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Last active March 18, 2021 13:57
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  • Save pnettto/ca0adc0e8d5550cb34ce5144ec2b305f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pnettto/ca0adc0e8d5550cb34ce5144ec2b305f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This script generates a sidebar structure for Docsify (
projects. It's intended as a way to make the sidebar a little more
straight-forward but the result will probably need some re-arranging.
- Download this file to your project's directory
- "cd" into that directory
- Run "python3"
The script will:
- Generate a sidebar with links to all files, recursively
- Generate an index file (prefix _i_) for each sub-folder, also accessible via
Tip: On VSCode you can add the file .vscode/settings.json on the project's root
folder to hide the generated index files like so:
"files.exclude": {
"**/_i_*": true
Remember to reload the window or restart the editor afterwards.
Initially based on indaviande's script (
import os
import glob
import sys
def scan_dir(dir_path='.', level=0):
Look inside each directory in the project to see if there's anything good to
add to the sidebar
def make_display_name_from_path(path):
parts = path.split('/')
name = parts[-1]
name = name.split(".md")[0] # Remove .md extension
name = name.replace('-', ' ') # Add space instead of -
name = name.replace('_i_', '') # Always remove _i_ index flag
# Capitalize all words
# (Exclude some words from capitalization)
forbidden = ['a', 'on', 'to', 'and', 'with', 'how', 'at', 'the']
capitalized = ''
for word in name.split(' '):
if (word.lower() not in forbidden):
capitalized += word.capitalize()
capitalized += word.lower()
capitalized += ' '
name = capitalized.strip()
return name
def create_dir_index_file(dir_path):
# Create index file name
dir_name = dir_path.split('/')[-1]
dir_index_file_path = dir_path.replace(
dir_name, '_i_' + dir_name) + '.md'
if (os.path.isfile(dir_index_file_path)):
# Clear existing file
open(dir_index_file_path, 'w').close()
# Compose the index file
index_file = open(dir_index_file_path, 'w')
# Write a link to parent index (skip root level)
if (level > 1):
parent_dir_path = os.path.split(dir_path)[0]
parent_dir_path_dirname = os.path.dirname(parent_dir_path)
parent_dir_path_basename = os.path.basename(parent_dir_path)
parent_dir_display_name = make_display_name_from_path(
parent_index = f'{parent_dir_path_dirname}/_i_{parent_dir_path_basename}'
f"**Go back:** [{parent_dir_display_name}]({parent_index})\n")
# Write a title
dir_display_name = make_display_name_from_path(dir_path)
index_file.write(f"# {dir_display_name}\n")
# Write a link for each entry in this directory
entries = [entry for entry in os.listdir(dir_path)]
entries = sorted(entries)
for entry_file_name in entries:
# Ignore entries starting with _ (so also _i_ for indexes) or .
if (any(i in entry_file_name[0] for i in ['_', '.'])):
entry_path = dir_path + '/' + entry_file_name
entry_display_name = make_display_name_from_path(entry_path)
if os.path.isdir(entry_path):
entry_path = dir_path + '/_i_' + entry_file_name
index_file.write(f"- [{entry_display_name}]({entry_path})\n")
def write_entry_in_sidebar(entry_path, index=False):
Write the sidebar entry, on the right level
# Max levels control
if level >= max_levels:
# Add prefix for index files
if index:
entry_file_name = entry_path.split('/')[-1]
entry_path = entry_path.replace(
entry_file_name, '_i_' + entry_file_name) + '.md'
# Open sidebar file for writing
sidebar_file = open('', 'a')
# Write entry in the sidebar file
entry_display_name = make_display_name_from_path(entry_path)
f"{' ' * level}* [{entry_display_name}]({entry_path})\n")
# Save file
def remove_index_files(directory):
# Remove indexes in this directory
index_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, '_i_*.md'))
for file_name in index_files:
print('Error while deleting file : ', file_name)
def execute():
# Remove all old index files
if level == 0:
# Erase sidebar's content
open('', 'w').close()
# Write the default header, if exists
if default_header:
sidebar_file = open('', 'a')
entries = [entry for entry in os.listdir(dir_path)]
entries = sorted(entries)
sublevel = level + 1
if level > 0:
# Create folder index (skip root directory)
for entry_file_name in entries:
# Ignore entries starting with _ (so also _i_ for indexes) or .
if (any(i in entry_file_name[0] for i in ['_', '.'])):
# Compose full path for this entry
entry_path = dir_path + '/' + entry_file_name
if os.path.isfile(entry_path):
# Ignore files that are not markdown files
if '.md' not in entry_file_name:
# Found suitable sidebar item, write it down
if os.path.isdir(entry_path):
# Create a higher lever entry for this directory
write_entry_in_sidebar(entry_path, index=True)
# Scan this directory to add the entries it contains
scan_dir(entry_path, sublevel)
# Define a section that is always going to be at the top of the sidebar. The
# format is regular Markdown. Example:
# default_header = '''
# * [Home](./
# * [Summary](./
# '''
default_header = '''
# Max levels
max_levels = 2
# Start process
print('✅ All done!')
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pnettto commented Mar 18, 2021

@Soneji That's so cool! Thanks for sharing :)

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