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Created March 29, 2020 19:42
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protocol PokemonListPresenterInput {
var pokemonCount: Int { get }
var sortOptionsModel: [String] { get }
var title: String { get }
func viewDidLoad()
func didSelectCell(at index: Int)
func sortBy(selectedIndex: Int)
func getPokemon(at index: Int) -> PokemonListItemViewModel
protocol PokemonListPresenterOutput: class {
func updateUIList()
func updateUISortOtions()
func presentLoading()
class PokemonListPresenter: PokemonListPresenterInput {
weak var output: PokemonListPresenterOutput?
var interactor: PokemonListInteractorInput
var router: PokemonListRouter
var pokemonCount: Int {
return viewModel.count
var sortOptionsModel: [String] {
return sortOptionsToString(options: sortOptions)
var title: String {
return "Pokemon List"
private var viewModel: [PokemonListItemViewModel] = [] {
didSet {
private var sortOptions: [SortType] = [] {
didSet {
private var sortedBy: SortType = .alphabetically {
didSet {
viewModel = sortPokemon(pokemons: viewModel)
init(interactor: PokemonListInteractorInput, router: PokemonListRouter) {
self.interactor = interactor
self.router = router
func viewDidLoad() {
DispatchQueue(label: "Fetch Pokemon").async {
DispatchQueue(label: "Find sort options").async {
func didSelectCell(at index: Int) {
let pokemon = viewModel[index]
let id =
func sortBy(selectedIndex: Int) {
sortedBy = sortOptions[selectedIndex]
func getPokemon(at index: Int) -> PokemonListItemViewModel {
return viewModel[index]
extension PokemonListPresenter {
private func sortOptionsToString(options: [SortType]) -> [String] {
var sortOptions = [String]()
for option in options {
return sortOptions
private func sortPokemon(pokemons: [PokemonListItemViewModel]) -> [PokemonListItemViewModel]{
switch sortedBy{
case .alphabetically: return pokemons.sorted(by: {$ < $})
case .byId: return pokemons.sorted(by: {$ < $})
extension PokemonListPresenter: PokemonListInteractorOutput {
func fetched(pokemons: [PokemonEntity]) {
self.viewModel = PokemonMapper.parse(from: pokemons)
func foundSortOptions(_ options: [SortType]) {
self.sortOptions = options
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