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Simple script to select a world and send it, via the clipboard, to Notepad. Then restore the clipbaord
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#Requires Autohotkey v2.0+
F9:: ;F9 triggers the script
ClipOld:=ClipboardAll() ;bcckup Clipboard to restore later
A_Clipboard:="" ;blank clipboard
Send "^+{left}" ;Send Control Shift Left arrow (will often select word )
sleep 100 ;Just waiting a bit
Send "^c" ;Sending Control+c / Copy
if !ClipWait(1,0) ;waiting up to 1 second for text to be pushed into the clipboard.
{ ;If no text is sent to clipboard
MsgBox "No text was copied. Try again" ;Let user know
return ;Stop from moving forward
If WinExist("ahk_exe Notepad.exe") ;Checking to see if Notepad is running
WinActivate() ; Use the window found by WinExist.
Run "Notepad.exe" ;Launch Notepad
WinWaitActive("Untitled - Notepad") ;waiting for Notepad to exist and be active
Send "^v`n" ;Send paste and the New line (so it will automatically move down one line)
Sleep 500 ;best to wait after pasting before restoring the Clipboard
A_Clipboard:=ClipOld ;Restore original clipboard
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