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Last active November 17, 2015 16:22
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name = pnlybubbles
email =
ff = true
i = init
cl = clone
s = status
sh = show
sho = remote show origin
f = fetch
re = rebase
rea = rebase --abort
rec = rebase --continue
m = merge --no-ff
a = add
aa = add --all
ap = add -p
cm = commit
co = commit -a
ca = commit --amend
pl = pull --prune
plr = pull --rebase
p = push
po = push origin
ph = push heroku
l = log
lp = log -p
tr = log --graph --pretty='format:%C(yellow)%h%Creset %s %Cgreen(%an)%Creset %Cred%d%Creset'
d = diff
dn = diff --name-only
dd = diff develop
ddn = diff develop --name-only
dmas = diff master
dmasn = diff master --name-only
dc = diff --cached
dcn = diff --cached --name-only
ds = diff HEAD..stash@{0}
dsn = diff HEAD..stash@{0} --name-only
dh = diff HEAD
dhn = diff HEAD --name-only
dhh = diff HEAD~1
dhhn = diff HEAD~1 --name-only
dhhh = diff HEAD~2
dhhhn = diff HEAD~2 --name-only
dhhhh = diff HEAD~3
dhhhhn = diff HEAD~3 --name-only
b = branch
bl = branch -a
bm = branch -m
bd = branch -d
bf = branch -f
c = checkout
cc = checkout -
cd = checkout develop
cs = checkout stash@{0}
cmas = checkout master
cb = checkout -b
cp = checkout -p
unstage = reset --
unstage-all = reset HEAD
us = unstage
usa = unstage-all
reset-tree = checkout .
reset-index = reset HEAD
reset-all = reset --hard HEAD
cancel-commit = reset --soft HEAD^
cancel-index = reset HEAD^
cancel-all = reset --hard HEAD^
cancel-rebase = reset --hard ORIG_HEAD
cancel-merge = reset --merge
cancel-merge-commit = reset --hard origin
delete-untraced-list = clean -f -n
delete-untraced = clean -f -d
st = stash
stu = stash save -u
stp = stash -p
stl = stash list
sta = stash apply
r = reflog
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