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Created August 9, 2019 22:05
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This script will print the header, packet headers, packets, and the footer for any format.
"""This script will print the header, packet headers, packets, and the footer for any format."""
import subprocess as sp
import re
import os
def create_pcap():
if not os.path.exists("temp.pcapng"):["tshark", "-w", "temp.pcapng", "-c", "3"])
return "temp.pcapng"
def get_hexdump(filename):
output = sp.check_output(["xxd", "-ps", filename], text=True)
return re.sub(r"\s", "", output)
def get_pcap_header_footer(filename):
"""Get a combination of header/footer from the file."""
capture_type_text = sp.check_output(["captype", filename], text=True)
capture_type = re.findall(r"[^:]*: (.*)", capture_type_text)[0]["tshark", "-r", filename, "-F", capture_type, "-Y", "ipx", "-w", "temp.file"])
header = get_hexdump("temp.file")
return header
def get_packets(filename):
packet_text = sp.check_output(["tshark", "-r", filename, "-x"], text=True)
packets = packet_text.split("\n\n") # tshark outputs new packets on a newline
packets = list(filter(None, packets))
for i, _ in enumerate(packets):
# Delete the bytes that are not part of the packet
packets[i] = re.sub(r"(?:^|\n)\d* | .*| ", "", packets[i])
return packets
def run():
message = ""
filename = create_pcap()
hexdump = get_hexdump(filename)
pcap_header_footer = get_pcap_header_footer(filename)
packets = get_packets(filename)
pkt0 =[0], hexdump)
message += "Packet 0:\n" + packets[0] + "\n\n"
hexdump_remainder = hexdump[pkt0.end():]
for i, packet in enumerate(packets):
packet_match =, hexdump_remainder)
packet_header = hexdump_remainder[:packet_match.start()]
message += "Packet Header " + str(1) + ":\n" + packet_header + '\n\n'
message += "Packet " + str(1) + ":\n" + packet + '\n\n'
hexdump_remainder = hexdump_remainder[packet_match.end():]
header_search =, pcap_header_footer)
header = hexdump[:header_search.start()]
message += "Header+packet0 header:\n" + header + "\n\n" + "Footer:\n", hexdump_remainder
if __name__ == '__main__':
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