneous downloads and uploads
max_active_uploads integer maximum number of active simultaneous uploads
dont_count_slow_torrents bool if true torrents w/o any activity (stalled ones) will not be counted towards max_active_* limits
incomplete_files_ext bool if true .!qB extension will be appended to incomplete files
listen_port integer port for incoming connections
upnp bool true if UPnP/NAT-PMP is enabled
dl_limit integer global download speed limit in KiB/s; -1 means no limit is applied
up_limit integer global upload speed limit in KiB/s; -1 means no limit is applied
max_connec integer maximum global number of simultaneous connections
*max_uploads integer maximum global number of upload slots
max_connec_per_torrent integer maximum number of simultaneous connections per torrent
max_uploads_per_torrent integer maximum number of upload slots per torrent
enable_utp bool true if uTP protocol should be enabled (libtorrent >= 0.16)
limit_utp_rate bool true if [du]l_limit should be applied to uTP connections (libtorrent >= 0.16)
limit_tcp_overhead bool true if [du]l_limit should be applied to estimated TCP overhead (service data: e.g. packet headers)
alt_dl_limit integer alternative global download speed limit in KiB/s
alt_up_limit integer alternative global upload speed limit in KiB/s
scheduler_enabled bool true if alternative limits should be applied according to schedule
schedule_from_hour integer scheduler starting hour
schedule_from_min integer scheduler starting minute
schedule_to_hour integer scheduler ending hour
schedule_to_min integer scheduler ending minute
scheduler_days integer scheduler days. See possible values here below
dht bool true if DHT is enabled
dhtSameAsBT bool true if DHT port should match TCP port
pex bool true if PeX is enabled
lsd bool true if LSD is eanbled
encryption integer encryption state. See possible values here below
anonymous_mode bool if true anonymous mode will be enabled (libtorrent >= 0.16)
proxy_type integer proxy type. See possible values here below
proxy_ip string proxy IP address or domain name
proxy_port integer proxy port
proxy_peer_connections bool true if peer and web seed connections should be proxified (libtorrent >= 0.16)
proxy_auth_enabled bool true proxy requires authentication; doesn't apply to SOCKS4 proxies
proxy_username string username for proxy authentication
proxy_password string password for proxy authentication
ip_filter_enabled bool true if external IP filter should be enabled
ip_filter_path string path to IP filter file (.dat, .p2p, .p2b files are supported); path is separated by slashes
web_ui_port integer WebUI port
web_ui_username string WebUI username
web_ui_password string MD5 hash of WebUI password
bypass_local_auth bool true if authentication challenge for loopback address ( should be disabled
use_https bool true if WebUI HTTPS access is eanbled
ssl_key string SSL keyfile contents (this is a not a path)
ssl_cert string SSL certificate contents (this is a not a path)
dyndns_enabled bool true if server DNS should be updated dynamically
dyndns_service integer DDNS service. See possible values here below
dyndns_username string username for DDNS service
dyndns_password string password for DDNS service
dyndns_domain string your DDNS domain name
Possible values of 'scheduler_days':
0 - every day
1 - every weekday
2 - every weekend
3 - every Monday
4 - every Tuesday
5 - every Wednesday
6 - every Thursday
7 - every Friday
8 - every Saturday
9 - every Sunday
Possible values of 'dyndns_service':
0 - use DyDNS
1 - use NOIP
Possible values of 'encryption'
0 - prefer encryption (default): allow both encrypted and unencrypted connections
1 - force encryption on: allow only encrypted connections
2 - force encryption off: allow only unencrypted connection
Possible values of 'proxy_type':
-1 - proxy is disabled
1 - HTTP proxy without authentication
2 - SOCKS5 proxy without authentication
3 - HTTP proxy with authentication
4 - SOCKS5 proxy with authentication
5 - SOCKS4 proxy without authentication
The new authentication method uses cookies. On succesfull login the server replies with a
cookie named SID. This cookie has to be supplied for every request that requires authentication.
*POST /login
- username
- password
Set sequential download state
*POST /command/toggleSequentialDownload
Authentication required
- hashes: list of torrent hashes separated by | (e.g. hashes=HASH1|HASH2|...)
Set first/last piece priority
*POST /command/toggleFirstLastPiecePrio
Authentication required
- hashes: list of torrent hashes separated by | (e.g. hashes=HASH1|HASH2|...)
Set force start
*POST /command/setForceStart
Authentication required
- hashes: list of torrent hashes separated by | (e.g. hashes=HASH1|HASH2|...)
- value: true|false
Pause all the torrents
*POST /command/pauseAll # it was pauseall
Authentication required
Resume all the torrents
*POST /command/resumeAll # it was resumeeall
Authentication required
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pmzqla commented Feb 2, 2015

I've just updated the documentation including filters and partial data. I hope I haven't done any mistake.

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lgallard commented Feb 2, 2015

Thanks pmzqla,

I really appreciate the documentation. I will use the filter and partial data for improving the way, any change to publish methods in the API for the search engine?

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pmzqla commented Feb 2, 2015

No, it's currently not possible to interact with the search engine through the API.

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Hi pmzqla,

What about labels? will there be options for handling labels?

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pmzqla commented Feb 25, 2015

There's a pending pull request. If it is merged, I'll update the documentation when I have time.

PS: there are no notifications for comments on gist, so please send me an email if you have a question or post the question somewhere else. I never open this page if not for particular reasons.

pmzqla.git at

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Additional changes for v2 that I've found during testing:

 - Get torrent download limits
 - Set torrent download limits
 - Get torrent upload limits
 - Set torrent upload limits

Get torrent download limits (available since 3.2.0)
 - /command/getTorrentDlLimit url changed to /command/getTorrentsDlLimit (note the pluralization)
*POST /command/getTorrentsDlLimit
Authentication required
Response: JSON formatted data

 - hashes: One or more hashes separated with '|'

 - json={"hash1": integer,"hash2": integer}

Set torrent download limits (available since 3.2.0)
 - /command/setTorrentDlLimit url changed to /command/setTorrentsDlLimit (note the pluralization)
*POST /command/setTorrentsDlLimit
Authentication required

 - hashes: One or more hashes separated with '|'
 - limit: torrent download speeds in bytes

Get torrent upload limits (available since 3.2.0)
 - /command/getTorrentUpLimit url changed to /command/getTorrentsUpLimit (note the pluralization)
*POST /command/getTorrentsUpLimit
Authentication required
Response: JSON formatted data

 - hashes: One or more hashes separated with '|'

 - json={"hash1": integer,"hash2": integer}

Set torrent upload limits (available since 3.2.0)
 - /command/setTorrentUpLimit url changed to /command/setTorrentsUpLimit (note the pluralization)
*POST /command/setTorrentsUpLimit
Authentication required

 - hashes: One or more hashes separated with '|'
 - limit: torrent upload speeds in bytes

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pmzqla commented Aug 18, 2015

Thanks jmcaffee I didn't notice the change and forgot it.

FYI, the documentation is now available in the official wiki.

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