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Created November 21, 2017 09:01
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pure CL prototype-based objects
;;;; flexijects. An object system for CL.
;;;; Uses closures and lists.
;;;; CC0 - Paul Nathan, 2015.
(defparameter *known-classes* nil
"Classes whose structure is known")
(defun erase-class (name)
(setf *known-classes*
(remove name *known-classes* :key #'car :test #'eql)))
(defun find-class-structure (name)
for class in *known-classes*
(when (eql (car class) name)
(return-from find-class-structure (cdr class)))))
(defun learn-or-relearn-class (name structure)
(let ((old-structure (find-class-structure name)))
(cond (old-structure
(setf (cdr (assoc :slots old-structure))
(cdr (assoc :slots structure)))
(setf (cdr (assoc :parents old-structure))
(cdr (assoc :parents structure)))
(pushnew (cons name structure) *known-classes* :key #'car :test #'eql)))))
(defun create-class-type (name parents slots)
(let ((class-structure
`((:name ,name)
(:parents ,@parents)
(:slots ,@slots))))
(assert (listp parents))
(assert (listp slots))
(learn-or-relearn-class name class-structure)))
(defun collect-slot-list (name)
((structure (find-class-structure name))
(cdr (assoc :parents structure))))
(append (cdr (assoc :slots structure))
(when parents
(mapcan #'identity (mapcar #'collect-slot-list parents))))))
(defun find-expanded-class-structure (name)
`((:name ,name)
(:parents ,(cdr (assoc :parents (find-class-structure name))))
(:slots ,(mapcar #'list (collect-slot-list name)))))
(defparameter *class-action-debug* t)
(defparameter *class-action-debug-stream* t)
(defun initialize-class-instance (class-name)
(let ((instance (find-expanded-class-structure class-name)))
(when *class-action-debug*
(format *class-action-debug-stream* "~&Class template: ~a~%" instance))
(lambda (&key action slot value)
(when *class-action-debug*
(format *class-action-debug-stream* "~&Action: ~a~%" action)
(when slot
(format *class-action-debug-stream* "~&Slot: ~a~%" slot))
(when value
(format *class-action-debug-stream* "~&Values: ~a~%" value)))
((eq action :get)
(cdr (assoc slot
(cadr (assoc :slots instance)))))
((eq action :set)
(cdr (assoc slot
(cadr (assoc :slots instance))))
((eq action :type-of-instance)
((eq action :slot-list)
(mapcar #'car (cadr (assoc :slots instance))))
(error "Unhandled method"))))))
(defparameter *function-table* (make-hash-table))
(defun recurse-building-hash-to-tail (list final &optional existing-table)
"builds a trie-esque hash structure"
(if list
;; relies on the lazy or short-circuit.
(let ((table (or existing-table
(if (gethash (car list) table)
;; if we have something to recurse in the table.
(recurse-building-hash-to-tail (cdr list) final (gethash (cdr list) table))
;; otherwise...
(setf (gethash (car list) table) (recurse-building-hash-to-tail (cdr list) final nil)))
(defun deep-hash-read (table list)
(if (cdr list)
(when (gethash (car list) table)
(deep-hash-read (gethash (car list) table) (cdr list)))
(gethash (car list) table)))
(defmethod print-object ((table hash-table) stream)
(maphash #'(lambda (k v) (format t "~a => ~a" k v)) table))
(defun attach (function-object function-name class-names)
;; note that this doesn't obey package names at present. In order to
;; do so, either the function-name will have to be adjusted or
;; package names will be consed onto the front of the list
(recurse-building-hash-to-tail (cons function-name class-names) function-object *function-table*))
(defun select-appropriate-dispatcher-function (function-name class-names)
;; pass in a list
(deep-hash-read *function-table* (cons function-name class-names)))
(defun call-dispatcher-function (function-name &rest args)
(let* ((arg-types
(loop for arg in args collect (type-of-ject arg)))
(select-appropriate-dispatcher-function function-name arg-types)))
(if funcallable
(apply #'funcall
(error "~a did not select a callable method: ~a were the called types" (cons function-name args) arg-types))))
;;; interface
(defun findject (type)
(find-class-structure type))
(defmacro defject (type parents slots)
`(create-class-type ,type ,parents ,slots))
(defun makeject (type)
(initialize-class-instance type))
(defun set-ject (object slot value)
;; reduces cognitive overhead
(funcall object
:action :set
:slot slot
:value value))
(defun get-ject (object slot)
(funcall object
:action :get
:slot slot))
(defun type-of-ject (object)
;; checks type-of. if it's FUNCTION, try to get the ject type, which
;; might result in some kind of invalid function call error, if it's
;; not a ject type. we ignore and force that sad fate to NIL if
;; so. otherwise returns ject-type.
;; FIXME: this code is ugly.
(let ((existing-type (type-of object)))
(if (eql existing-type 'function)
(let ((ject-type
(multiple-value-bind (type errors?)
(funcall object :action :type-of-instance))
(declare (ignore errors?))
(if ject-type
(defmacro defjectfun (name args &body body)
(let ((actual-args (mapcar #'first args))
(type-args (mapcar #'second args))
(func-name `(quote ,name)))
`(list ,@(loop for arg in type-args collect `',arg))))
(unless (fboundp ,func-name)
;; this will not change regardless of redefinitions.
(defun ,name (&rest args)
(call-dispatcher-function ,func-name args)))
(when (select-appropriate-dispatcher-function ,func-name ,dispatch-args)
(warn "Flexiject method ~a is being redefined" ,func-name))
(let ((actual-code
#'(lambda ,actual-args
(create-class-type 'drink nil '(:weight :size))
(create-class-type 'booze '(drink) '(:abv))
(create-class-type 'tracking-info nil '(:country-of-origin))
(create-class-type 'beer '(booze tracking-info) '(:type-of-beer))
(defparameter *foo* (makeject 'beer))
(set-ject *foo* :abv 10)
(defparameter *bar* (makeject 'booze))
(set-ject *bar* :abv 20)
(defjectfun drink ((cup Beer))
(format t "~a~%" cup)
(format t "Drinking ~a" (get-ject cup :abv)))
(defjectfun drink ((cup Beer) (keg whiskey))
(format t "~a~%" cup)
(format t "Drinking ~a" (get-ject cup :abv)))
(defjectfun drink ((cup booze))
(format t "~a~%" cup)
(format t "slurping ~a" (get-ject cup :abv)))
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