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Last active March 16, 2021 16:57
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A type class for generic Ranges
import Init.Meta
-- This isn't strictly necessary of course - reverse could be a member of `Range`.
class Reverse (α : Type u) where
reverse : α → α
open Reverse (reverse)
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Range class definition
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
/-- A finite range of values describable by some `[START:STOP:STEP]`. -/
class Range (rng : Type u) (val : outParam (Type v)) extends Reverse rng : Type (max u v) where
/-- Number of values in the range. -/
steps : rng → Nat
/-- Returns the value in the range after the given value. If the given value is not
in the range or if it is the last value in the range, the returned value is arbitrary. -/
next : rng → val → val
/-- The first value in the range, i.e., either the lowest or highest value depending on
the ranges ordering. If the range is empty, the returned value is arbitrary. -/
first : rng → val
-- AMK: I think there's an argument that `next` and `first` should be
-- `next!` and `first!` since they have non-trivial unchecked constraints
-- and will return garbage values if misused... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
namespace Range
universes u v
@[inline] def forIn [Range ρ α] {β : Type u} {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] (range : ρ) (init : β) (f : α → β → m (ForInStep β)) : m β :=
let rec @[specialize] loop (n : Nat) (a : α) (b : β) : m β := do
match n with
| 0 => pure b
| n+1 => match ← f a b with
| ForInStep.done b => pure b
| ForInStep.yield b => loop n (next range a) b
loop (steps range) (first range) init
instance [Range ρ α] : ForIn m ρ α where
forIn := forIn
@[inline] protected def forM [Range ρ α] {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] (range : ρ) (f : α → m PUnit) : m PUnit :=
let rec @[specialize] loop (n : Nat) (a : α) : m PUnit := do
match n with
| 0 => pure ⟨⟩
| n+1 => f a; loop n (next range a)
loop (steps range) (first range)
def toArray [Range ρ α] (r : ρ) : Array α := do
let mut arr := #[]
for a in r do
arr := arr.push a
-- N.B., not all types have inherent upper and/or lower bounds, so there
-- is a typeclass for each way constructing a range might be supported.
-- The class names... may not be the best. I couldn't decide.
/-- Class for creating a range from an inclusive start and exlusive stop. -/
class FromStartStop (val : Type u) (rng : outParam (Type u)) : Type u where
rangeWithStep : Nat → val → val → rng
range : val → val → rng := rangeWithStep 1
/-- Class for creating a range from just an inclusive start, i.e. `[START:]`
or `[START: : STEP]`. -/
class FromStart (val : Type u) (rng : outParam (Type u)) : Type u where
rangeWithStep : Nat → val → rng
range : val → rng := rangeWithStep 1
/-- Class for creating a range from just an exlusive stop, i.e. `[:STOP]`
or `[:STOP: STEP]`. -/
class FromStop (val : Type u) (rng : outParam (Type u)) : Type u where
rangeWithStep : Nat → val → rng
range : val → rng := rangeWithStep 1
-- `%` prefix to avoid collision with builtin Range syntax
syntax:max "%[" term ":" "]" : term
syntax:max "%[" ":" term "]" : term
syntax:max "%[" term ":" term "]" : term
syntax:max "%[" term ":" ":" term "]" : term
syntax:max "%[" ":" term ":" term "]" : term
syntax:max "%[" term ":" term ":" term "]" : term
| `(%[$start : ]) => `(FromStart.range $start)
| `(%[ : $stop]) => `(FromStop.range $stop)
| `(%[ $start : $stop ]) => `(FromStartStop.range $start $stop)
| `(%[$start : : $step]) => `(FromStart.rangeWithStep $step $start)
| `(%[ : $stop : $step ]) => `(FromStop.rangeWithStep $step $stop)
| `(%[ $start : $stop : $step ]) => `(FromStartStop.rangeWithStep $step $start $stop)
end Range
structure RangeStream (ρ α : Type u) [Range ρ α] where
steps : Nat
first : α
range : ρ
instance [Range ρ α] : ToStream ρ (RangeStream ρ α) where
toStream r := ⟨(Range.steps r), (Range.first r), r⟩
instance [Range ρ α] : Stream (RangeStream ρ α) α where
next? | ⟨n, x, xs⟩ =>
match n with
| 0 => none
| n+1 => (x, ⟨n, xs x, xs⟩)
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Nat Ranges
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
namespace Nat
structure NatRange where
start : Nat := 0
stop : Nat
step : Nat := 1
ascending : Bool := true
namespace NatRange
@[inline] def steps (xs : NatRange) : Nat :=
let size := xs.stop - xs.start
let step := xs.step
size / step + (if size % step = 0 then 0 else 1)
instance : Range NatRange Nat where
steps := steps
next xs x :=
if xs.ascending
then x + xs.step
else x - xs.step
first xs :=
if xs.ascending
then xs.start
else xs.start + (xs.step * (xs.steps - 1))
reverse xs :=
{xs with ascending := !xs.ascending}
instance : Range.FromStop Nat NatRange where
rangeWithStep step stop := {step := step, stop := stop}
instance : Range.FromStartStop Nat NatRange where
rangeWithStep step start stop := {step := step, start := start, stop := stop}
end NatRange
end Nat
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Integer Ranges
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
namespace Int
structure IntRange where
start : Int
stop : Int
step : Nat := 1
ascending : Bool := true
namespace IntRange
@[inline] def steps (xs : IntRange) : Nat :=
let size := match xs.stop - xs.start with
| ofNat n => n
| _ => 0
let step := xs.step
size / step + (if size % step = 0 then 0 else 1)
instance : Range IntRange Int where
steps := steps
next xs x :=
if xs.ascending
then x + xs.step
else x - xs.step
first xs :=
if xs.ascending
then xs.start
else xs.start + (xs.step * (xs.steps - 1))
reverse r :=
{r with ascending := !r.ascending}
instance : Range.FromStartStop Int IntRange where
rangeWithStep step start stop := {step := step, start := start, stop := stop}
end IntRange
end Int
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Fin Ranges
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Lemma to help with FinRange implementation
theorem Nat.ltAddRight (a b c : Nat) (h : a < b) : a < b + c :=
match c with
| 0 => h
| c'+1 =>
have h₁ : a < (b + c') + 1 := (ltAddRight a b c' h)
have h₂ : (b + c') + 1 = b + (c' + 1) from Nat.add_assoc ..
cast (congrArg (λ x => a < x) h₂) h₁
namespace Fin
structure FinRange (n : Nat) where
start : Fin n
stop : Fin (n+1)
step : Nat := 1
ascending : Bool := true
-- Fin helpers for FinRange implementation
def nonZero : {n : Nat} → Fin n → n > 0
| 0, silly => Fin.elim0 silly
| n+1, _ => Nat.succPos n
def lift {n : Nat} (m : Nat) : Fin n → Fin (n+m)
| ⟨v, h⟩ => ⟨v, Nat.ltAddRight v n m h⟩
namespace FinRange
@[inline] def steps (xs : FinRange n) : Nat :=
let size := xs.stop.val - xs.start.val
let step := xs.step
size / step + (if size % step = 0 then 0 else 1)
instance : Range (FinRange n) (Fin n) where
steps := steps
next r x :=
if r.ascending
then x + (Fin.ofNat' r.step (nonZero x))
else x - (Fin.ofNat' r.step (nonZero x))
first xs :=
if xs.ascending
then xs.start
else (Fin.ofNat' (xs.start.val + (xs.step * (xs.steps - 1))) (nonZero xs.start))
reverse xs := {xs with ascending := !xs.ascending}
instance : Range.FromStart (Fin n) (FinRange n) where
rangeWithStep step start :=
{step := step,
start := start,
stop := Fin.ofNat n}
instance : Range.FromStop (Fin n) (FinRange n) where
rangeWithStep step stop :=
{step := step,
start := Fin.ofNat' 0 (nonZero stop),
stop := stop.lift 1}
instance : Range.FromStartStop (Fin n) (FinRange n) where
rangeWithStep step start stop :=
{step := step,
start := start,
stop := stop.lift 1}
end FinRange
end Fin
-- Nat range examples
#eval Range.toArray %[:5]
-- #[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
#eval Range.toArray $ reverse %[:5]
-- #[4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
-- Int range examples
#eval Range.toArray %[0:(5 : Int)]
-- #[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
#eval Range.toArray $ %[-5:5]
-- #[-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
#eval Range.toArray $ reverse %[-5:5]
-- #[4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5]
-- Fin range examples
#eval Range.toArray %[:(5 : Fin 6)]
-- #[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
#eval Range.toArray %[(5 : Fin 6):]
-- #[5]
#eval Range.toArray $ %[(0 : Fin 6):]
-- #[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
#eval Range.toArray $ reverse %[(0 : Fin 6):]
-- #[5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
def Array.sum (a₁ a₂ : Array Int) (pf : a₁.size = a₂.size) : Array Int :=
if h : a₁.size > 0 then do
let mut res := #[]
for i in %[Fin.ofNat' 0 h:] do
res := res.push (a₁.get i + a₂.get (cast (congrArg Fin pf) i))
#eval Array.sum #[1,2,3] #[4,5,6] rfl
-- #[5, 7, 9]
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There is also possible use of mathematical notation for half-open ranges, e.g., [START..STOP) for an exclusive upper bound or [START, START+n .. STOP) for inferring the STEP. I'm not sure how well editors will do with the mismatched grouping symbols though.

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