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Patrice Neff pneff

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pneff / Back Template
Created February 14, 2014 08:33
Anki Card Type for multiple-choice
<div class="check-container"><span id="check"></span></div>
<p class="image">{{Image}}</p>
# Merges a local branch
set -e
# Needs a branch name as argument.
test -n "$1" || exit 1
# Update master to origin.
git fetch --no-recurse-submodules
git checkout master && git merge origin/master
pneff /
Last active December 22, 2015 21:39
palias command

This is a little script I use to avoid having to edit any files when I define a new alias.

Example usage:

$ palias g=git

This file needs to be sources from the main bash config file.

pneff / tumblr-gist.js
Created July 10, 2012 13:40 — forked from slezica/tumblr-gist.js
tumblr gist embedder
var real_docwrite = document.write,
body = $('body');
(function insertGists(tags) {
var $tag;
if (tags.length > 0) {
tag = tags.shift();
$tag = $(tag);
document.write = function(stylesheet) {
pneff / app-common.js
Created July 10, 2012 13:25
Response design with Backbone.js
function (pageView, Router) {
new Router();
pneff / index.html
Created October 14, 2011 18:39
Dojo build system example
<div dojo-type="mycorp.mywidget">testing</div>
<script src="/dojo/dojo.js"
djConfig="parseOnLoad: true"></script>
pneff /
Created October 14, 2011 17:16
Example for WsgiService validation
def asbool(s):
"""Simple function to convert any string into a boolean."""
return str(s).lower() in ('true', '1')
@validate('user_id', re='[0-9]*', convert=int, doc='An integer user id')
class ValidatingResource(Resource):
@validate('activate', convert=asbool, doc='Will aways be True or False (default False)')
@validate('email', re='.*@.*', doc='Must contain an @')
def GET(self, user_id, email, activate=False):
pneff /
Created October 14, 2011 16:57
Echo REST service
#!/usr/bin/env python
echo web service: this is a simple WsgiService example.
import datetime
from wsgiservice import Resource, get_app, mount, validate, expires
class EchoResource(Resource):
"""Returns whatever the user inputs."""