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pngwn/ Secret

Last active January 16, 2024 15:41
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PyPI - VersionStatic BadgeNone

Python library for easily interacting with trained machine learning models


pip install gradio_imageslider


import gradio as gr
from gradio_imageslider import ImageSlider

def fn(im):
    return im

with gr.Blocks() as demo:
    img1 = ImageSlider()

if __name__ == "__main__":



name type default description
tuple[str, str]
| tuple[PIL.Image.Image, PIL.Image.Image]
| tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]
| None
None A PIL Image, numpy array, path or URL for the default value that Image component is going to take. If callable, the function will be called whenever the app loads to set the initial value of the component.
int | None
None Height of the displayed image in pixels.
int | None
None Width of the displayed image in pixels.
"numpy" | "pil" | "filepath"
"numpy" The format the image is converted to before being passed into the prediction function. "numpy" converts the image to a numpy array with shape (height, width, 3) and values from 0 to 255, "pil" converts the image to a PIL image object, "filepath" passes a str path to a temporary file containing the image.
str | None
None component name in interface.
float | None
None If `value` is a callable, run the function 'every' number of seconds while the client connection is open. Has no effect otherwise. Queue must be enabled. The event can be accessed (e.g. to cancel it) via this component's .load_event attribute.
bool | None
None if True, will display label.
True If True, will display button to download image.
True If True, will place the component in a container - providing some extra padding around the border.
int | None
None relative width compared to adjacent Components in a Row. For example, if Component A has scale=2, and Component B has scale=1, A will be twice as wide as B. Should be an integer.
160 minimum pixel width, will wrap if not sufficient screen space to satisfy this value. If a certain scale value results in this Component being narrower than min_width, the min_width parameter will be respected first.
bool | None
None if True, will allow users to upload and edit an image; if False, can only be used to display images. If not provided, this is inferred based on whether the component is used as an input or output.
True If False, component will be hidden.
str | None
None An optional string that is assigned as the id of this component in the HTML DOM. Can be used for targeting CSS styles.
list[str] | str | None
None An optional list of strings that are assigned as the classes of this component in the HTML DOM. Can be used for targeting CSS styles.
bool | None
None If True, will show a share icon in the corner of the component that allows user to share outputs to Hugging Face Spaces Discussions. If False, icon does not appear. If set to None (default behavior), then the icon appears if this Gradio app is launched on Spaces, but not otherwise.
0.5 The position of the slider, between 0 and 1.


name description
change Triggered when the value of the ImageSlider changes either because of user input (e.g. a user types in a textbox) OR because of a function update (e.g. an image receives a value from the output of an event trigger). See .input() for a listener that is only triggered by user input.
upload This listener is triggered when the user uploads a file into the ImageSlider.

User function

  • As output: Is passed, tuple of images in the requested format..
  • As input: Should return, image as a numpy array, PIL Image, string/Path filepath, or string URL.
def predict(
    value: tuple[str, str]
    | tuple[PIL.Image.Image, PIL.Image.Image]
    | tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]
    | None
) -> tuple[str, str]
    | tuple[PIL.Image.Image, PIL.Image.Image]
    | tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]
    | None:
    return value 
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