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Last active May 10, 2019 13:19
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pipe on
#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdatomic.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/prctl.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
* Testing arbitrary and cycling piping setups.
* Current logic error is the an EOF can be sent to a successor if the current has closed,
* but there may be a situation that current still has output to propagate. Might need
* a way to pump output from the close_proc fn.
* Compile with clang -g -std=c11 pipeon.c -lpthread
#define DEFAULT_SUCCS 10
#define DEBUG true
/*#define DEBUG false */
bool needs_signal_cleanup;
bool run_waiter;
struct process_comms {
// stdin, stdout
int to_child[2];
int from_child[2];
pid_t pid;
const char* proc_name;
// this process can have multiple successors
int num_succs;
// amount of space in the successors array
int capacity;
struct process_comms** successors;
// as we need to know whether all inputs to a prog have closed?
int num_preds;
// whether we should ignore this in the cleanup
bool closed;
// whether all output from this process has been forwarded on
atomic_bool can_close_successors;
// chain of the active processes (could do with a better name)
struct active_processes {
struct active_processes* prev;
struct active_processes* next;
struct process_comms* payload;
/* append succ to the successor of parent, resizing if necessary */
void add_successor(struct process_comms* parent, struct process_comms* succ) {
if (parent->num_succs == parent->capacity) {
parent->capacity *= 2;
parent->successors = realloc(parent->successors, sizeof(struct process_comms*) * parent->capacity);
parent->successors[parent->num_succs++] = succ;
// be sure to use the mutex when reading or writing!
struct active_processes* root = NULL;
pthread_mutex_t linked_list_mut;
// append into the linked list
void append_active_proc(struct process_comms* proc) {
if (root == NULL) {
root = malloc(sizeof(struct active_processes));
root->prev = NULL;
root->next = NULL;
root->payload = proc;
} else {
struct active_processes* new = malloc(sizeof(struct active_processes));
struct active_processes* last = root;
while (last->next != NULL) last = last->next;
last->next = new;
new->prev = last;
new->next = NULL;
new->payload = proc;
// called when signal occurs
void process_closure(int signum) {
assert(signum == SIGCHLD);
// XXX: hmm, we probably should just flip a signal here?
__atomic_store_n(&needs_signal_cleanup, true, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
/* make the process and add it into the linked list */
struct process_comms* make_process(char* const * program) {
struct process_comms* proc = malloc(sizeof(struct process_comms));
proc->capacity = DEFAULT_SUCCS;
proc->successors = malloc(sizeof(struct process_comms*)* proc->capacity);
proc->num_succs = 0;
proc->num_preds = 0;
proc->closed = false;
proc->proc_name = program[0];
atomic_store(&proc->can_close_successors, false);
bool res = pipe(proc->to_child) < 0;
res |= pipe(proc->from_child) < 0;
pid_t pid = fork();
// our process to exec
if (pid == 0) {
dup2(proc->to_child[0], STDIN_FILENO);
dup2(proc->from_child[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
execvp(program[0], program);
// reach here? something borked
} else {
proc->pid = pid;
// the parent needs to close the ends
// close the reading end of stdin
// close the writing end of stdout
return proc;
/* close this process, potentially recursively closing others if the successors for this one
* have all predecessors closed
* closing means to close the stdin. */
void close_proc(struct process_comms* proc) {
// awkward recursive closure case?
if (proc->closed) return;
// close the stdin (this may either be a terminated process, or a running process)
int res = close(proc->to_child[1]);
if (DEBUG) printf("close status: %d\n", res);
proc->closed = true;
if (DEBUG) printf("about to close %s\n", proc->proc_name);
// spin until we can continue. XXX: add some yield?
while (!atomic_load(&proc->can_close_successors));
if (DEBUG) printf("closing %s\n", proc->proc_name);
for (int i = 0; i < proc->num_succs; ++i) {
struct process_comms* next = proc->successors[i];
if (next->num_preds == 0) {
if (next->closed) continue;
if (DEBUG) printf("EOF sent to: %s\n", next->proc_name);
// changed this to be non-recursive...the signal can catch the later ones
// close this one too, as it has no predecessors remaining.
// assumes mutex has been properly obtained
void remove_linked_list_node(struct active_processes* proc) {
if (proc->prev) {
proc->prev->next = proc->next;
if (proc->next) {
proc->next->prev = proc->prev;
if (root == proc) {
root = proc->next;
/* a long running thread that checks whether there are signals and deals with them */
void* proc_waiter(void* arg) {
// silence IDE's warning, bleh
(void) (void*) arg;
while (__atomic_load_n(&run_waiter, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)) {
// XXX: switch to weak? we're in a loop
// use CAS to toggle needs_signal_cleanup to false if it's true, and enter the conditional
bool does_need_cleanup = true;
if (__atomic_compare_exchange_n(&needs_signal_cleanup, &does_need_cleanup, false, false, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)) {
// go through and find the matching process(es) [signal can catch multiple at once]
// ensure that we have all children close events
while (true) {
int status;
pid_t captured_pid = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG);
if (captured_pid <= 0) break;
if (DEBUG) printf("closing pid: %d\n", captured_pid);
// find the pid and remove it from the linked list
struct active_processes* curr = root;
while (curr != NULL) {
if (curr->payload->pid == captured_pid) {
// close this process, and potentially close successors if they're ready
curr = curr->next;
return NULL;
/* read the output for proc and if it has a successor, pipe to them, otherwise printf */
void* pump_output(void* arg) {
struct process_comms* proc = arg;
const int buflen = 1024;
char buffer[buflen];
FILE* p1_reader = fdopen(proc->from_child[0], "r");
char* res;
while ((res = fgets(buffer, buflen - 1, p1_reader))) {
if (DEBUG) printf("read line for %s: %s", proc->proc_name, buffer);
int output_len = strlen(buffer);
if (proc->num_succs > 0) {
if (DEBUG) printf("piping");
for (int i = 0; i < proc->num_succs; ++i) {
write(proc->successors[i]->to_child[1], buffer, output_len);
} else {
printf("%s", buffer);
// let the proc_waiter thread know it can finish
atomic_store(&proc->can_close_successors, true);
if (DEBUG) printf("can close true for: %s\n", proc->proc_name);
return NULL;
pthread_t pumper_thread(struct process_comms* proc) {
pthread_t proc_pumper;
int t_suc = pthread_create(&proc_pumper, NULL, pump_output, proc);
if (DEBUG) printf("THREAD 2: %d\n", t_suc);
return proc_pumper;
void wait_pumper(pthread_t proc_thr) {
int res = pthread_join(proc_thr, NULL);
if (DEBUG) printf("THREAD join: %d\n", res);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (DEBUG) puts("****** START *******");
// whether the waitpid thread should keep spinning
__atomic_store_n(&run_waiter, true, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
pthread_mutex_init(&linked_list_mut, NULL);
// setup for us to indicate whether we need to close process' pipes
signal(SIGCHLD, process_closure);
// thread to lookout for SIGCHLDs
pthread_t process_waiter;
int t_suc = pthread_create(&process_waiter, NULL, proc_waiter, NULL);
if (DEBUG) printf("THREAD 1: %d\n", t_suc);
char* prog1[] = {"/bin/echo", "burgers are highly regarded", NULL};
char* prog2[] = {"/bin/grep", "-o", "gh", NULL};
char* prog3[] = {"/bin/cat", NULL};
struct process_comms* proc1 = make_process(prog1);
struct process_comms* proc2 = make_process(prog2);
struct process_comms* proc3 = make_process(prog3);
// connect echo to grep
add_successor(proc1, proc2);
// can even have this too, to forward output
/*add_successor(proc1, proc2);*/
add_successor(proc2, proc3);
pthread_t proc1_pumper = pumper_thread(proc1);
pthread_t proc2_pumper = pumper_thread(proc2);
pthread_t proc3_pumper = pumper_thread(proc3);
__atomic_store_n(&run_waiter, false, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
int res = pthread_join(process_waiter, NULL);
if (DEBUG) printf("THREAD 1 join: %d\n", res);
// cleanup
struct active_processes* curr = root;
while (curr != NULL) {
struct active_processes* tmp = curr->next;
curr = tmp;
if (DEBUG) puts("****** END *******");
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pnappa commented May 10, 2019

yeah, if you uncomment line 248, it breaks, trying to work out why!

edit: now works. extending to multiple files is a bit buggy.

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pnappa commented May 10, 2019

updated to be pthreads, and fixed a few UAF.

This version of the code hangs, if you leave in the proc3. For some reason it doesn't like piping proc2 -> proc3, but proc1->proc3 is a-okay. Probably some logic error.

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