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Created August 7, 2019 22:32
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Check the validity of your Wireshark config files after editing them.
"""Check the validity of your Wireshark config files after editing them.
Part of Ross Jacobs, 2019-08-07.
import re
import os
def gen_regexes():
"""Generate the regex dictionary."""
ws = r'\s+' # whitespace
name = r'(?:[^\s]*)'
# Comment is always optional
comment = r'(?: *# ?.*)?'
yaml_key = r'(?:[\s\S]+?)(?=>\n\S)'
# Capture/Display Filter
ws_filter = r'(?:[^@\n]+?)'
# Colorfilter color consisting of 3 comma-separated values, 0-65535
color = r'\[(?:\d{1,5}),(?:\d{1,5}),(?:\d{1,5})]'
mac_addr = r'(?:[a-fA-F0-9]{2}[.:-]){5}[a-fA-F0-9]{2}'
oui = r'(?:[a-fA-F0-9]{2}[.:-]){2}[a-fA-F0-9]{2}'
ip_addr = r'(?:[\d\.]*|[\d:]*)'
cidr = r'\/\d{1,3}'
domain = r'[0-9A-Za-z.]+'
service = r'\d+\/\S+'
ipx = r'(?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[:.-]){3}[a-fA-F0-9]{2}|[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}'
vlan = r'(?:\d{1,4})'
ss7 = r'(?:[0-9-]+)'
# Don't start regex with newlines as Python's readline drops it.
line_regexes = {
"preferences": name + ': ?' + yaml_key,
"recent": name + ws + ws_filter + comment,
"cfilters": '"' + name + '"' + ws + ws_filter + comment,
"dfilters": '"' + name + '"' + ws + ws_filter + comment,
"colorfilters": '@' + name + '@' + ws_filter + '@' + color + color,
"disabled_protos": name,
"ethers": mac_addr + ws + name + comment,
"manuf": oui + ws + name + comment,
"hosts": ip_addr + ws + domain + comment,
"services": domain + ws + service + comment,
"subnets": ip_addr + cidr + ws + name + comment,
"ipxnets": ipx + ws + name + comment,
"vlans": vlan + ws + name + comment,
"ss7pcs": ss7 + ws + name + comment
return line_regexes
def readfile(filename, f, line_regexes):
"""Read the file and output data based on it."""
message = ""
line_comment = r'(?:^|\n)#.*'
line = f.readline()
invalid_syntax = False
count = 1
while line:
regex = '(' + line_comment + '|' + line_regexes[filename] + '|\n)'
if not re.findall(regex, line):
message += filename + ": Invalid syntax found on line: `" \
+ line + "` \nAt line num " + count + \
" using regex `" + regex + "`"
invalid_syntax = True
count += 1
line = f.readline()
if not invalid_syntax:
message += filename + ": ✓"
return message
def main():
"""Main func."""
line_regexes = gen_regexes()
files_not_found = []
found_configs = []
dir_files = os.listdir(".")
if os.path.basename(os.getcwd()).lower() != "wireshark":
print("Dir is not `wireshark`.\n"
"Are you sure this is the wireshark config folder?")
for filename in line_regexes.keys():
if os.path.exists(filename):
with open(filename) as f:
file_message = readfile(filename, f, line_regexes)
if filename in dir_files:
print("Found files:\n\t" + "\n\t".join(found_configs))
print("\nExtra config files:\n\t" + "\n\t".join(dir_files))
print("\nConfig files not found:\n\t" + "\n\t".join(files_not_found))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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