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Created September 4, 2020 23:04
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-- eq_comp_err.lean
inductive SmtSort : Type
| bool : SmtSort
inductive Term : SmtSort -> Type
| true : Term SmtSort.bool
| smtLet {s t : SmtSort} : String -> Term t
-> Term s
-> Term s
axiom updMap {α β : Type} [DecidableEq α] (f : α -> Option β) (k : α) (v : β) : α -> Option β
def Env := String -> Option SmtSort
inductive WS : forall {cs : SmtSort}, Env → Term cs → Prop
| true : ∀ (e : Env), WS e Term.true
| smtLet : ∀ {e : Env} {s1 s2 : SmtSort} {x : String}
{t1 : Term s1}
{t2 : Term s2},
WS e t1 →
WS (updMap e x s1) t2 →
WS e (Term.smtLet x t1 t2)
axiom updMapWSBinder
{e : Env}
(x : String)
(xSort : SmtSort)
{y : String}
{s ySort : SmtSort}
(t : Term s)
(ws : WS (updMap e y ySort) t)
: WS (updMap (updMap e x xSort) y ySort) t
def updMapWS {e : Env} (x : String) (xCS : SmtSort) :
∀ {cs : SmtSort} {t : Term cs} (ws : WS e t), WS (updMap e x xCS) t
-- ident
| _, Term.true, (WS.true e) =>
(WS.true (updMap e x xCS))
-- let
| cs, (Term.smtLet y t1 t2), (WS.smtLet ws1 (ws2 : WS (updMap e y cs) t2)) =>
let ws1' : WS (updMap e x xCS) t1 := updMapWS ws1;
let ws2' : WS (updMap (updMap e x xCS) y cs) t2 := updMapWSBinder x xCS t2 ws2;
WS.smtLet ws1' ws2'
-- $ lean eq_comp_err.lean
-- eq_comp_err.lean:35:4: error: equation compiler failed to create auxiliary declaration 'updMapWS._main'
-- nested exception message:
-- $
-- N.B., there are no "nested exception message"s =\
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