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Paul Nispel pnispel

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Storage Profiles


Storage profiles are stored at the company level and used to route a companies files to the correct storage location. There are three storage profiles right now: default govcloud and apse2 with the main regions being us-east-1, us-gov-west-1, and ap-southeast-2 respectively.

Moving a company from one storage profile to another

  1. Switch the company storage profile in the rails_console: Company.find(<company_id>).update(storage_profile_key: <new_profile_name>)
  2. Use the storage profile migrator to migrate old files to the new profile
batch_size = 1000
start_id = LoginInformation.minimum(LoginInformation.primary_key) || 0
max_id = LoginInformation.maximum(LoginInformation.primary_key) || 0
end_id = [start_id + batch_size, max_id].min
while start_id <= max_id
LoginInformation.where(" BETWEEN #{start_id} and #{end_id} AND =").update_all("uuid = temp_id_uuid_mappings.uuid FROM temp_id_uuid_mappings")
start_id += batch_size
end_id = [start_id + batch_size, max_id].min

Regional Storage

Regional storage invovles the storage, retrieval, and processing of files in an arbitrary AWS availability region.


AWS has regions all over the world. The regions that we are interested in are those in us-east, us-west, us-gov-west, and ap-southeast.

Storage services are all the services that interact with our S3 Buckets. The gist linked above has an overview of the major services.

File Storage

File storage encompasses all the services that interact with AWS S3.


Storage Profiles

Storage profiles are a way for us to determine where to read and store files. For now, the profiles are:

  • default which has purposes that point to buckets in us-east and us-west
  • govcloud which has buckets in us-gov-west
  • apse2 which has buckets in ap-southeast-2

S3 Backup

The Problem

Storage backups are an import part of a fault-tolerant application. In Procore's current state, an S3 Bucket deletion would be catastrophic.


The goal is to have a storage backup solution that is robust, autonomous, scalable, and easily deployed in an emergency.


  1. Cloudfiles backup - This was our previous solution. At some point this solution stopped working, but its possible to bring it back, possibly through a lambda function.

Backpressure Backfills

When backfilling millions of records, it becomes dangerous to try and update them all at once by hand. This technique tries to mitigate some of the dangers by creating a testible script that's sensitive to the current queue depth. It's most useful for things like data backfills, but the technique can be used for any type of sidekiq work that will require millions of jobs.

The goal of this technique is to allow running backfills at any time including peak hours without stressing the procore infrastructure.


  • Maximize dispersion of work - we want to disperse the work over time in a way that correlates with the amount of strain currently put on Procore
  • Minimize heavy database use - an obvious issue because if the database is getting hammered it can cause issues with locks and queuing
  • Decrease variability - we want the results of the backfill to be as predictable as possible
module Storage
class CompanyStorageProfileMigrator
attr_reader :company_id
attr_reader :new_profile
attr_reader :max_number_of_records_to_update
attr_accessor :manifest
def initialize(company_id:, new_profile:, max_number_of_records_to_update: Float::INFINITY)
@company_id = company_id
@new_profile = new_profile
class Child extends Component {
onChange() {
render() {
return (
<input onChange={this.onChange} value={this.props.someFoo} ref={(el) => this.inputEl = el} />
pnispel / Filter.jsx
Created December 20, 2017 23:06
class Filter {
render() {
const { onChange, options } = this.props
return (
<select onChange={onChange}>
{ => <option value={option.value}>{option.label}</option>)}
module Storage
module Migrations
# Implements the action of moving a document from its current location to
# the location its internal data suggests.
class Move
attr_reader :document
attr_reader :from
attr_reader :to
def initialize(document, to_usd)