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Created June 6, 2020 06:28
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from typing import Tuple, Callable, Dict, Set, List
from functools import reduce, wraps
SIZE = 5
# Triangle shape, central symmetry
# 2 arbitrary axes determin a point
# but we need 3 axes to make it easier to detect boundary conditions
Point = Tuple[int, int, int] # type
# indicates current state of the game board
Stage = Set[Point] # type
TransFormFunction = Callable[[Point], Point] # type
DIRECTIONS: Dict[str, TransFormFunction] = {
"↗": (lambda p: (p[0]+1, p[1], p[2]-1)),
"↖": (lambda p: (p[0]+1, p[1]-1, p[2])),
"→": (lambda p: (p[0], p[1]+1, p[2]-1)),
"←": (lambda p: (p[0], p[1]-1, p[2]+1)),
"↘": (lambda p: (p[0]-1, p[1]+1, p[2])),
"↙": (lambda p: (p[0]-1, p[1], p[2]+1)),
def sub(v1: Point, v2: Point) -> Point:
return tuple(map(lambda a, b: a-b, v1, v2))
def wellformed(p: Point) -> bool:
return p[0]+p[1]+p[2] == SIZE-1 and reduce(lambda b, w: b and (w >= 0), p, True)
def overflowed(p1: Point, p2: Point) -> bool:
# point should be in [0,SIZE)
for w in map(lambda v: v >= SIZE or v <= -SIZE, sub(p1, p2)):
if w: # overflowed
return True
return False
def neighbor(p1: Point, p2: Point) -> bool:
for d in sub(p1, p2):
if d > 1 or d < -1:
return False
return True
def transform(p0: Point, direction: str, times: int = 1) -> Point:
return reduce((lambda p, f: f(p)), [DIRECTIONS[direction]]*times, p0)
# calculate possible next states refers to the point
def calc1(ref_pt: Point, stage: Stage) -> List[Stage]:
if ref_pt not in stage:
return []
if not wellformed(ref_pt):
return []
next_stages: List[Stage] = []
for direction in DIRECTIONS:
# ●○○ is caused by ○●● with 6 possible directions
adding = (transform(ref_pt, direction, 1),
transform(ref_pt, direction, 2))
if (not wellformed(adding[0])) or (not wellformed(adding[1])) or (adding[0] in stage or adding[1] in stage):
continue # conflict!
trying = stage.copy()
def test_stage() -> bool:
for p in trying:
if overflowed(p, adding[1]) or overflowed(p, adding[0]):
return False
return True
if test_stage(): # passed
return next_stages
def calc(init: Point) -> List[Dict[str, Point]]:
Stack = Tuple[Stage, List[Dict[str, Point]]]
tried_stages = set()
max_depth = 0
def recurse(pt: Point, stack: Stack) -> Stack:
nonlocal tried_stages
nonlocal max_depth
if stack[0] in tried_stages:
return (set(), list())
next_stages = calc1(pt, stack[0].copy())
for stage in next_stages:
pt_to = pt
pt_via = None
pt_from = None
added = stage.difference(stack[0])
first = added.pop()
if neighbor(first, pt_to):
pt_via = first
pt_from = added.pop()
pt_from = first
pt_via = added.pop()
next_stack = (
stage, stack[1]+[{"from": pt_from, "to": pt_to, "via": pt_via}])
if len(stage) == (SIZE+1)*SIZE/2 - 1: # full filled, found solution
yield next_stack
for p in stage:
yield from recurse(p, next_stack)
for solution_stage, steps in recurse(init, ({init}, [])):
# print(solution_stage)
yield steps
possible_begins = ((i, j, k) for i in range(SIZE) for j in range(SIZE)
for k in range(SIZE) if wellformed((i, j, k)))
def solve():
for p in possible_begins:
print("start at:", p)
for solution in calc(p):
yield solution
#print(len([s for s in solve()]))
for solution in solve():
print("+"*20, "SOLVED", "+"*20)
print(">> STEPS >>")
print("> remove", solution[0]["to"])
for step in solution:
print("> move from", step["from"], "to",
step["to"], "via", step["via"])
print("THAT'S IT!")
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