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Created March 7, 2015 15:18
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#lang typed/racket/base
;; Renderers for plot decorations: axes, grids, labeled points, etc.
(require typed/racket/class typed/racket/draw racket/match racket/math racket/list
(provide (all-defined-out))
;; ===================================================================================================
;; X and Y axes
(: x-axis-render-proc (-> Real Boolean Boolean Boolean Nonnegative-Real 2D-Render-Proc))
(define ((x-axis-render-proc y ticks? labels? far? alpha) area)
(match-define (vector (ivl x-min x-max) y-ivl) (send area get-bounds-rect))
(define x-ticks (if far? (send area get-x-far-ticks) (send area get-x-ticks)))
(define radius (if ticks? (* 1/2 (plot-tick-size)) 0))
(when (and x-min x-max)
(send area put-alpha alpha)
(send area put-minor-pen)
(send area put-line (vector x-min y) (vector x-max y)))
(when ticks?
(for ([t (in-list x-ticks)])
(match-define (tick x major? _) t)
(if major? (send area put-major-pen) (send area put-minor-pen))
(send area put-tick (vector x y) (if major? radius (* 1/2 radius)) (* 1/2 pi))))
(when labels?
(define dist (+ radius (pen-gap)))
(for ([t (in-list x-ticks)] #:when (pre-tick-major? t))
(match-define (tick x _ label) t)
(send area put-text label (vector x y) (if far? 'bottom 'top) 0 dist)))
(:: x-axis
(->* [] [Real #:ticks? Boolean #:labels? Boolean #:far? Boolean #:alpha Nonnegative-Real]
(define (x-axis [y 0]
#:ticks? [ticks? (x-axis-ticks?)]
#:labels? [labels? (x-axis-labels?)]
#:far? [far? (x-axis-far?)]
#:alpha [alpha (x-axis-alpha)])
[(not (rational? y)) (raise-argument-error 'x-axis "rational?" y)]
[(or (> alpha 1) (not (rational? alpha))) (raise-keyword-error 'x-axis "real in [0,1]"
'#:alpha alpha)]
(renderer2d #f #f #f (x-axis-render-proc y ticks? labels? far? alpha))]))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(: y-axis-render-proc (-> Real Boolean Boolean Boolean Nonnegative-Real 2D-Render-Proc))
(define ((y-axis-render-proc x ticks? labels? far? alpha) area)
(match-define (vector x-ivl (ivl y-min y-max)) (send area get-bounds-rect))
(define y-ticks (if far? (send area get-y-far-ticks) (send area get-y-ticks)))
(define radius (if ticks? (* 1/2 (plot-tick-size)) 0))
(when (and y-min y-max)
(send area put-alpha alpha)
(send area put-minor-pen)
(send area put-line (vector x y-min) (vector x y-max)))
(when ticks?
(for ([t (in-list y-ticks)])
(match-define (tick y major? _) t)
(if major? (send area put-major-pen) (send area put-minor-pen))
(send area put-tick (vector x y) (if major? radius (* 1/2 radius)) 0)))
(when labels?
(define dist (+ radius (pen-gap)))
(for ([t (in-list y-ticks)] #:when (pre-tick-major? t))
(match-define (tick y _ label) t)
(send area put-text label (vector x y) (if far? 'left 'right) 0 dist)))
(:: y-axis
(->* [] [Real #:ticks? Boolean #:labels? Boolean #:far? Boolean #:alpha Nonnegative-Real]
(define (y-axis [x 0]
#:ticks? [ticks? (y-axis-ticks?)]
#:labels? [labels? (y-axis-labels?)]
#:far? [far? (y-axis-far?)]
#:alpha [alpha (y-axis-alpha)])
[(not (rational? x)) (raise-argument-error 'y-axis "rational?" x)]
[(or (> alpha 1) (not (rational? alpha))) (raise-keyword-error 'y-axis "real in [0,1]"
'#:alpha alpha)]
(renderer2d #f #f #f (y-axis-render-proc x ticks? labels? far? alpha))]))
(:: axes
(->* []
[Real Real
#:x-ticks? Boolean
#:y-ticks? Boolean
#:x-labels? Boolean
#:y-labels? Boolean
#:x-alpha Nonnegative-Real
#:y-alpha Nonnegative-Real]
(Listof renderer2d)))
(define (axes [x 0] [y 0]
#:x-ticks? [x-ticks? (x-axis-ticks?)]
#:y-ticks? [y-ticks? (y-axis-ticks?)]
#:x-labels? [x-labels? (x-axis-labels?)]
#:y-labels? [y-labels? (y-axis-labels?)]
#:x-alpha [x-alpha (x-axis-alpha)]
#:y-alpha [y-alpha (y-axis-alpha)])
(list (x-axis y #:ticks? x-ticks? #:labels? x-labels? #:alpha x-alpha)
(y-axis x #:ticks? y-ticks? #:labels? y-labels? #:alpha y-alpha)))
;; ===================================================================================================
;; Polar axes
(: build-polar-axes (->* [Natural Real Real Real Real] [Real]
(Values (Listof Real) (Listof Real) (Listof Real))))
(define (build-polar-axes num x-min x-max y-min y-max [start-θ 0])
(define step (/ (* 2 pi) num))
(define θs (build-list num (λ ([n : Index]) (+ start-θ (* n step)))))
(define max-r (max (vmag (vector x-min y-min)) (vmag (vector x-min y-max))
(vmag (vector x-max y-max)) (vmag (vector x-max y-min))))
(define-values (r-mins r-maxs)
(for/lists ([r-mins : (Listof (U Real #f))]
[r-maxs : (Listof (U Real #f))]
) ([θ (in-list θs)])
(define-values (v1 v2)
(clip-line/bounds (vector 0 0) (vector (* max-r (cos θ)) (* max-r (sin θ)))
x-min x-max y-min y-max))
(values (if v1 (vmag v1) #f)
(if v2 (vmag v2) #f))))
(for/lists ([θs : (Listof Real)]
[r-mins : (Listof Real)]
[r-maxs : (Listof Real)]
) ([θ (in-list θs)]
[r-min (in-list r-mins)]
[r-max (in-list r-maxs)]
#:when (and r-min r-max (not (= r-min r-max))))
(values θ r-min r-max)))
(: draw-polar-axis-ticks (-> Natural Boolean (Instance 2D-Plot-Area%) Void))
(define (draw-polar-axis-ticks num labels? area)
(match-define (vector (ivl x-min x-max) (ivl y-min y-max)) (send area get-bounds-rect))
(when (and x-min x-max y-min y-max)
(define-values (θs r-mins r-maxs) (build-polar-axes num x-min x-max y-min y-max
(* 1/2 (/ (* 2 pi) num))))
(define corner-rs
(list (vmag (vector x-min y-min)) (vmag (vector x-min y-max))
(vmag (vector x-max y-max)) (vmag (vector x-max y-min))))
(define r-min (if (and (<= x-min 0 x-max) (<= y-min 0 y-max)) 0 (apply min corner-rs)))
(define r-max (apply max corner-rs))
(define ts (filter (λ ([t : tick]) (not (zero? (pre-tick-value t))))
(ticks-generate (plot-r-ticks) r-min r-max)))
;; Draw the tick lines
(for ([t (in-list ts)])
(match-define (tick r major? label) t)
(if major? (send area put-minor-pen) (send area put-minor-pen 'long-dash))
(define pts (for/list : (Listof (Vectorof Real)) ([θ (in-list (linear-seq 0 (* 2 pi) 500))])
(vector (* r (cos θ)) (* r (sin θ)))))
(send area put-lines pts))
;; Draw the labels
(when (and labels? (not (empty? θs)))
;; Find the longest half-axis, rounded to drown out floating-point error
(define mag (expt 10 (- (digits-for-range r-min r-max))))
(match-define (list mθ mr-min mr-max)
(argmax (λ ([lst : (Listof Real)]) (* (round (/ (- (third lst) (second lst)) mag)) mag))
(map (λ ([θ : Real] [r-min : Real] [r-max : Real])
(list θ r-min r-max))
θs r-mins r-maxs)))
;; Actually draw the labels
(for ([t (in-list ts)])
(match-define (tick r major? label) t)
(when (and major? (<= mr-min r mr-max))
(send area put-text label (vector (* r (cos mθ)) (* r (sin mθ))) 'center 0 0 #t))))))
(: draw-polar-axis-lines (-> Natural (Instance 2D-Plot-Area%) Void))
(define (draw-polar-axis-lines num area)
(match-define (vector (ivl x-min x-max) (ivl y-min y-max)) (send area get-bounds-rect))
(when (and x-min x-max y-min y-max)
(define-values (θs r-mins r-maxs) (build-polar-axes num x-min x-max y-min y-max))
(send area put-minor-pen)
(for ([θ (in-list θs)] [r-min (in-list r-mins)] [r-max (in-list r-maxs)])
(send area put-line
(vector (* r-min (cos θ)) (* r-min (sin θ)))
(vector (* r-max (cos θ)) (* r-max (sin θ)))))))
(: polar-axes-render-proc (-> Natural Boolean Boolean Nonnegative-Real 2D-Render-Proc))
(define ((polar-axes-render-proc num ticks? labels? alpha) area)
(send area put-alpha alpha)
(when (num . > . 0) (draw-polar-axis-lines num area))
(when ticks? (draw-polar-axis-ticks (if (num . > . 0) num 12) labels? area))
(:: polar-axes
(->* [] [#:number Natural #:ticks? Boolean #:labels? Boolean #:alpha Nonnegative-Real]
(define (polar-axes #:number [num (polar-axes-number)]
#:ticks? [ticks? (polar-axes-ticks?)]
#:labels? [labels? (polar-axes-labels?)]
#:alpha [alpha (polar-axes-alpha)])
[(or (> alpha 1) (not (rational? alpha))) (raise-keyword-error 'polar-axes "real in [0,1]"
'#:alpha alpha)]
(renderer2d #f #f #f (polar-axes-render-proc num ticks? labels? alpha))]))
;; ===================================================================================================
;; Grid
(: x-tick-lines-render-proc (-> 2D-Render-Proc))
(define ((x-tick-lines-render-proc) area)
(match-define (vector x-ivl (ivl y-min y-max)) (send area get-bounds-rect))
(when (and y-min y-max)
(define x-ticks (send area get-x-ticks))
(send area put-alpha 1/2)
(for ([t (in-list x-ticks)])
(match-define (tick x major? _) t)
(if major? (send area put-minor-pen) (send area put-minor-pen 'long-dash))
(send area put-line (vector x y-min) (vector x y-max))))
(: y-tick-lines-render-proc (-> 2D-Render-Proc))
(define ((y-tick-lines-render-proc) area)
(match-define (vector (ivl x-min x-max) y-ivl) (send area get-bounds-rect))
(when (and x-min x-max)
(define y-ticks (send area get-y-ticks))
(send area put-alpha 1/2)
(for ([t (in-list y-ticks)])
(match-define (tick y major? _) t)
(if major? (send area put-minor-pen) (send area put-minor-pen 'long-dash))
(send area put-line (vector x-min y) (vector x-max y))))
(:: x-tick-lines (-> renderer2d))
(define (x-tick-lines)
(renderer2d #f #f #f (x-tick-lines-render-proc)))
(:: y-tick-lines (-> renderer2d))
(define (y-tick-lines)
(renderer2d #f #f #f (y-tick-lines-render-proc)))
(:: tick-grid (-> (Listof renderer2d)))
(define (tick-grid)
(list (x-tick-lines) (y-tick-lines)))
;; ===================================================================================================
;; Labeled points
(: format-coordinate (-> (Vectorof Real) (Instance 2D-Plot-Area%) String))
(define (format-coordinate v area)
(match-define (vector x y) v)
(match-define (vector (ivl x-min x-max) (ivl y-min y-max)) (send area get-bounds-rect))
(match-define (list x-str)
(cond [(and x-min x-max) (format-tick-labels (plot-x-ticks) x-min x-max (list x))]
[else "?"]))
(match-define (list y-str)
(cond [(and y-min y-max) (format-tick-labels (plot-y-ticks) y-min y-max (list y))]
[else "?"]))
(format "(~a,~a)" x-str y-str))
(: label-render-proc (-> (U String #f) (Vectorof Real)
Plot-Color Nonnegative-Real (U String #f) Font-Family
Anchor Real
Plot-Color Plot-Color Nonnegative-Real Nonnegative-Real Point-Sym
(define ((label-render-proc label v color size face family anchor angle
point-color point-fill-color point-size point-line-width point-sym
(let ([label (if label label (format-coordinate v area))])
(send area put-alpha alpha)
; label
(send area put-text-foreground color)
(send area put-font-attribs size face family)
(send area put-text (string-append " " label " ") v anchor angle (* 1/2 point-size) #t)
; point
(send area put-pen point-color point-line-width 'solid)
(send area put-brush point-fill-color 'solid)
(send area put-glyphs (list v) point-sym point-size))
(:: point-label
(->* [(Sequenceof Real)]
[(U String #f)
#:color Plot-Color
#:size Nonnegative-Real
#:face (U String #f)
#:family Font-Family
#:anchor Anchor
#:angle Real
#:point-color Plot-Color
#:point-fill-color (U Plot-Color 'auto)
#:point-size Nonnegative-Real
#:point-line-width Nonnegative-Real
#:point-sym Point-Sym
#:alpha Nonnegative-Real]
(define (point-label v [label #f]
#:color [color (plot-foreground)]
#:size [size (plot-font-size)]
#:face [face (plot-font-face)]
#:family [family (plot-font-family)]
#:anchor [anchor (label-anchor)]
#:angle [angle (label-angle)]
#:point-color [point-color (point-color)]
#:point-fill-color [point-fill-color 'auto]
#:point-size [point-size (label-point-size)]
#:point-line-width [point-line-width (point-line-width)]
#:point-sym [point-sym 'fullcircle]
#:alpha [alpha (label-alpha)])
(define fail/kw (make-raise-keyword-error 'point-label))
[(not (rational? size)) (fail/kw "rational?" '#:size size)]
[(not (rational? angle)) (fail/kw "rational?" '#:angle angle)]
[(not (rational? point-size)) (fail/kw "rational?" '#:point-size point-size)]
[(not (rational? point-line-width)) (fail/kw "rational?" '#:point-line-width point-line-width)]
[(or (> alpha 1) (not (rational? alpha))) (fail/kw "real in [0,1]" '#:alpha alpha)]
(let ([v (sequence-head-vector 'point-label v 2)])
(match-define (vector x y) v)
(renderer2d (vector (ivl x x) (ivl y y)) #f #f
label v color size face family anchor angle
point-color (cond [(eq? point-fill-color 'auto) (->pen-color point-color)]
[else point-fill-color])
point-size point-line-width point-sym
(:: parametric-label
(->* [(-> Real (Sequenceof Real)) Real]
[(U String #f)
#:color Plot-Color
#:size Nonnegative-Real
#:face (U String #f)
#:family Font-Family
#:anchor Anchor
#:angle Real
#:point-color Plot-Color
#:point-fill-color (U Plot-Color 'auto)
#:point-size Nonnegative-Real
#:point-line-width Nonnegative-Real
#:point-sym Point-Sym
#:alpha Nonnegative-Real]
(define (parametric-label
f t [label #f]
#:color [color (plot-foreground)]
#:size [size (plot-font-size)]
#:face [face (plot-font-face)]
#:family [family (plot-font-family)]
#:anchor [anchor (label-anchor)]
#:angle [angle (label-angle)]
#:point-color [point-color (point-color)]
#:point-fill-color [point-fill-color 'auto]
#:point-size [point-size (label-point-size)]
#:point-line-width [point-line-width (point-line-width)]
#:point-sym [point-sym 'fullcircle]
#:alpha [alpha (label-alpha)])
[(not (rational? t)) (raise-argument-error 'parametric-label "rational?" 1 f t label)]
(sequence-head-vector 'parametric-label (f t) 2)
#:color color #:size size #:face face #:family family #:anchor anchor #:angle angle
#:point-color point-color #:point-fill-color point-fill-color #:point-size point-size
#:point-line-width point-line-width #:point-sym point-sym
#:alpha alpha)]))
(:: polar-label
(->* [(-> Real Real) Real]
[(U String #f)
#:color Plot-Color
#:size Nonnegative-Real
#:face (U String #f)
#:family Font-Family
#:anchor Anchor
#:angle Real
#:point-color Plot-Color
#:point-fill-color (U Plot-Color 'auto)
#:point-size Nonnegative-Real
#:point-line-width Nonnegative-Real
#:point-sym Point-Sym
#:alpha Nonnegative-Real]
(define (polar-label
f θ [label #f]
#:color [color (plot-foreground)]
#:size [size (plot-font-size)]
#:face [face (plot-font-face)]
#:family [family (plot-font-family)]
#:anchor [anchor (label-anchor)]
#:angle [angle (label-angle)]
#:point-color [point-color (point-color)]
#:point-fill-color [point-fill-color 'auto]
#:point-size [point-size (label-point-size)]
#:point-line-width [point-line-width (point-line-width)]
#:point-sym [point-sym 'fullcircle]
#:alpha [alpha (label-alpha)])
[(not (rational? θ)) (raise-argument-error 'polar-label "rational?" 1 f θ label)]
(polar->cartesian θ (f θ)) label
#:color color #:size size #:face face #:family family #:anchor anchor #:angle angle
#:point-color point-color #:point-fill-color point-fill-color #:point-size point-size
#:point-line-width point-line-width #:point-sym point-sym
#:alpha alpha)]))
(:: function-label
(->* [(-> Real Real) Real]
[(U String #f)
#:color Plot-Color
#:size Nonnegative-Real
#:face (U String #f)
#:family Font-Family
#:anchor Anchor
#:angle Real
#:point-color Plot-Color
#:point-fill-color (U Plot-Color 'auto)
#:point-size Nonnegative-Real
#:point-line-width Nonnegative-Real
#:point-sym Point-Sym
#:alpha Nonnegative-Real]
(define (function-label
f x [label #f]
#:color [color (plot-foreground)]
#:size [size (plot-font-size)]
#:face [face (plot-font-face)]
#:family [family (plot-font-family)]
#:anchor [anchor (label-anchor)]
#:angle [angle (label-angle)]
#:point-color [point-color (point-color)]
#:point-fill-color [point-fill-color 'auto]
#:point-size [point-size (label-point-size)]
#:point-line-width [point-line-width (point-line-width)]
#:point-sym [point-sym 'fullcircle]
#:alpha [alpha (label-alpha)])
[(not (rational? x)) (raise-argument-error 'function-label "rational" 1 f x label)]
(vector x (f x)) label
#:color color #:size size #:face face #:family family #:anchor anchor #:angle angle
#:point-color point-color #:point-fill-color point-fill-color #:point-size point-size
#:point-line-width point-line-width #:point-sym point-sym
#:alpha alpha)]))
(:: inverse-label
(->* [(-> Real Real) Real]
[(U String #f)
#:color Plot-Color
#:size Nonnegative-Real
#:face (U String #f)
#:family Font-Family
#:anchor Anchor
#:angle Real
#:point-color Plot-Color
#:point-fill-color (U Plot-Color 'auto)
#:point-size Nonnegative-Real
#:point-line-width Nonnegative-Real
#:point-sym Point-Sym
#:alpha Nonnegative-Real]
(define (inverse-label
f y [label #f]
#:color [color (plot-foreground)]
#:size [size (plot-font-size)]
#:face [face (plot-font-face)]
#:family [family (plot-font-family)]
#:anchor [anchor (label-anchor)]
#:angle [angle (label-angle)]
#:point-color [point-color (point-color)]
#:point-fill-color [point-fill-color 'auto]
#:point-size [point-size (label-point-size)]
#:point-line-width [point-line-width (point-line-width)]
#:point-sym [point-sym 'fullcircle]
#:alpha [alpha (label-alpha)])
[(not (rational? y)) (raise-argument-error 'inverse-label "rational?" 1 f y label)]
(vector (f y) y) label
#:color color #:size size #:face face #:family family #:anchor anchor #:angle angle
#:point-color point-color #:point-fill-color point-fill-color #:point-size point-size
#:point-line-width point-line-width #:point-sym point-sym
#:alpha alpha)]))
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