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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Analysis of OpenStreetMap US board candidate edits
Name │ First edit │ Changes │ Changesets │ US changes │ US changesets │ Changes │ Changesets │ Weeks where US edit │ "Average" state[1]
│ │ │ │ │ │ in last year │ in last year │ made in last year │
Martijn van Exel │ 2007-06-10 │ 216635 │ 3485 │ 166989 │ 2545 │ 58763 │ 1179 │ 52 │ Illinois
Andrew Wiseman │ 2011-02-12 │ 82543 │ 1222 │ 5200 │ 198 │ 34643 │ 582 │ 19 │ Cape Verde[2]
Richard Welty │ 2009-04-04 │ 382843 │ 8831 │ 382589 │ 8720 │ 76168 │ 838 │ 45 │ New York
Dale Kunce │ 2013-05-30 │ 63770 │ 201 │ 18432 │ 92 │ 53055 │ 147 │ 13 │ Cape Verde
Alex Barth │ 2012-02-10 │ 82565 │ 1192 │ 33266 │ 633 │ 31436 │ 493 │ 32 │ Middle of Atlantic[3]
Coleman McCormick │ 2009-02-28 │ 408229 │ 5952 │ 356269 │ 5698 │ 106213 │ 959 │ 48 │ East of Bahamas[4]
Ian Dees │ 2007-12-30 │ 6066596 │ 2123 │ 4360026 │ 1888 │ 25172 │ 277 │ 41 │ Wisconsin
Alyssa Wright │ 2013-03-23 │ 27897 │ 159 │ 0 │ 0 │ 0 │ 0 │ 0 │ Rajasthan, India
Gerald Hasty │ 2011-10-25 │ 894 │ 28 │ 894 │ 26 │ 59 │ 5 │ 1 │ Utah
Robin Tolochko │ 2010-04-04 │ 466 │ 12 │ 26 │ 3 │ 0 │ 0 │ 0 │ Córdoba, Colombia
Eleanor Tutt │ 2013-10-18 │ 6247 │ 83 │ 6247 │ 83 │ 6247 │ 83 │ 9 │ Missouri
Bryce Nesbitt │ 2010-10-05 │ 30580 │ 1081 │ 26428 │ 921 │ 7615 │ 246 │ 45 │ Nevada
Entries with a 0 had zero edits in that category (e.g. zero edits in the US or zero edits last year)
[1]: In the same sense that Kansas is the "average" state of the US.
(SELECT user_id, min(created_at)::date "First edit", sum(num_changes) as "Changes", count(*) AS "Changesets" from canidate_changesets group by user_id) AS total_world
LEFT JOIN (SELECT user_id, sum(num_changes) as "US changes", count(*) AS "US changesets" from canidate_us_changesets group by user_id order by user_id) AS total_us USING (user_id)
LEFT JOIN (SELECT user_id, sum(num_changes) as "Changes
in last year", count(*) AS "Changesets
in last year" from canidate_changesets WHERE created_at > '20130929'::date group by user_id) AS total_year USING (user_id)
LEFT JOIN (SELECT user_id, COUNT(*) AS "Weeks where US edit
made in last year" FROM (SELECT DISTINCT user_id, date_trunc('week',created_at) FROM canidate_us_changesets WHERE created_at > '20130929'::date) AS p GROUP BY user_id) AS weeks_edited USING (user_id)
LEFT JOIN (SELECT user_id, round(avg((min_lat+max_lat)/2.0),1) AS "Average lat", round(avg((min_lon+max_lon)/2.0),1) AS "Average lon" FROM canidate_changesets WHERE (max_lat-min_lat)*(max_lon-min_lon)<10.0 group by user_id) AS location USING (user_id)
order by user_id;
CREATE VIEW canidate_us_changesets AS SELECT * FROM canidate_changesets WHERE (max_lat-min_lat)*(max_lon-min_lon)<10.0
AND ((min_lat < 49
AND max_lat > 24
AND min_lon <-67
AND max_lon >-125)
(min_lat < 30
AND max_lat > 18
AND min_lon <-153
AND max_lon >-180)
(min_lat < 75
AND max_lat > 50
AND min_lon <-130
AND max_lon >-180));
CREATE VIEW canidate_changesets AS SELECT id, user_id, created_at, min_lat, max_lat, min_lon, max_lon, num_changes, tags
FROM osm_changeset
WHERE user_id in :uids;
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