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Created July 29, 2022 20:32
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name = "midyear"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
name = "midyear"
path = ""
# See more keys and their definitions at
enum_index = "0.2"
enum_index_derive = "0.2"
use enum_index::EnumIndex;
use enum_index_derive::EnumIndex;
trait TableHeader {
const NAME: &'static str;
const SPAN: usize;
const STYLE: &'static str;
fn text(&self) -> &'static str;
fn main() {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, EnumIndex)]
enum AnyProgress { Yes, No }
impl TableHeader for AnyProgress {
const NAME: &'static str = "any-progress?";
const SPAN: usize = 2;
const STYLE: &'static str = "color:darkgreen";
fn text(&self) -> &'static str { match *self { AnyProgress::Yes => "y", AnyProgress::No => "n" } }
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, EnumIndex)]
enum HowBig { Complete, DoneNextSixMo, NotNextSixMo, AdHocProgress, NoGoalsNoProgress, Other(&'static str) }
impl TableHeader for HowBig {
const NAME: &'static str = "problem-size?";
const SPAN: usize = 6;
const STYLE: &'static str = "color:darkorange";
fn text(&self) -> &'static str {
match *self {
HowBig::Complete => "done",
HowBig::DoneNextSixMo => "<=6mo",
HowBig::NotNextSixMo => ">6mo",
HowBig::AdHocProgress => "ad-hoc",
HowBig::NoGoalsNoProgress => "who-knows?",
HowBig::Other(_) => "other",
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, EnumIndex)]
enum Resolve { NowSolved, NextSixMo, NextTwoYears, Solveable, NeverEnding, Other(&'static str) }
impl TableHeader for Resolve {
const NAME: &'static str = "resolved-when?";
const SPAN: usize = 6;
const STYLE: &'static str = "color:maroon";
fn text(&self) -> &'static str {
match *self {
Resolve::NowSolved => "done",
Resolve::NextSixMo => "<=6mo",
Resolve::NextTwoYears => "<=2yr",
Resolve::Solveable => ">2yr",
Resolve::NeverEnding => "&infin;",
Resolve::Other(_) => "other",
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, EnumIndex)]
enum HowItStarted { UnkProblem, NoGoal, NoPlan, NoMilestones, NoAccomplishments,
SomeAccomplishments, PlanNeededRevision, NeedsPolish, Other(&'static str) }
impl TableHeader for HowItStarted {
const NAME: &'static str = "how-it-started?";
const SPAN: usize = 9;
const STYLE: &'static str = "color:purple";
fn text(&self) -> &'static str {
match *self {
HowItStarted::UnkProblem => "problem-was-unknown",
HowItStarted::NoGoal => "had-no-goals",
HowItStarted::NoPlan => "had-no-plan",
HowItStarted::NoMilestones => "milestones-unestablished",
HowItStarted::NoAccomplishments => "no-accomplishments",
HowItStarted::SomeAccomplishments => "some-accomplishments",
HowItStarted::PlanNeededRevision => "wrong-plan",
HowItStarted::NeedsPolish => "just-needed-polish",
HowItStarted::Other(_) => "other",
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, EnumIndex)]
enum HowItsGoing { HelpWhatHappened, HelpWhatsNext, BetterUnderstanding, HighLevelPlan,
Milestones, Contributors, Schedule, CompletedMilestones, ImplementedSolution,
NeedUserFeedback, GettingUserFeedback, Extra(&'static str) }
impl TableHeader for HowItsGoing {
const NAME: &'static str = "hows-it-going?";
const SPAN: usize = 11;
const STYLE: &'static str = "color:darkblue";
fn text(&self) -> &'static str {
match *self {
HowItsGoing::HelpWhatHappened => "what-happun",
HowItsGoing::HelpWhatsNext => "whats-next?",
HowItsGoing::BetterUnderstanding => "improved-understanding",
HowItsGoing::HighLevelPlan => "now-have-plan",
HowItsGoing::Milestones => "now-have-milestones",
HowItsGoing::Contributors => "have-contributors",
HowItsGoing::Schedule => "have-schedule",
HowItsGoing::CompletedMilestones => "completed-milestones",
HowItsGoing::ImplementedSolution => "implemented-solution",
HowItsGoing::NeedUserFeedback => "need-user-feedback",
HowItsGoing::GettingUserFeedback => "getting-feedback",
HowItsGoing::Extra(_) => "additional-info",
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
struct Entry<'a> {
name: &'a str,
url: &'a str,
inline_url: &'a str,
any_progress: AnyProgress,
problem_feels: HowBig,
solution_feels: &'a [Resolve],
how_it_started: &'a [HowItStarted],
how_its_going: &'a [HowItsGoing],
type Input<'a> = (&'a str, &'a str, &'a str, AnyProgress, HowBig, &'a [Resolve], &'a [HowItStarted], &'a [HowItsGoing]);
impl<'a> From<&Input<'a>> for Entry<'a> {
fn from(x: &Input<'a>) -> Self {
Entry {
name: x.0,
url: x.1,
inline_url: x.2,
any_progress: x.3,
problem_feels: x.4,
solution_feels: x.5,
how_it_started: x.6,
how_its_going: x.7,
use HowItStarted::*;
use HowItsGoing::*;
let data: &[Input] =
&[("async traits",
HowBig::Other("We had a loosely defined goal of shipping async fn in traits this year. I think we will at least have an implementation landed in nightly of static, and possibly dyn, async fn in traits by the end of the year. Stabilization timeline is unclear."),
&[Resolve::NextSixMo, Resolve::Other("Major design questions should be resolved or in “resolved to experiment” mode by the end of the year. Nightly-only implementation in the next six months, with part of it possibly moving toward stabilization. Should all be stable in two years or less.")],
&[HighLevelPlan, Milestones, CompletedMilestones]),
("diagnostics improvements",
HowBig::Other("we didn’t have “planned goals” for the year, but we didn accomplish lots of incremental improvements and started the translation infrastructure which has been in our wishlist for years"),
&[Resolve::NeverEnding, Resolve::Other("there is specific feature and integration work that can be tackled in bounded amount of times, but the improvement of diagnostics is a fractal one, and every time we raise the bar, the expectation of our users increases and our increased experience makes us attempt bolder things.")],
&[NoGoal, NoMilestones],
&[BetterUnderstanding, HighLevelPlan, Milestones, Contributors, NeedUserFeedback, GettingUserFeedback]),
("safe transmute", // name
"", // url
&[Resolve::Other("we think the most important parts of the problem are now (or very soon to be) solved, and additional parts of the solution will be available in the next six months")],
&[SomeAccomplishments, PlanNeededRevision],
&[BetterUnderstanding, HighLevelPlan, Milestones, Contributors, CompletedMilestones, ImplementedSolution]),
("chalk", // name
"", // url
&[BetterUnderstanding, HighLevelPlan, Contributors, CompletedMilestones]),
("Generic Associated Types", // name
"", // url
&[CompletedMilestones, GettingUserFeedback]),
("Performance Dashboard", // name
"", // url
HowBig::Other("We had no concrete goals for the dashboard, and representing performance is still a hard problem. I think we are unlikely to achieve any significant milestones in the next 6 months, largely due to lack of clear ideas for solid improvements or bandwidth to experiment."),
&[Resolve::NextSixMo, Resolve::Solveable],
&[HelpWhatsNext, Extra("I think we would like help is not wrong, but it’s also key to note that the largest problem in this domain is room and bandwidth for experimentation.")]),
("intrinsic MIR fallbacks", // name
"", // url
&[HelpWhatsNext, Extra("it would be wonderful to get mentoring instructions (even just a sketch of them) so that non-experts could help make progress on this")]),
("P-high backlog processing", // name
"", // url
&[BetterUnderstanding, HighLevelPlan, Milestones, CompletedMilestones]),
("better integration with trace-based debuggers", // name
"", // url
("MCVE reduction tooling", // name
"", // url
("Incremental Compilation", // name
"", // url
&[HelpWhatsNext, Contributors]),
("wg-debugging", // name
"", // url
&[Resolve::NextTwoYears, Resolve::Other("(In general, there is always more we can do here but wesleywiser thinks we’ll have made significant, noticable progress within the next two years and probably even within this year)")],
&[HelpWhatsNext, BetterUnderstanding, Contributors, CompletedMilestones, NeedUserFeedback, GettingUserFeedback]),
("Debugging Aspirations", // name
"", // url
&[BetterUnderstanding, CompletedMilestones, ImplementedSolution]),
("improving Rust's debuginfo quality", // name
"", // url
&[Resolve::Other("There’s nearly an unbounded amount of effort that could be spent improving debuginfo quality but I think we are making significant improvement both over the last 6 months and in the final 6 months of this year as well.")],
&[HelpWhatsNext, BetterUnderstanding, Contributors, NeedUserFeedback, GettingUserFeedback, Extra("Much of the work wesleywiser is aware of has landed in 1.60 or 1.61 but there are a few small pieces landing in 1.62 (current beta)")]),
("GCC backend", // name
"", // url
&[Resolve::Other("I believe we’ll be able to ship cg_gcc with rustup within 6 months. Implementing the missing Rust features will take longer.")],
&[HighLevelPlan, CompletedMilestones]),
("I-unsound issues", // name
"", // url
&[Milestones, Contributors, CompletedMilestones]),
("const-generics and const-eval", // name
"", // url
&[BetterUnderstanding, Contributors]),
("async crashdump dissection", // name
"", // url
&[BetterUnderstanding, CompletedMilestones, NeedUserFeedback]),
("Faster Builds", // name
"", // url
&[BetterUnderstanding, HighLevelPlan, Milestones, Contributors, CompletedMilestones, NeedUserFeedback]),
("MIR tooling", // name
"", // url
&[BetterUnderstanding, Milestones, Contributors]),
("Cranelift", // name
"", // url
&[Resolve::Other("In terms of getting cg_clif distributed with rustup I think 6 months is feasible. In terms of implementing all missing rust features I think it will take longer.")],
&[HighLevelPlan, CompletedMilestones]),
("supporting split debuginfo", // name
"", // url
("", // name
"", // url
AnyProgress::{Yes, No},
HowBig::{Complete, DoneNextSixMo, NotNextSixMo, AdHoc, NoGoalsNoProgress, Other("") },
&[Resolve::{NowSolved, NextSixMo, NextTwoYears, Solveable, NeverEnding, Other("")}],
&[UnkProblem, NoGoal, NoPlan, NoMilestones, NoAccomplishments, SomeAccomplishments, PlanNeededRevision, NeedsPolish, Other("")],
&[HelpWhatHappened, HelpWhatsNext, BetterUnderstanding, HighLevelPlan, Milestones, Contributors, Schedule, CompletedMilestones, ImplementedSolution, NeedUserFeedback, GettingUserFeedback]),
let data: Vec<Entry> = data.into_iter().map(|x|x.into()).collect();
println!("Hello, world! {:#?}", data);
let entry_rows: Vec<Vec<String>> = data.iter().map(|e|e.as_td_cells()).collect();
let mut entry_cols: Vec<(Option<HeaderStart>, Vec<String>)> = Vec::new();
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
struct HeaderStart;
fn row_header<T: TableHeader>(header_start: bool, entry_cols: &mut Vec<(Option<HeaderStart>, Vec<String>)>) {
let th = format!("<th style={ST} rowspan={SP}>{N}</th>", ST=T::STYLE, SP=T::SPAN, N=T::NAME);
let th_len = th.len();
entry_cols.push((if header_start { Some(HeaderStart) } else { None }, vec![th]));
for _ in 0..T::SPAN-1 { entry_cols.push((None, vec![iota_s(" ", th_len)])); }
row_header::<AnyProgress>(true, &mut entry_cols);
row_header::<HowBig>(false, &mut entry_cols);
row_header::<Resolve>(false, &mut entry_cols);
row_header::<HowItStarted>(true, &mut entry_cols);
row_header::<HowItsGoing>(false, &mut entry_cols);
for (i, row,) in entry_rows.into_iter().enumerate() {
for (j, item) in row.into_iter().enumerate() {
assert!(i <= entry_cols[j].1.len());
assert!(entry_cols[j].1.len() <= i+1);
let emit_entry_names = || {
let header: String = data.iter().map(|e|format!("<th><a href=\"{}\">{}</a></th>", e.inline_url,;
println!("<tr><th></th>{}</tr>", header);
for (header_start, e) in entry_cols {
if header_start.is_some() { emit_entry_names(); }
let row: String = e.into_iter().collect();
println!("<tr>{}</tr>", row);
fn cells(data: &[(&str, usize)], index: usize, fill: usize, style: &str) -> Vec<String> {
multicell(data, &[index], fill, style)
use std::iter::repeat;
fn iota<T: Clone>(s: T, n: usize) -> Vec<T> {
fn iota_s(s: &str, n: usize) -> String {
fn multicell(data: &[(&str, usize)], indexes: &[usize], fill: usize, style: &str) -> Vec<String> {
.map(|(j, (data, len))| {
if indexes.contains(&j) {
format!("<td style={}>{}{}</td>", style, data, iota_s(" ", fill-data.len()))
} else {
format!("<td style={}>{}</td>", style, iota_s(" ", fill))
impl<'a> Entry<'a> {
fn as_td_cells(&self) -> Vec<String> {
let template = [AnyProgress::Yes, AnyProgress::No];
let template = template.into_iter().map(|e|e.text()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let fill = template.iter().map(|x|x.len()).max().unwrap();
let template: Vec<(&'static str, usize)> = template.into_iter().map(|s| (s, s.len())).collect();
let idx = self.any_progress.enum_index();
let any_progress: Vec<String> = cells(&template[..], idx, fill, AnyProgress::STYLE);
let template = [HowBig::Complete, HowBig::DoneNextSixMo, HowBig::NotNextSixMo, HowBig::AdHocProgress, HowBig::NoGoalsNoProgress, HowBig::Other("")];
let template = template.into_iter().map(|e|e.text()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let fill = template.iter().map(|x|x.len()).max().unwrap();
let template: Vec<(&'static str, usize)> = template.into_iter().map(|s| (s, s.len())).collect();
let idx = self.problem_feels.enum_index();
let how_big: Vec<String> = cells(&template[..], idx, fill, HowBig::STYLE);
let template = [Resolve::NowSolved, Resolve::NextSixMo, Resolve::NextTwoYears, Resolve::Solveable, Resolve::NeverEnding, Resolve::Other("")];
let template = template.into_iter().map(|e|e.text()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let fill = template.iter().map(|x|x.len()).max().unwrap();
let template: Vec<(&'static str, usize)> = template.into_iter().map(|s| (s, s.len())).collect();
let indexes = self.solution_feels.iter().map(|e|e.enum_index()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let resolve: Vec<String> = multicell(&template[..], &indexes, fill, Resolve::STYLE);
let template = [HowItStarted::UnkProblem, HowItStarted::NoGoal, HowItStarted::NoPlan,
HowItStarted::NoMilestones, HowItStarted::NoAccomplishments,
HowItStarted::SomeAccomplishments, HowItStarted::PlanNeededRevision,
HowItStarted::NeedsPolish, HowItStarted::Other("")];
let template = template.into_iter().map(|e|e.text()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let fill = template.iter().map(|x|x.len()).max().unwrap();
let template: Vec<(&'static str, usize)> = template.into_iter().map(|s| (s, s.len())).collect();
let indexes = self.how_it_started.iter().map(|e|e.enum_index()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let how_it_started: Vec<String> = multicell(&template[..], &indexes, fill, HowItStarted::STYLE);
let template = [ HowItsGoing::HelpWhatHappened, HowItsGoing::HelpWhatsNext, HowItsGoing::BetterUnderstanding, HowItsGoing::HighLevelPlan,
HowItsGoing::Milestones, HowItsGoing::Contributors, HowItsGoing::Schedule, HowItsGoing::CompletedMilestones, HowItsGoing::ImplementedSolution,
HowItsGoing::NeedUserFeedback, HowItsGoing::GettingUserFeedback ];
let template = template.into_iter().map(|e|e.text()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let fill = template.iter().map(|x|x.len()).max().unwrap();
let template: Vec<(&'static str, usize)> = template.into_iter().map(|s| (s, s.len())).collect();
let indexes = self.how_its_going.iter().map(|e|e.enum_index()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let how_its_going: Vec<String> = multicell(&template[..], &indexes[..], fill, HowItsGoing::STYLE);
fn as_row_string(&self) -> String {
let tds: String = self.as_td_cells().into_iter().collect();
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