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Created August 26, 2013 05:46
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draft of a revised
# This is the default osm2pgsql .style file that comes with osm2pgsql.
# A .style file has 4 columns that define how OSM objects end up in tables in
# the database and what columns are created.
# OsmType: This is either "node", "way" or "node,way" and indicates if this tag
# applies to nodes, ways, or both.
# Tag: The tag
# DataType: The type of the column to be created. Normally "text"
# Flags: Flags that indicate what table the OSM object is moved into.
# There are 5 possible flags. These flags are used both to indicate if a column
# should be created, and if ways with the tag are assumed to be areas
# polygon - Create a column for this tag, and objects with it are areas
# linear - Create a column for this tag
# phstore - Don't create a column for this tag, but objects with it are areas
# delete - Drop this tag completely and don't create a column for it.
# nocache - Deprecated and does nothing
# If an object has a tag that indicates it is an area or has area=yes/1,
# osm2pgsql will try to turn it into an area. If it succeeds, it places it in
# the polygon table. If it fails (e.g. not a closed way) it places it in the
# line table.
# Nodes are never placed into the polygon or line table and are always placed in
# the point table.
# Special columns
# There are some special columns that if present in the .style file will be
# populated by osm2pgsql.
# These are
# z_order - datatype int4
# way_area - datatype real. The area of the way, in the units of the projection
# (e.g. square mercator meters). Only applies to areas
# osm_user, osm_uid, osm_version, osm_timestamp - datatype text. Used with the
# --extra-attributes option to include metadata in the database
# OsmType Tag DataType Flags
node,way note text delete # These tags can be long but are useless for rendering
node,way source text delete # This indicates that we shouldn't store them
node,way created_by text delete
node,way access text linear
node,way addr:housename text linear
node,way addr:housenumber text linear
node,way addr:interpolation text linear
node,way admin_level text linear
node,way aerialway text linear
node,way aeroway text polygon
node,way amenity text polygon
node,way area text # hard coded support for area=1/yes => polygon is in osm2pgsql
node,way barrier text linear
node,way bicycle text
node,way brand text linear
node,way bridge text linear
node,way boundary text linear
node,way building text polygon
node capital text linear
node,way construction text linear
node,way covered text linear
node,way culvert text linear
node,way cutting text linear
node,way denomination text linear
node,way disused text linear
node ele text linear
node,way embankment text linear
node,way foot text linear
node,way generator:source text linear
node,way harbour text polygon
node,way highway text linear
node,way historic text polygon
node,way horse text linear
node,way intermittent text linear
node,way junction text linear
node,way landuse text polygon
node,way layer text linear
node,way leisure text polygon
node,way lock text linear
node,way man_made text polygon
node,way military text polygon
node,way motorcar text linear
node,way name text linear
node,way natural text polygon # natural=coastline tags are discarded by a hard coded rule in osm2pgsql
node,way office text polygon
node,way oneway text linear
node,way operator text linear
node,way place text polygon
node poi text
node,way population text linear
node,way power text polygon
node,way power_source text linear
node,way public_transport text polygon
node,way railway text linear
node,way ref text linear
node,way religion text nocache
node,way route text linear
node,way service text linear
node,way shop text polygon
node,way sport text polygon
node,way surface text linear
node,way toll text linear
node,way tourism text polygon
node,way tower:type text linear
way tracktype text linear
node,way tunnel text linear
node,way water text polygon
node,way waterway text polygon
node,way wetland text polygon
node,way width text linear
node,way wood text linear
node,way z_order int4 linear # This is calculated during import
way way_area real # This is calculated during import
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